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Thread: Spa-Francorchamps GP Race thread

  1. #271
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    I think both Red Bull and his father are supporting and advising Verstappen to behave like this. They like this kind of media attention surrounding their driver.

  2. #272
    Join Date
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    Liège, Belgium

    "Max had a bad start, he was falling behind. I think we have seen in the last couple of years that if you really dive down the very inside,the track is falling off and you basically go straight. The cars ahead have priority, and this is something he needs to understand. In that regard there was no way he could have made the corner without making contact."
    Frankly I couldn't agree more, no Ferrari bias from myself, but from the track it was clear that Verstappen was at fault. I lost the advantage before turn 1 and tried to make up for it by diving into the corner and breaking super late. That's not something you do at turn 1 of a Grand Prix unless you want to lose everything.

    I'm sorry but it's the typical behavior of a young hothead. There was no room, he clipped Raikkonen who clipped Vettel.

    And like when you ski, the people ahead have the advantage. When you ski, if you hit someone who's below you, you're 100% at fault...

  3. #273
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    Max Verstappen says Kimi Raikkonen and Sebastian Vettel “should be ashamed” after criticising his driving during the Belgian Grand Prix.

    Vettel pointed the finger at Verstappen for triggering a first corner collision between the trio, while Raikkonen said the Dutchman will cause “a massive accident” in response to some later defensive driving from the Red Bull driver. However, Verstappen made it clear he felt the two Ferrari drivers were to blame for the contact on the opening lap and therefore have no right to be critical of his driving.

    'I'll talk to Max about Spa', promises Vettel
    "I think they should be ashamed to cause a crash like that with their amount of experience and then complain about me,” Verstappen told Dutch media after the race. "Then they don't have to make a drama about what happened afterwards. They have to understand I'm not happy with them screwing up my entire race.

    "There was room for three cars. When I got alongside Kimi, he started squeezing me. If Vettel hadn't turned in and left one more metre of room, we would have all gotten through. On the video you can clearly see when Vettel turns in, he drives into Raikkonen. And then Kimi's car bumps into mine.”

    And Verstappen admits he was more aggressive with Raikkonen later in the race as a response to the first lap incident with the two Ferrari drivers.

    "If they screw up my race, I'm not going to make it easy for them. I think they should understand that. I'm not going to say: 'come on through'. But all that happened after Turn 1. If turn one hadn't happened, I wouldn't have been so aggressive and pushed Raikkonen out like that."

  4. #274
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    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by phsyklone View Post
    Max Verstappen says Kimi Raikkonen and Sebastian Vettel “should be ashamed” after criticising his driving during the Belgian Grand Prix.

    Vettel pointed the finger at Verstappen for triggering a first corner collision between the trio, while Raikkonen said the Dutchman will cause “a massive accident” in response to some later defensive driving from the Red Bull driver. However, Verstappen made it clear he felt the two Ferrari drivers were to blame for the contact on the opening lap and therefore have no right to be critical of his driving.

    'I'll talk to Max about Spa', promises Vettel
    "I think they should be ashamed to cause a crash like that with their amount of experience and then complain about me,” Verstappen told Dutch media after the race. "Then they don't have to make a drama about what happened afterwards. They have to understand I'm not happy with them screwing up my entire race.

    "There was room for three cars. When I got alongside Kimi, he started squeezing me. If Vettel hadn't turned in and left one more metre of room, we would have all gotten through. On the video you can clearly see when Vettel turns in, he drives into Raikkonen. And then Kimi's car bumps into mine.”

    And Verstappen admits he was more aggressive with Raikkonen later in the race as a response to the first lap incident with the two Ferrari drivers.

    "If they screw up my race, I'm not going to make it easy for them. I think they should understand that. I'm not going to say: 'come on through'. But all that happened after Turn 1. If turn one hadn't happened, I wouldn't have been so aggressive and pushed Raikkonen out like that."
    Last quote from Max just shows you his behaviour on track. He's clearly saying that he wantedly pushed off the track. Race stewards are sitting idle & watching. This is crazy, this guy is more dangerous than Maldonado.

