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Thread: 2020 Pre-season Testing Thread

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    2020 Pre-season Testing Thread

    7 of the cleverest deceptions in F1 testing history

    “All warfare is based on deception,” wrote Sun Tzu in his famous military strategy treatise, The Art of War – and what is Formula 1 if not the ultimate sporting war, made up as it is of chivalric fighters backed by armies of people whose one goal is the crushing defeat of the opposition.

    Pre-season testing is the first chance each year for battle to commence, with teams using all sorts of tricks over the years to outsmart one another and gain a psychological advantage ahead of the first race.

    But what are those tricks? To find out, we’ve enlisted our resident poacher-turned-gamekeeper Pat Symonds, Chief Technical Officer of F1's Motorsports Division, to help us delve into the devious world of F1’s cleverest testing deceptions.

    1. Glory running

    Glory running is perhaps the oldest trick in the book, but it’s proven to be an effective ruse for fooling sponsors – which is usually the point of the exercise...

    Basically, while everyone’s pounding around the test circuit at a reasonable pace, your glory running team will put a tiny amount of fuel into their car, send it out and try to set a lap time that sets tongues wagging – and sponsors reaching for their chequebooks.

    “There's no doubt,” says Symonds, “that particularly in the pre-hybrid days, when it was possible to make a car that was well under the weight limit and then add ballast, there were definitely people in testing doing that, sponsor-hunting.

    “There were many instances where, in the perceived pecking order in testing, someone was standing out and you’d think, ‘Wow, they really have improved’ – and then you’d get to race one and they’d be back to where you'd expect them to be!”

    The Prost team’s 2001 testing exploits are perhaps the most renowned example of glory running, with Jean Alesi setting some lightning quick times in the Ferrari-engined AP04, only to arrive in Melbourne and qualify some three seconds adrift of Michael Schumacher’s works Ferrari…

    Another famous example was Eddie Jordan’s first F1 effort, the beautiful 191, which went like a rocket in winter testing, before the cars then dropped back when it was time to go racing.

    2. Sandbagging

    On the other end of the scale from glory running, you have sandbagging, where teams deliberately underperform in testing.

    “Sometimes in the team, we’d decide that we didn’t want other people to know where we were in the pecking order,” says Symonds, recalling his time at the likes of Renault and Williams. “And the simplest deception, really, is just hiding your lap times.”

    There are a number of tricks teams can use to achieve this – but Symonds had two favourites during his career on F1’s frontline.

    “The clever people would do a qualifying simulation in testing with just that little bit extra fuel, say around 10 kgs, which is worth about 0.3s,” he says. “And that's where you’d get that sort of, ‘Were they or weren't they?’

    “The other thing that we used to do at Renault a lot was to never really do a complete lap flat-out. Particularly in those days when you didn't have all the sector timing during testing, we would split the circuit up into sectors, and drive two of the three sectors flat-out and another one slowly, and then go slow in sector one and quick in two and three, to try and just disguise where we were and yet be able to take the car to its limit.”

    But that begs the question: why would anyone care about hiding their lap times – especially if they were looking quick?

    In 2009, the Brawn team had a very good reason. Brawn’s BGP 001 was famously so fast at winter testing at the Circuit de Catalunya that the team looked for ways to slow the car down to avoid an early backlash over the car’s controversial double diffuser system – with little success…

    “As soon as we saw it delivering those lap times,” the team’s then Chief Strategist James Vowles revealed in a recent interview with ESPN, “and that other people were not even close to touching it, we literally tanked it up, put more ballast on and then ran it that way for the rest of the week.

    “A lot of people just came to the conclusion that we were doing glory runs, not knowing that actually, we were running every bit of metal we could on the car to slow it down!”

    3. Trompe-l'oeil

    Red Bull’s 2010 RB6 was the car that would give the team their first ever drivers’ and constructors’ titles. Key to that success was the car’s ‘blown diffuser’ system, a cunningly simple design where the hot exhaust gases from the engine were pushed directly onto the car’s diffuser, providing a juicy chunk of extra downforce.

