He needed at least a RED tie !
He needed at least a RED tie !
or a blazer with a Ferrari badge on it....but he is SIR Lewis the Great....he IS bigger then Ferrari
I would have worn a red tie myself. Other than that, he looks very formal and very classy. Love the trenchcoat as well.
It's nothing outlandish that's for sure.
It's not how start but how you finish.
Here come the "vogue" fashion members on the forum I guess....
There are some days that you know you’ll remember forever and today, my first as a Ferrari driver, is one of those days. I’ve been lucky enough to have achieved things in my career I never thought possible, but part of me has always held on to that dream of racing in red. I couldn’t be happier to realise that dream today.
Today we start a new era in the history of this iconic team, and I can’t wait to see what story we will write together.
Forza Ferrari
Lewis getting an 8 th WDC and FERRARI a WCC will be respected by fans & teams for both Ferrari having the car and Lewis the skill and desire to do it with FERRARI !! I'm hoping for it to happen this season. He surely will have earned his PAY !
Last edited by Brembo; 20th January 2025 at 18:32.
Last edited by FerrariF60; 20th January 2025 at 18:29.
So silly this versus thing already.
Caring too much who will win it or that, we need TOGETHER to bring this WCC first and a WDC for one of our guys.
We are all in this together and we have to prevail. US against them now, we are in the same boat to put Ferrari ahead, to get Ferrari the ultimate glory again.
We are with you now to win, TO WIN, if it is with Charles we will support better than some in the past. But we are coming TO WIN, to exalt Ferrari.
Charles has another 12 to 15 years ahead of him driving F1 cars. I certainly wish him the best esp. if he stays with Ferrari' There are fans here already having Lewis washed up @40 , He's only in F1 to sell hats and shirts with # 44 !! WCC should be on the way with 2 best drivers @ Ferrari.
"If someone said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my second to be in Formula 1, my third to drive for Ferrari" - Gilles Villeneuve
Lewis will get that 8t if Ferrari has the car to do it. A WCC comes with the deal. Washed up and selling hats and shirts; Lewis is still the GOAT and Ferrari goes along with him as far as his future success ! A WCC will count even if Lewis is a part of it. Lewis haters.. beware !!Charles has plenty of F1 time left to make the Big Time! He's right up there with the best !
Leclerc has been canonized by the tifosi.
Hamilton has to earn his place amongst the tifosi first on the track.
It's not how start but how you finish.
OMG he has arrived what an entrance and a fanfair by Ferrari.
It was refreshing to see he got out of his rapper gear and dressed for the occasion.
I thought it was Enzo or maybe the Godfather!!!!!!!
As far as I can recollect Michael, Kimi, Nano & Seb just arrived at Ferrari possibly through the backdoor!!!!!!!
Now we wait and see if he lives up to the hype.
Forza Jules
Be interesting to see if he is putting in any extra effort. He never seemed particular fond of preseason.
But Cullen is back.
OK ! I just hope he doesn't leave F1 without at least 1 WDC . He deserves the title ! And Lewis deserves his 8th. But for Masi he'd already be retired.
Rumors are swirling that Angela Cullen has reunited with Lewis Hamilton at Ferrari.
It's not how start but how you finish.
Lewis will brink Ferrari up where they belong with WCC points and maybe.... an 8th WDC for him. and a great incentive for Charles to be at his best every race. I don't see Charles leaving F1 anytime soon ; he's where all driver want to be ; Ferrari !! His pay ain't that bad either !
Last edited by Brembo; 21st January 2025 at 13:26.
Tifosi are outside the test track at Fiorano a day early.
Mechanics are preparing Hamiltons car inside the garage at the Fiorano test track.
It's not how start but how you finish.
Here's a link of Lewis Hamilton's test tomorrow at Fiorano as a Ferrari driver. IF YOU'RE NOT IN ITALY, you'll need a VPN to fully watch Hamilton in red from 11:00am local time. (Italian time)
It's not how start but how you finish.
Lewis Hamilton for the first time in a red F1 Ferrari suit.
It's not how start but how you finish.