  5. #275
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    Jan 2015
    So crashtappen went to the grey or even black area just for a revenge(revenge of something he was pretty much blame to)? FIA still thinks everything is ok.
    If FIA let this maniac do what ever he likes - it will end up badly.
    Gazzetta dello Sport fault%: 80% Max, 20% Vet and 0% Kimi - agree.

  6. #276
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    Jul 2006
    So I had the race recorded because hey, why get up early at this point, you know, with Ferrari's performance and all. Did some yard work in the morning and ended up hurting my back badly. Sitting with a heating pad on my back in pain I was hoping to at least see Seb and Kimi to well. Nope. That snot nosed douche just had to stick his car in there didn't he.

    Quote Originally Posted by JPA View Post
    If FIA let this maniac do what ever he likes - it will end up badly.
    I just hope it will be only him going to the hospital when it happens not anther driver who was simply driving his race.

  7. #277
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    Czech Republic
    Max is a spoiled brat who did climb on top way too fast. He has no respect to anyone and thinks he's the king of the world right now... But he will fall... And it will hurt badly. Hopefully not physically, but I am afraid it will also.

    "If he can't do it with Ferrari, well, he can't do it." - John Surtees

  8. #278
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Man, look at his face. He is the ugliest driver F1 has seen.

  9. #279
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    Kitchener, CANADA
    Quote Originally Posted by NasI View Post
    Man, look at his face. He is the ugliest driver F1 has seen.
    well that's cause he hasn't reached puberty yet, hence the ugly zitted

    all jokes aside, he is really dangerous and the FIA has to do something about his ON TRACK behaviour before he will hurt someone...if he hurts himself, that's fine, at least he's gonna learn the hard way

  10. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by FerrariF60 View Post
    well that's cause he hasn't reached puberty yet, hence the ugly zitted

    all jokes aside, he is really dangerous and the FIA has to do something about his ON TRACK behaviour before he will hurt someone...if he hurts himself, that's fine, at least he's gonna learn the hard way
    The FIA is reactive, never proactive. They will wait until a a major accident caused by his antics and then penalize the other driver of the fans is some way. As others have said, he is the new media darling so they will never act against him.

  11. #281
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    With F1 struggling for popularity due to the fia screwing up racing for a lot of fans,
    we will not see any repercussions from the fia or bernie. They need controversy, they need
    the attention of the people, they need things just like this to get people interested in F1 again.
    What better way to do it than to have Ferrari being messed w/by the so called new hotshoe.
    Merc is happy because the only threat to them was wiped out at turn 1 allowing nr to race w/out
    any pressure whatsoever. If they keep taking each other out, merc will cruise.
    RB is happy..I mean he took out 2 cars that wouldve beat them and they were able to get podium.
    Bernie and the fia are happy because of all of this drama is bringing controversy and
    putting F1 in the news. Monza will be nuts moreso than normal because of this incident.
    Oh, and then I read on autosport that Toto Wolfe is being reminded of Senna when he watches max???
    Looks like the stage is set.
    My question is, how long will they continue to let this happen before someone is really hurt?
    Would you compare max to Senna? Kidding, right?
    I would say these things, for 1 reason anyway, that a few races ago, nr took lh wide n caused
    a collision and there were repercussions from the stewards. Lately we havent heard a word from the stewards. Its like they werent at the race at all.
    Another question..If a different driver was driving as max, would they be getting hammered by the stewards?
    Id like to see what would be happng if Kimi was driving in the same manner.
    I may be wrong, but it looks like bernie n the fia are playing a dangerous game.

  12. #282
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    Jan 2004
    Seems like Ferrari and others saw the RB got some sort of flexing diffuser now lol...

    That might explain a huge gain from them again. Dirty cheats.
    Hero's come and go, but legends never die!