    So, keen to keep their trick exhaust under wraps, Red Bull turned up to 2010 testing in Valencia with a bizarre addition to the RB6’s paintwork: a pair of dummy stickers, one on each side of the engine cover, appearing to show conventionally-placed exhausts and drawing attention away from the real exhaust system lurking lower down on the car. That was an especially important consideration, when rival teams regularly employ spy photographers to snap clever bits on their competitors’ cars...

    So, exhaust stickers… a stroke of genius, no? Er, no, says Symonds…

    “I didn’t think it was genius,” he remembers with a chuckle. “I thought it was quite amusing, and very transparent.

    “It was almost a bit of fun, and I don't even think that Red Bull did it particularly seriously because it was reasonably obvious. When the car's first launched, you're on the internet looking at the pictures and you think, ‘Oh, gosh, that's unusual’. So because it's unusual, you go and look at it in the pit lane – and then you say, ‘Oh, okay, now I see!’”

    4. Misdirection

    Williams enjoyed a purple patch at the start of the turbo-hybrid era, as they used their class-leading Mercedes power units to finish third in the constructors’ championships in 2014 and 2015. The 2015 FW37 was a particularly rapid car at the start of races (remember Felipe Massa romping into the lead at that year’s British Grand Prix?) – and it turns out that there was a very good reason for that, one which the team went to great lengths to keep secret at the time.

    “When I was at Williams, we developed an onboard wheel rim heating device, and it was very sophisticated,” says Symonds. “We ran it for a long, long while, and no one really knew what we were doing.

    “A lot of people couldn't really figure out why, for example, after a Safety Car, or on a first lap particularly, we had really good tyre performance. Well, the reason was our wheels were a lot hotter than anyone else's!”

    F1 is the most technologically advanced sport on the planet. But while Williams’ method of heating the wheel rims was indeed sophisticated, their method for keeping it under wraps during testing and the races… wasn’t.

    “We actually called it the ‘Default’ device,” recalls Symonds. “‘Default’ was a word that meant nothing, so we could quite happily talk over the radio and tell the driver to put it into ‘Default 4’.

    “There were also a couple of extra controls in the cockpit that if someone had looked at them, they might have wondered what they were – but even those, we put a label on that said 'Brakes' or something like that, so that people would think they were something other than they were.”

    5. Camouflage

    Inspiration can come in many forms – and for their 2015 car’s testing livery, Red Bull took a creative lead from World War I battleships’ ‘dazzle paint’ concept to try and conceal the aerodynamic lines of that year’s RB11.

    The car certainly looked cool. But while dazzle paint on battleships was used to play tricks with the enemy’s mind in the bounding waves of the mid-Atlantic, the ruse wasn’t quite so effective around Jerez – not that Symonds thinks it mattered much.

    “Red Bull are clever,” he says. “They got loads of publicity from doing this, and that's probably far more important than actually disguising some little detail from some bloke who's probably going to look at it anyway.

    “In F1, we don't go to the level of taking stereoscopic photographs and measuring from them and things like that,” he adds. “So as a deception, for me, the dazzle paint didn’t really work.”

    6. Hidden drivers

    There have been occasions over the years where it was the drivers’ identities, rather than any clever bits on the cars, that the teams wanted to keep under wraps…

    When Peter Sauber tested a contract-less 20-year-old sensation by the name of Kimi Raikkonen at Mugello in 2000, he was so paranoid about rivals Ferrari and McLaren – also present at the test – swooping in and signing up the Finn that Raikkonen was given a very fitting internal nickname.

    “Within the team, we knew he was special,” Sauber’s then-Technical Director Willy Rampf recounted to recently. “We had to find a name for the driver to keep his identity a secret. We could not say ‘this is Kimi Raikkonen’ when we were referring to him for things like the seat fit, so we called him ‘Eskimo’.”

