View Poll Results: Should F1 go racing?

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  • Yes

    18 69.23%
  • No

    8 30.77%
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Thread: Poll: Should F1 go racing?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Poll: Should F1 go racing?


    I hope everyone on the forum is keeping well under the current climate.

    Over the last few weeks, I think some topics have definately been witness to some heated discussion.

    I would like to ask your honest opinions, would you like to see F1 race under the current ongoing pandemic?

    We all have our opinions, but as a part of my profession, I have definitely seen the lack of respect people have for each other. Within the same time frame, I have also witnessed some absolutely spectacular lengths people have gone to help others.

    For a second, forget F1 the Business... and poll which option fits you best!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    West Mids
    Personally speaking... yes I think F1 should go racing but behind closed doors. Team personnel and drivers should also be tested prior to arrival at the track and anyone positive excluded. The teams would need to have reserve drivers and other staff on hand to deputise for those excluded.

    Unfortunately this virus will be around for a while and we all need to adapt. If F1 can do it safely, which I think they can, they should go ahead

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Sorry, i was trying to make this into a Poll, unsuccessful! Lol, better luck next time, i guess.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    towradgi beach
    What ever it takes etc etc just get the cars on to a starting grid.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Easy for me to say yes when I can sit in the house and not be at any more risk than these guys would be, also have to consider not just all the teams etc but marshalls and medical people etc.

    I belive it will start up soon enough though.
    Forza Ferrari

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Its pointless to have races without Fans. And having stadia full of people is not really a smart thing at the moment.

    I voted no. I rather we deal with this virus and get it done with in one painful year, than have it recurring and ruining more years and more lives.
    Silently, like a shadow

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Toronto, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormsearcher View Post
    Its pointless to have races without Fans. And having stadia full of people is not really a smart thing at the moment.

    I voted no. I rather we deal with this virus and get it done with in one painful year, than have it recurring and ruining more years and more lives.
    I think we need to test the car that we built to help with next years program. I voted yes to racing, how many of us visit races every year? Yet we all watch it and enjoy it on TV. Lets get some empty races going this year and hopefully return to "normal" for 2021.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Corpus Christi Tx
    Racing will commence in 50 days time.

    Yes, it will be without spectators.

    They HAVE to race...especially the "smaller" teams.
    It's not how start but how you finish.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I am just not convinced..... and have very much mixed feeling about this.

    I would love to see some racing, so lets get that out of the way!

    And here comes the but(s)-

    1. In comparison to a Football game.... two teams plus support staff attending games, plus TV and officials may only be about the size of 3-4average F1 teams.

    In the case of Bundesliga, they would only travel within Germany.

    Where as F1, would need Marshalls, track maintenance, FIA officials, suport staff, team personnel, Caravans, etc. All of these are moving entities and thus being potential vectors across international borders. By the time a team member comes back tested positive, they may have already passed it on to a number of others.

    2. Healthcare systems and a closed biosphere - Healthcare resources such as doctors, hospitals, nurses etc are already quite strected and exhausted. There is an argument to say, institutions such as the NHS Nightingale have been shut down and thus its not as much of a risk. But why knowingly try to burden an already exhausted system.

    The current R value in the UK is hovering aroung 0.7, thus saying thr avegare COVID-19 positive patient can tranmit it to 0.7 people in an open envioirment. Not imagine a closed envioirment or biosphere such as F1 is reconsidering, its not different than the closed enviourment than a residence or a nursing home.

    If a member of a household has tested positive, everyone in that residence has been advised to self isolate, as the infection rate gurantees everyone will get infected. This is also seen in Nursing homes where even today 100s are infected daily and 100s continuento perish.

    Thus a closed biosphere does not gurantee safety.

    Another point to consider, healthcare staff are litreally at breaking point and why should they be subjected to additional stress to attend to someone who chose to driver around at 100s of MPH for entertainment.

    If drivers sign a waiver to say, they agree to not request medical attention at the time of a crash... this will be a null and moot point!

    3. External factors - F1 can only have a false sense of a closed biosphere.

    I say this as the teams are still going to have to come into contact with the outside world. I mean they may fly private, but are they flying out their portaloos with them? What about the external contractors, who will police them. They could prove direct or indirect vectors.

    4 - People can be really Dim - I have worked straight for 12 weeks now. Seeing people on a day to day basis. I continue to have the opportunity to witness the lack of understanding in the general public of the current climate in a daily basis. My team and I have atleast a handful of people walk into our business after reading the 4 foot tall Do Not Enter if you have the symptoms poster and cough into our faces, on a weekly basis. I have had 3 members of my team infected, out of 7.

    If F1 races and travels the world/Europe, it will give the rest of the world a false sense of security.

    Just look at England. Its been a week since lockdown as eased and the 1st day of good weather has resulted in the country flocking to the sunny beaches. The government may be at fault here for saying people were free to travel, but humans are selfish. Such flocking and increase in population densities can easily result in another spike. Hence London was worst hit during thr crisis

    Another case also could be that people may flock to race tracks in the odd hope of getting a glimpe or free stuff or anything for that matter. Again this is not essential travel and may cause another spike.

    In my opinion just because people can read, does not mean they can comprehend.

    5. Special Treatment to F1 staff - just because they have sprcial needs!

    Asking the UK government to exempt F1 personnel from the 2 week isolation upon entry is just a daft idea. Are F1 personnel imunento COVID-19? Why should they be treated any diffent from you or me arriving at a UK port in this say and age.

    These are just some of the thoughts going through my head at this point in time. I just dont see the point in taking the risk. May be as a nature of my job, i am too close to it. But i can certainly say Liverty and the FIA are seeing the fat pay cheque coming their way rather than considering all the points they need to to runa safe grandprix.

    If they were desperate to oblige contracts, i would be going to Paul Ricard and running the season there with an new layout every other weekend, minimizing any risk.

    Now beyond this i get the fact smaller teams need the money. But in such a capatalist world, i am sure they have some act of god clause, so all they need to worry about is the loss of income from points.

    As most of these companies as based in the UK, i am sure they can use the furlough scheme to ease their pain and account any loss in income. Red Bull and Ferrari certainly have the financial space to not have to worry sbout this. Also the future budget cuts, creates a additional financial space and not having to develop a new car for 2021 will help. So this is not a concern from where i standz but i am not an expert so please dont judge me.

    Lastly, noting seems have been learned from the AUS cancellation. Information, direction and decision making are still not Liberty's or the FIAs strong points.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Athens, Greece
    Not an easy answer. Will there be an interest from tv fans ?
    Keep in mind that with no fans in venues there will be a dramatic decrease in income for the rings and f1.
    What about the sponsors ?
    There is a mess here.
    So in short and as much as I might not like the answer , it is of paramount importance there is some sort of racing before sponsors start to lose patience...

    Sent from my SM-N975F using Tapatalk
    "If someone said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my second to be in Formula 1, my third to drive for Ferrari" - Gilles Villeneuve

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Stockholm, Sweden
    I wonder if it would be possible to split up the on-track race personnel into two groups? The first one going to Austria and then the second one going to the next double-header (where that may be) and then the first one to the third venue and so on. That way they would have time to to test both groups and quarantine staff if needed. That along with running two races at every venue in back-to-back weekends with one week off between countries. Anyway, I voted yes for races without spectators. The integrity of the championship must be maintained and that's also why english football will restart soon, at least the PL, the Championship and maybe League One.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    'Yes', the teams should start racing again, the season must start.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2014
    New York
    ASAP ! Years ago 10 races was normal.


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