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Thread: 2020 Australian GP: Practices & Qualifying

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by SS454 View Post
    The next one will be worse. I don't think people realize the economic impact this is having and going to have.
    The next one is probably going to be even worse, yes. But if asians, and especially the chinese, stop eating bats and do not become hosts and carriers for all the toxins bats carry around then it might not happen again. But them eating that perticular animal will never stop. It's been going on for centuries. It was OK when China was isolated from the world. Then David Rockefeller told Nixon and Kissinger in the early 1970s to go and visit Mao and try and open China up and they did and that's what we have now. Globalization. Their middle class, because of all the jobs transfered from the western world to them, have made it possible for them to go as tourists anywhere, and they do. Then we in the west travel the opposite way to make more business and the dance of death just goes on.

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Godric's Hollow
    Well...when we talk about 'the west' it mainly means the USA. You can add Germany, France, UK...and maybe Canada as well, and that's about it. And I know European countries, both eastern and western, consider themselves as part of the group known as 'the west', and on paper maybe they are, but realistically they aren't.

    Take Sweden for example, pretty much irreverent on world stage. They never had the military, economy and political power to influence the world politics, nor they ever will be. They're the favorite punching bag of US conservatives...and that's about it.

    China, even during 70's, was far more influential than Sweden ever was or ever be. And it was only a matter of time, considering their huge population and relatively cheap labor and manufacturing sector, they're bound to become the power house they're now today. And they will continue to become even more powerful. And it's not just China, pretty much every country from south asia to south east asia are on the rise, and Japan and South Korea, two of the Asian powerhouses, are on the decline, like their european counterparts.

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Belgrade, Serbia
    Personaly I am not conspiracy theory guy, but you all still think this is some snake bite frog and than some guy eat that frog and become sick?! I don't think so....

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I wonder how many people are carrying on as normal but may be carrying the virus without realising it, the number being diagnosed as having the virus are only those who have been tested. How can the numbers quoted be in any way accurate? This whole scenario will be the end for many businesses in 2020 as well as the lives of the poor old souls who contract the virus. Losing the first half of the F1 season is disappointing and depressing but the situation is so fluid that we should be prepared for anything.

  5. #155
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Kitchener, CANADA
    Quote Originally Posted by stefa View Post
    Personaly I am not conspiracy theory guy, but you all still think this is some snake bite frog and than some guy eat that frog and become sick?! I don't think so....
    I personally think that this virus was brewed in some lab in China....same as the ones in the past....sars, n1h2.....etc
    So 2023 started off bad, but managed to claw back some lap time come end of the year. Lets hope SF24 will give us tifosi something to smile about.

  6. #156
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    hong kong
    Quote Originally Posted by FerrariF60 View Post
    I personally think that this virus was brewed in some lab in China....same as the ones in the past....sars, n1h2.....etc
    At this point it's all speculation, but there was a rumour about some of the animals (test subjects in the lab) being illegally sold to the vendors at the wuhan market instead of putting them down like they were instructed.

  7. #157
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I'm sorry guys but you're talking so much nonsense. There is NO conspiracy! This event was predicted by so many people (watch Ted talk by Bill gates, also the movie contigion) it should be a question why humanity didn't do anything to prepare for this scenario. I guess it's much easier to blame and point fingers at China. I mean the bubonic plage was blamed on the Jews so we must find the culprit. An engineered virus has markers that is easily detected and covid19 has none. First rule of designing bio- weapon, have a vaccine! Otherwise, your own people are suceptible as your enemy.
    We are all witnessing the biggest human experiment ever conducted. Every country is dealing with the epidemic differently. Hopefully, we'll learn from it and adapt.

    Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

  8. #158
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by stefa View Post
    Personaly I am not conspiracy theory guy, but you all still think this is some snake bite frog and than some guy eat that frog and become sick?! I don't think so....
    There's no conspiracy, only cultural stupidity. A very long and informative article below for everyone to read.

    How China’s “Bat Woman” Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus

    “Eating wildlife has been part of the cultural tradition in southern China” for thousands of years, Daszak says. “It won’t change overnight.”


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