    Meanwhile, back in 1992, photographers snapped away as Erik Comas tested his Ligier at Paul Ricard… only, it wasn’t Erik Comas. Trying to evaluate on the down-low whether he fancied a return to F1 with Ligier in 1992, Alain Prost had donned Comas’ helmet and a set of white overalls to try out the blue and white machine, keeping the helmet on and visor down even when the car stopped out on track. But when the photographers got home and developed their shots, there was no mistaking The Professor’s distinctive physiognomy…

    7. ‘Woe is us’

    To finish this list with another Sun Tzu quote, if you want to mess with your enemies’ heads, “appear weak when you are strong – and strong when you are weak”. It’s an approach that has served Mercedes well in the past few seasons – and one which was particularly in evidence in 2019 pre-season testing when, on paper at least, it appeared that Ferrari had them beat.

    “We’ve got a hill to climb,” said an apparently distrait Lewis Hamilton during the test, estimating that the Scuderia had upwards of half a second advantage over Mercedes. “This is going to be the toughest battle yet… Their pace is very, very good at the moment, so the challenge is going to be harder than ever.”

    Ten pole positions, 15 race wins and another pair of championships later, it appeared that Mercedes’ hill – if it had ever existed – had been well and truly climbed. But if fans had been fooled by Mercedes’ performance, old hands like Symonds saw through the pantomime…

    “A lot of people think testing is about performance – but performance is actually baked into the car,” he says. “Testing is really about systems, and if I dug out one of my old checklists, you'd be amazed at the number of things you had to go through to sign it off…

    “So if you go through all those sign-off phases, and you never actually get around to setting a fast lap, then there's no harm in saying, ‘Oh, gosh, we’re in trouble’…”

    So when you’re watching pre-season testing this year, make sure to keep your wits about you. Not everything you see or hear from the teams will be quite what it seems…
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  2. #2
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    Dubai, UAE
    Two-car test wouldn’t be ‘efficient’ for Ferrari

    Luigi Mazzola, formerly responsible of the test team of Ferrari, believes a two-car approach at pre-season testing wouldn’t be “efficient”.

    It was a strategy deployed by Mercedes last year as they used the two weeks of testing at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya to test different cars in each week.

    But they have confirmed already that this won’t be repeated in 2020, and Mazzola was clear that it would not be “efficient” for Ferrari to test two cars either.

    Speaking on the Pit Talk podcast, he said: ”I don’t think it’s very efficient to bring two different cars to the test with just one week in between.”

    Ferrari are hoping to mount a serious title challenge in 2020 – last year a poor first half of the season meant that by the time they had brought the SF90 up to its optimum level, the damage had already been done by Mercedes, while a fair few strategical blunders didn’t help either.

    But the stable regulations between 2019 and 2020 give hope of a continuation of what we saw last year, that being Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull ending the season closely matched.

    And the limited regulatory changes is the main reason why Mazzola sees no value in testing two cars, but said that the Scuderia did do it in the past when major alterations were made.

    “This is a usual practice, when you bring a totally renewed single-seater car on the track in all respects (hydraulic, motor, cooling, etc …), to allow a sort of break-in and verification of reliability, only after that will [the team] test a car on track with the modifications tested in the wind tunnel,” he explained.

    “Between one test session and another there are five days, but in 5 days it’s not that you can change that much.”
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by vcs316 View Post
    7 of the cleverest deceptions in F1 testing history

    “All warfare is based on deception,” wrote Sun Tzu in his famous military strategy treatise, The Art of War – and what is Formula 1 if not the ultimate sporting war, made up as it is of chivalric fighters backed by armies of people whose one goal is the crushing defeat of the opposition.

    Pre-season testing is the first chance each year for battle to commence, with teams using all sorts of tricks over the years to outsmart one another and gain a psychological advantage ahead of the first race.

    But what are those tricks? To find out, we’ve enlisted our resident poacher-turned-gamekeeper Pat Symonds, Chief Technical Officer of F1's Motorsports Division, to help us delve into the devious world of F1’s cleverest testing deceptions.

    1. Glory running

    Glory running is perhaps the oldest trick in the book, but it’s proven to be an effective ruse for fooling sponsors – which is usually the point of the exercise...

    Basically, while everyone’s pounding around the test circuit at a reasonable pace, your glory running team will put a tiny amount of fuel into their car, send it out and try to set a lap time that sets tongues wagging – and sponsors reaching for their chequebooks.