  13. #283
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverSpeed View Post
    Seems like Ferrari and others saw the RB got some sort of flexing diffuser now lol...

    That might explain a huge gain from them again. Dirty cheats.
    nah, they're NOT only a cheater if you get caught
    I'm a die hard FERRARI fan, but sometimes i wish Ferrari had the balls to do and come up with something innovative as Red Fools have come up with IF INDEED it is true

    personally, my HAT off to them

  14. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nova View Post
    With F1 struggling for popularity due to the fia screwing up racing for a lot of fans,
    we will not see any repercussions from the fia or bernie. They need controversy, they need
    the attention of the people, they need things just like this to get people interested in F1 again.
    What better way to do it than to have Ferrari being messed w/by the so called new hotshoe.
    Merc is happy because the only threat to them was wiped out at turn 1 allowing nr to race w/out
    any pressure whatsoever. If they keep taking each other out, merc will cruise.
    RB is happy..I mean he took out 2 cars that wouldve beat them and they were able to get podium.
    Bernie and the fia are happy because of all of this drama is bringing controversy and
    putting F1 in the news. Monza will be nuts moreso than normal because of this incident.
    Oh, and then I read on autosport that Toto Wolfe is being reminded of Senna when he watches max???
    Looks like the stage is set.
    My question is, how long will they continue to let this happen before someone is really hurt?
    Would you compare max to Senna? Kidding, right?
    I would say these things, for 1 reason anyway, that a few races ago, nr took lh wide n caused
    a collision and there were repercussions from the stewards. Lately we havent heard a word from the stewards. Its like they werent at the race at all.
    Another question..If a different driver was driving as max, would they be getting hammered by the stewards?
    Id like to see what would be happng if Kimi was driving in the same manner.
    I may be wrong, but it looks like bernie n the fia are playing a dangerous game.
    A lot of what you're saying hits the nail on the head, Nova. Bernie is always out to maximise the commercial aspects of F1, for obvious reasons, the FIA just seem to tow the line because he's pulling the strings, and little consideration is given to the sport and the fans who just want to see motor-racing. All the rules and regs, driver and grid penalties, tokens and inconsistent stewarding add to the confusion and it's getting far too complicated. OK so Mad Max ensures media coverage as does HAM in the UK, but the actual racing is becoming secondary, and a farce.

  15. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverSpeed View Post
    Seems like Ferrari and others saw the RB got some sort of flexing diffuser now lol...

    That might explain a huge gain from them again. Dirty cheats.
    Where did u see this? Im looking at several racing sites and have seen nothing
    about this...

  16. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by wisepie View Post
    A lot of what you're saying hits the nail on the head, Nova. Bernie is always out to maximise the commercial aspects of F1, for obvious reasons, the FIA just seem to tow the line because he's pulling the strings, and little consideration is given to the sport and the fans who just want to see motor-racing. All the rules and regs, driver and grid penalties, tokens and inconsistent stewarding add to the confusion and it's getting far too complicated. OK so Mad Max ensures media coverage as does HAM in the UK, but the actual racing is becoming secondary, and a farce.
    The fix is clearly in. Think about how Vettel was penalized because of the racing incident with Massa earlier this season, yet everyone has turned a blind eye to Mad Max Crashstappen simply because he's "entertaining" to those who cannot distinguish racing from bumper cars and Mario Kart.

    Disappointed Since 2010

  17. #287
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nova View Post
    Where did u see this? Im looking at several racing sites and have seen nothing
    about this...

    Dutch site though.
    Hero's come and go, but legends never die!

  18. #288
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    Just my 2 cents. Ferrari has no power in FIA those days. In JT rate, MV would have a race penalty after Hungary.

  19. #289
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    If you wish to see the images on streaming :

    It's french speaking belgian tv though (with Stoffel VD as consultant)

  20. #290
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    On the whole I have to say it is terrible that the governing body is always happy to project that it is pushing for safety but is OK with dangerous driving--more so when a driver has admitted to having malicious intent.
    Last edited by killer; 30th August 2016 at 02:04.

