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Thread: 2024 British Grand Prix - Race Thread

  1. #181
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by aroutis View Post
    Maybe they should just switch them to Charles and see what happens.
    Carlos is on his way out.
    There you go again, dividing the team into 2.

    Just admit you are a driver fan only.
    Forza Ferrari

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Rishu View Post
    Lap 17:

    Bozzi Carlos 32.5.
    Bozzi Turn 15 [Stowe] wet. Leader still staying out.

    Lap 18

    Bozzi And back to mode ‘race’. This should last another three, four laps. And lap times are still for slicks. Inters is one minute 40.
    Bozzi Heavy rain in the pit lane, class two to three.
    Leclerc How long will it last?
    Bozzi Another 10 minutes later. Leaders still staying out.
    Leclerc Get ready.

    Lap 19

    Bozzi We expect this to be the heaviest. And 10 minutes like this.
    Leclerc At Village, Box.
    Bozzi Copy.
    Leclerc My rears are… I’m struggling like crazy with the rears. Wait a second before boxing because part of the track is fully dry.
    Leclerc Box, box.
    Bozzi Copy, box. We box for inters. Leader still staying out. And target seven

    Pretty clear, it was Charles's call and info he was given was not incorrect.

    Lap 17: "Leaders are staying out"
    Lap 18: "And lap times are still for slicks. Inters is one minute 40."
    Lap 18: "Heavy rain in the pit lane, class two to three." (he does not mention the track and Silverstone is a big track, only a driver would know which part of the track is wet or dry)
    Lap 18: "Another 10 minutes later. Leaders still staying out." (This is repeat of Lap 17 msg)
    Lap 18: Leclerc: "Get ready" (First indication came from Lec's side)
    Lap 19: "We expect this to be the heaviest. And 10 minutes like this" (10 minutes is repeat msg that rain will not last too long)
    Lap 19:Leclerc: At Village, Box" (Second call, again from Lec)
    Lap19: Leclerc: "My rears are… I’m struggling like crazy with the rears. Wait a second before boxing because part of the track is fully dry." (He knew rain was only for 10 minutes and part of the track was still dry)
    Lap19: Leclerc: "Box, box." (Third call from Charles"
    Lap 19: "Copy, box. We box for inters. Leader still staying out. And target seven" (This is the third time he was told leaders are staying out)

    I don't understand how could this be blamed on the pitwall?
    It puzzles me how people are failing to see this. It's right here for everyone to see, yet people still miss it.

    Can someone please highlight a portion in the quoted post above where Charles is being given the wrong information?

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tifosi1993 View Post
    It's quite simple actually. Charles had been told that it would be 10 minutes of bad weather, either class 2 or 3, Carlos on the other hand being told that rain intensity would only last for 2 laps. Charles was informed that rain intensity would be increasing, Carlos being told that intensity would be reducing.
    Both race engineers were looking at the same weather radar, yet giving totally different verbal updates.

    Class 2: Moderate rainfall
    Class 3: Heavy rainfall

    So, I were the driver and I had been told that either moderate/heavy rainfall would pressist for next 10 minutes, I would've definitely taken the inters. That's why I thought Ferrari made the right decision by pitting Charles for inters, based on Bozzi's instructions.
    You are so wrong.
    The class 2 or 3 rain was said to be IN THE PIT LANE, not the entire track. Did you not read that part??? Did you also fail to see that on the same lap that Charlse was told about the class 2/3 rain in the pit lane, he was also told that THE CURRENT CONDITIONS ARE FOR SLICKS (Lap 18). Did you not read that part either? To add to that, he was further told that the current conditions (the ones that are suited for slicks) are THE WORST IT WILL GET, meaning it will not get worse than this. Did you not read that part either??? All this talk about the rain intensity increasing and the track getting wetter is NOWHERE in the transcript. Absolutely nowhere.

  4. #184
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by PURE PASSION View Post
    The drivers job is 1stly andore important to drive a car given, as fast as they can ,faster then anybody body else . This is by 90% what makes a good driver, better the the others.
    2nd more important characteristic is to give a more detailed feedback to the engineers to set the car up better or for an upgrade path etc.
    Then there are the others like can read the track faster or better for a strategy.
    But the last ones (the ones that we are arguing in the lasts posts) is the 5 ? 10%? that will influence a result, and a result mostly to and up 5th to 10th.
    This to me is totally irrelevant.
    We can argue all day if Lec did a good job in 2-3,5 races, but right now it's not our problem.
    Our problem is that the team have to deliver a competitive car (all year) almost 15 years!!!!
    That's OUR PROBLEM guys not if Lec is a champion material or not. Put Ves or Ham or whatever you want on this car and they will deliver 3-4 better results ,mostly out of the podium. SO WHAT??!!!
    Let's wait if and when our team design a fast car that keep successfully update it through the year, and if then Lec keep doing mistakes and looses opportunities, and then 1st will say that he is not good enough.
    Admittedly, you are correct and I agree.

  5. #185
    Join Date
    May 2014
    New York
    Lewis is #! in giving feedback to engineers . Will they be happy or sad about that?


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