    “There's no doubt,” says Symonds, “that particularly in the pre-hybrid days, when it was possible to make a car that was well under the weight limit and then add ballast, there were definitely people in testing doing that, sponsor-hunting.

    “There were many instances where, in the perceived pecking order in testing, someone was standing out and you’d think, ‘Wow, they really have improved’ – and then you’d get to race one and they’d be back to where you'd expect them to be!”

    The Prost team’s 2001 testing exploits are perhaps the most renowned example of glory running, with Jean Alesi setting some lightning quick times in the Ferrari-engined AP04, only to arrive in Melbourne and qualify some three seconds adrift of Michael Schumacher’s works Ferrari…

    Another famous example was Eddie Jordan’s first F1 effort, the beautiful 191, which went like a rocket in winter testing, before the cars then dropped back when it was time to go racing.

    2. Sandbagging

    On the other end of the scale from glory running, you have sandbagging, where teams deliberately underperform in testing.

    “Sometimes in the team, we’d decide that we didn’t want other people to know where we were in the pecking order,” says Symonds, recalling his time at the likes of Renault and Williams. “And the simplest deception, really, is just hiding your lap times.”

    There are a number of tricks teams can use to achieve this – but Symonds had two favourites during his career on F1’s frontline.

    “The clever people would do a qualifying simulation in testing with just that little bit extra fuel, say around 10 kgs, which is worth about 0.3s,” he says. “And that's where you’d get that sort of, ‘Were they or weren't they?’

    “The other thing that we used to do at Renault a lot was to never really do a complete lap flat-out. Particularly in those days when you didn't have all the sector timing during testing, we would split the circuit up into sectors, and drive two of the three sectors flat-out and another one slowly, and then go slow in sector one and quick in two and three, to try and just disguise where we were and yet be able to take the car to its limit.”

    But that begs the question: why would anyone care about hiding their lap times – especially if they were looking quick?

    In 2009, the Brawn team had a very good reason. Brawn’s BGP 001 was famously so fast at winter testing at the Circuit de Catalunya that the team looked for ways to slow the car down to avoid an early backlash over the car’s controversial double diffuser system – with little success…

    “As soon as we saw it delivering those lap times,” the team’s then Chief Strategist James Vowles revealed in a recent interview with ESPN, “and that other people were not even close to touching it, we literally tanked it up, put more ballast on and then ran it that way for the rest of the week.

    “A lot of people just came to the conclusion that we were doing glory runs, not knowing that actually, we were running every bit of metal we could on the car to slow it down!”

    3. Trompe-l'oeil

    Red Bull’s 2010 RB6 was the car that would give the team their first ever drivers’ and constructors’ titles. Key to that success was the car’s ‘blown diffuser’ system, a cunningly simple design where the hot exhaust gases from the engine were pushed directly onto the car’s diffuser, providing a juicy chunk of extra downforce.

    So, keen to keep their trick exhaust under wraps, Red Bull turned up to 2010 testing in Valencia with a bizarre addition to the RB6’s paintwork: a pair of dummy stickers, one on each side of the engine cover, appearing to show conventionally-placed exhausts and drawing attention away from the real exhaust system lurking lower down on the car. That was an especially important consideration, when rival teams regularly employ spy photographers to snap clever bits on their competitors’ cars...

    So, exhaust stickers… a stroke of genius, no? Er, no, says Symonds…

    “I didn’t think it was genius,” he remembers with a chuckle. “I thought it was quite amusing, and very transparent.

    “It was almost a bit of fun, and I don't even think that Red Bull did it particularly seriously because it was reasonably obvious. When the car's first launched, you're on the internet looking at the pictures and you think, ‘Oh, gosh, that's unusual’. So because it's unusual, you go and look at it in the pit lane – and then you say, ‘Oh, okay, now I see!’”