  21. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by fratelliferrari View Post
    I heard Verstappen on the dutch television! He literally said i rather push the Ferrari's of the track then let them pass me! Stupid moron he is!
    I know a multiple time world champion who won his first WDC with this behaviour ... just instead of a Ferrari it was only a Williams ...
    ... and no: I don't say that the movement from VER against RAI after Eau Rouge was clean
    "If I was driving for Red Bull [from 2008] probably I would have more championships, but because they were dominating between 2010 and 2014 probably I would never have driven for Ferrari. I am very happy and very proud to drive for Ferrari, all my time there.

  22. #292
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverSpeed View Post
    Seems like Ferrari and others saw the RB got some sort of flexing diffuser now lol...

    That might explain a huge gain from them again. Dirty cheats.
    Ferrari have got bending rear wing. Are they dirty cheats too?

  23. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by Senna4Ever View Post
    I know a multiple time world champion who won his first WDC with this behaviour ... just instead of a Ferrari it was only a Williams ...
    ... and no: I don't say that the movement from VER against RAI after Eau Rouge was clean
    ...or another one in a McLaren vs. another McLaren.

    This can be discussed bar reference to previous events that do not include the people now involved.

  24. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by tpe View Post
    Just my 2 cents. Ferrari has no power in FIA those days. In JT rate, MV would have a race penalty after Hungary.
    This is my point from past couple of months. Ferrari has no power in FIA these days, they are not able to dictate the terms or favour the rules to themselves.

  25. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by nani_s23 View Post
    This is my point from past couple of months. Ferrari has no power in FIA these days, they are not able to dictate the terms or favour the rules to themselves.
    So when did we have the power to have rules that favour us? I am amazed some Ferrari fans believe we only win when we get FIA favours....and would any fan be happy to win because we have the power to say we must win?
    Forza Ferrari

  26. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by FerrariF60 View Post
    nah, they're NOT only a cheater if you get caught
    I'm a die hard FERRARI fan, but sometimes i wish Ferrari had the balls to do and come up with something innovative as Red Fools have come up with IF INDEED it is true

    personally, my HAT off to them

    With the FIA, it's only cheating if they decide to clarify the rules. Unfortunately it seems they usually decide to clarify the rules quite quickly when Ferrari find a loophole (re; flex fuel lines).
    It definitely does seem like other teams, namely Mercedes and Red Bull have become the power players in F1. Ferrari have been too lenient and laid back lately. Time to flex some muscle.

  27. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nova View Post
    I also have to add this inconsistency of the stewards.
    Some drivers get nailed for almost nothing while
    others are walking all over the track while the
    stewards dont notice. 2 races now we've had max
    doing things that other drivers would get reprimanded for
    really brings this to question. Do we have the fia really telling the stewards
    what to call/not call?

    Answer this: If Kimi pulled the moves that max has gotten away with,
    would Kimi have gotten the same treatment?
    At 2001, Kimi was under microscope, because he was supposed to be a hazard due his lack of experience. Imagine him driving as dangerously as Mad Verstabber back then.. And back to 2016. There is 17 years old, clearly immature driver on the grid and he gets away anything he does without a single investigation.
    I would say, that lifting the age limit to 20, would make much more difference to safety than any kind of HALO will ever do..

  28. #298
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    Former world champion Jacques Villeneuve claims the lack of action over Max Verstappen's aggressive driving suggests the Dutchman is getting "protection" from the FIA.

    Verstappen has found himself in the firing line for his latest defensive moves at the Belgian Grand Prix, with several rivals claiming that if he does not calm down then he will cause a big accident.

    But Villeneuve believes that motor racing's governing body are the key players in the situation – as he suspects they are reluctant to punish him, because they do not want to take away his box office attraction.

    “The issue is the FIA, because it looks like he's got protection,” Villeneuve told “They want him to be a star.