    4. Misdirection

    Williams enjoyed a purple patch at the start of the turbo-hybrid era, as they used their class-leading Mercedes power units to finish third in the constructors’ championships in 2014 and 2015. The 2015 FW37 was a particularly rapid car at the start of races (remember Felipe Massa romping into the lead at that year’s British Grand Prix?) – and it turns out that there was a very good reason for that, one which the team went to great lengths to keep secret at the time.

    “When I was at Williams, we developed an onboard wheel rim heating device, and it was very sophisticated,” says Symonds. “We ran it for a long, long while, and no one really knew what we were doing.

    “A lot of people couldn't really figure out why, for example, after a Safety Car, or on a first lap particularly, we had really good tyre performance. Well, the reason was our wheels were a lot hotter than anyone else's!”

    F1 is the most technologically advanced sport on the planet. But while Williams’ method of heating the wheel rims was indeed sophisticated, their method for keeping it under wraps during testing and the races… wasn’t.

    “We actually called it the ‘Default’ device,” recalls Symonds. “‘Default’ was a word that meant nothing, so we could quite happily talk over the radio and tell the driver to put it into ‘Default 4’.

    “There were also a couple of extra controls in the cockpit that if someone had looked at them, they might have wondered what they were – but even those, we put a label on that said 'Brakes' or something like that, so that people would think they were something other than they were.”

    5. Camouflage

    Inspiration can come in many forms – and for their 2015 car’s testing livery, Red Bull took a creative lead from World War I battleships’ ‘dazzle paint’ concept to try and conceal the aerodynamic lines of that year’s RB11.

    The car certainly looked cool. But while dazzle paint on battleships was used to play tricks with the enemy’s mind in the bounding waves of the mid-Atlantic, the ruse wasn’t quite so effective around Jerez – not that Symonds thinks it mattered much.

    “Red Bull are clever,” he says. “They got loads of publicity from doing this, and that's probably far more important than actually disguising some little detail from some bloke who's probably going to look at it anyway.

    “In F1, we don't go to the level of taking stereoscopic photographs and measuring from them and things like that,” he adds. “So as a deception, for me, the dazzle paint didn’t really work.”

    6. Hidden drivers

    There have been occasions over the years where it was the drivers’ identities, rather than any clever bits on the cars, that the teams wanted to keep under wraps…

    When Peter Sauber tested a contract-less 20-year-old sensation by the name of Kimi Raikkonen at Mugello in 2000, he was so paranoid about rivals Ferrari and McLaren – also present at the test – swooping in and signing up the Finn that Raikkonen was given a very fitting internal nickname.

    “Within the team, we knew he was special,” Sauber’s then-Technical Director Willy Rampf recounted to recently. “We had to find a name for the driver to keep his identity a secret. We could not say ‘this is Kimi Raikkonen’ when we were referring to him for things like the seat fit, so we called him ‘Eskimo’.”

    Meanwhile, back in 1992, photographers snapped away as Erik Comas tested his Ligier at Paul Ricard… only, it wasn’t Erik Comas. Trying to evaluate on the down-low whether he fancied a return to F1 with Ligier in 1992, Alain Prost had donned Comas’ helmet and a set of white overalls to try out the blue and white machine, keeping the helmet on and visor down even when the car stopped out on track. But when the photographers got home and developed their shots, there was no mistaking The Professor’s distinctive physiognomy…

    7. ‘Woe is us’

    To finish this list with another Sun Tzu quote, if you want to mess with your enemies’ heads, “appear weak when you are strong – and strong when you are weak”. It’s an approach that has served Mercedes well in the past few seasons – and one which was particularly in evidence in 2019 pre-season testing when, on paper at least, it appeared that Ferrari had them beat.

    “We’ve got a hill to climb,” said an apparently distrait Lewis Hamilton during the test, estimating that the Scuderia had upwards of half a second advantage over Mercedes. “This is going to be the toughest battle yet… Their pace is very, very good at the moment, so the challenge is going to be harder than ever.”

    Ten pole positions, 15 race wins and another pair of championships later, it appeared that Mercedes’ hill – if it had ever existed – had been well and truly climbed. But if fans had been fooled by Mercedes’ performance, old hands like Symonds saw through the pantomime…

    “A lot of people think testing is about performance – but performance is actually baked into the car,” he says. “Testing is really about systems, and if I dug out one of my old checklists, you'd be amazed at the number of things you had to go through to sign it off…

    “So if you go through all those sign-off phases, and you never actually get around to setting a fast lap, then there's no harm in saying, ‘Oh, gosh, we’re in trouble’…”

    So when you’re watching pre-season testing this year, make sure to keep your wits about you. Not everything you see or hear from the teams will be quite what it seems…
    Nice read

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Hope for good sanbagging winter test for Ferrari.

  5. #5
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    F1 press release on Barcelona Winter Testing “Teams are no longer allowed to deploy vanity screens at the front of their garages while the track is open in the morning and afternoon. The only exceptions to this are if a car needs to be repaired following a crash or a technical failure. It means that, right from the very start of winter testing, the ten new cars will be fully visible to the media in pit-lane, the fans in the grandstands and those watching testing on F1 TV.
    It's not how start but how you finish.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    testing schedule for Ferrari....week 1
    It's not how start but how you finish.

  8. #8
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    Charles needs to be and I hope he is involved in every aspect of all the testing to be sure he will be OK with his car for that important 1st race. I'm sure Lewis is on top of Merc testing big time. This is without a doubt going to be his biggest season.

  9. #9
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    FYI you can get 25% off of an F1 TV Pro yearly subscription with the code EARLYBIRD25

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  10. #10
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    driver line-up week far
    It's not how start but how you finish.

  11. #11
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    Charles will be driving today. Seb is unwell.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schumiklub View Post
    FYI you can get 25% off of an F1 TV Pro yearly subscription with the code EARLYBIRD25

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Whit this you can watch all races live on any device?

  13. #13
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    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by stefa View Post

    Whit this you can watch all races live on any device?
    Yes, you can watch them on your computer or mobile device. :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by stefa View Post

    Whit this you can watch all races live on any device?
    Before purchasing, check whether F1TV is available for your region.
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  15. #15
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    A late change of plans for Ferrari - Sebastian Vettel was set to drive its new car today, but is apparently not feeling so well and will thus yield his Wednesday duties to Charles Leclerc.
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Godric's Hollow
    Is it me or the SF1000 looks more 'red' than last years car? Looks absolutely gorgeous.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by tifosi1993 View Post
    Is it me or the SF1000 looks more 'red' than last years car? Looks absolutely gorgeous.
    It is more red. No more of last year's "orange" tinge!
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  18. #18
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    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by vcs316 View Post
    Before purchasing, check whether F1TV is available for your region.
    I use the sky sports mobile app

    This costs £4.99 a month for the full f1 station.
    It can’t mirror to a TV but I put it on my 12.5 iPad Pro so it’s not to bad

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by tifosi1993 View Post
    Is it me or the SF1000 looks more 'red' than last years car? Looks absolutely gorgeous.
    Definitely darker red than last year, I like it

  20. #20
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    Any live streaming links ??

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by nani_s23 View Post
    Any live streaming links ??

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by bondilad View Post
    Fantastic ... thanks mate

  23. #23
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    Plenty of oversteer in Mercedes

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    How about our car? It has spent majority of the time in pits :(

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Well 44 laps isn’t bad for the first day.

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  26. #26
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    Looks like ours is the biggest nose cone out there

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rishu View Post
    Plenty of oversteer in Mercedes
    Last year too it was the same case. Come Aus GP it’s a different car.

  28. #28
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    Since we have a newly designed PU we need high mileage from all Ferrari powered teams.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedmaster View Post
    Looks like ours is the biggest nose cone out there
    so it is truly Italian

  30. #30
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    From ESPN testing feed:

    12:40: F1 banned teams from hiding behind screens in their garage ahead of this year's testing.

    Charles Leclerc has been the first 'victim' of showing something he shouldn't -- a photographer's lense has snapped Leclerc with some notes about his first impressions of the 2020 car.

    There's talk of understeer through long, high-speed corners such as Turn 10, 11 and 15. Leclerc and the team might have to start writing in code...


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