    "Look in Germany. He weaved on the straight, so Nico [Rosberg] missed his braking [point]. They go a bit wide – Nico gets a penalty. For something even less than… and it wasn't even his fault.

    “So there is something that is wrong. I don't know. It's something that makes me angry, but that's just the way it is. Twenty years ago someone would have put him in a tree.”
    Unacceptable driving

    Villeneuve has not been won over by Verstappen's rapid rise up the ranks in F1 – and claimed that what he did in Belgium was simply 'unacceptable'.

    “It's way too much," he added. "The start is racing. It's too much, but it's racing. Because every expert driver, that's like GP2, you know that if you go to inside there will be an incident, because there is not enough room. You know it.

    “Mostly if you had a bad start, just accept it. But that is not what's bad. It's after that, he complains about other drivers: 'They destroyed my race'.

    "Relax, relax. You know you took a big risk and it did not pay off. You destroyed their race and you destroyed your own race. That's fine. That's life.

    “But what he did afterwards that's not acceptable. What he did to Kimi twice on the straight, and to Vettel as well. Just calm down. You're going to kill someone.”
    Calm down

    Villeneuve added that there was nothing wrong in F1 with hard racing, but there was a point where things get dangerous.

    When pointed out to Villeneuve that Verstappen doesn't care about making friends in F1, Villeneuve said: “No, and he doesn't care. Which is fine. That's right.

    “But you need to have just a little bit of respect. Because you all live in this little thing together.

    “Drivers should have respect among each other. Good, hard, fair racing, like Kimi said. You know, racing hard is great. But have some respect.

    "You can't just push people off. Or make them have to brake on the straight. That's super, super, super dangerous. Twenty years ago drivers fixed it among themselves.”

    When asked if he believed Verstappen would calm down, he said: “Of course not. Why? Every race he is worse.”

    Villeneuve has said that he does not expect other drivers to take matters in their own hands on track – as he insists the ball is in the FIA court.

    When asked if his rivals may choose to teach Verstappen a lesson, Villeneuve said: “No. Because now you lose your license. Not now. In this political atmosphere. It won't happen.

    “But look at the Olympics, some judge lost their licenses to be judges. Something like that should happen here as well, because obviously [Spa] was beyond acceptable.”

    Interview by Oleg Karpov

  29. #299
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    Im going to go 1 step further to add to the post above.
    RB owner Mashewitch owns the fia.
    Explain: Why is the RB so much faster than Reno using the same engine?
    Granted the chassis is far superior, that doesnt explain the speed difference on the straights. (to a degree yes)
    FIA is allowing something Is RB's reno allowed to use more fuel than everyone else?
    Something funny there...
    Why is Crashtappen allowed to get away w/much much more than the other teams drivers?
    Case in point...every penalty handed out to the other drivers before, earlier in the season
    than have been handed out to RB drivers. I mean Vettels, Rosbergs to name 2.
    1st Kyvat takes out Vet, a few times, I dont remember a penalty there.
    Now mad max is punting Ferrari drivers all over the penalty.
    This is so fishy it smells.
    RB owns the fia, n dont tell it isnt possible. It is changes people,
    and it also, obviously, is changing the rules to suit RB. Call me crazy but if I tune
    into Monza n this same crap goes on, I may stop watching for awhile, get into the
    WEC. Hope RB doesnt go there, then I'll have to watch ice skating...or something..
    But it will, as we have seen, it appears that RB drivers can do what they want w/out fear
    of being penalized.

  30. #300
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    Verstappen is lucky Danica Patrick isn't in F1. If she was involved in this fiasco she would have for sure got him getting out of his car and punched the hell out of him untill someone stopped her. He's making himself look real ugly with his talking after the race , actually worse than what he did on the track! I believe the boy is playing with fire if he messes with Kimi again. Once he reaches puberty he will pray and wish Ferrari on him, as do all drivers. F1 is Ferrari! Anyway, we need a win next race!! A podium ! We need to be in the top 3!


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