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Thread: Hamilton voted best of the best by F1 team bosses

  1. #91
    Join Date
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    Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton!!!!
    bring him home to Ferrari....
    we're number one

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by TigerKing View Post
    Well said Mirafiori! He may have the talent but in F1, the driver needs to have the talent, the charisma and ability to handle politics. Hamilton can't handle politics and IMO lacks charisma.
    You just described how most Ferrari fans thought of Seb while @ Red Bull, maybe even worse. [Finger waving etc.] Now with Ferrari. Seb had and continues to have the driving skills of a champion, true carisma, and won the hearts of most Ferrari fans whenever interviewed. Lewis won over the team bosses vote big time because he is a champion driver and in the #1 spot in all of F1. As soon as Ferrari gets Seb's car right Lewis and Merc will have to move over, I hope this year, not 2016 or later.

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirafiori View Post
    Sorry Greig but had to reply. To Giallo, the way Hamilton dresses is relevant to Ferrari because you can bet any money he will want to drive for Ferrari one day. My youngest son has gone on a school trip today, before he left home my wife checked what he was wearing and we both told him how important it is to dress appropriately and to make sure he conducts himself properly. I said to him you are now representing your family and more importantly you are also representing your school. For me this is no different to Lewis Hamilton when he is out and about in his private life. I wonder how the board of Mercedes really feel about Hamilton not being dressed correctly for the royal box at Wimbledon. Do you know what, I think Mercedes don't care less how Hamilton is dressed but I really think Ferrari would care, the big question is will Hamilton ever drive for the greatest f1 team and I really believe how he conducts himself will prevent him ever driving for Ferrari. Now in three years time when those of you who love Hamilton can not understand why Ferrari did not employ him I will remind you that the Ferrari brand is more important.
    So you will tell your son how to dress when he is 30? Are you seriously suggesting Ferrari check every employee for what they are wearing when they are on their own free time? clearly you have no idea at all and honestly you are becoming a bit embarrassing with this.

    MS did more to damage the Ferrari brand than any piece of clothing ever could but yeah you certainly have your finger on the pulse on the real issues at Maranello, fashion is off course what they hire people on not talent.....LOL too funny.
    Forza Ferrari

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    So you will tell your son how to dress when he is 30? Are you seriously suggesting Ferrari check every employee for what they are wearing when they are on their own free time? clearly you have no idea at all and honestly you are becoming a bit embarrassing with this.

    MS did more to damage the Ferrari brand than any piece of clothing ever could but yeah you certainly have your finger on the pulse on the real issues at Maranello, fashion is off course what they hire people on not talent.....LOL too funny.
    Sorry but your reply is incredible, when you look at any F1 team it's nearly all about the drivers and no I would never suggest that Ferrari or even Mercedes would check and control its staff for what they are wearing and really who cares about the mechanics and office staff. When Wimbeldon invited Hamilton to the royal box they did not invite the 1,500 employees of Mercedes its Hamilton they want and he represents Brand Mercedes, so when Hamilton turned up looking like Coco the clown he let himself and Mercedes down. MS was a decade ago and times have changed and now image is everything and No way would Sergio Marchionne allow that idiot to walk around the paddock with his gold chains covering the Ferrari emblem.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirafiori View Post
    1,500 employees of Mercedes its Hamilton they want and he represents Brand Mercedes, so when Hamilton turned up looking like Coco the clown he let himself and Mercedes down. MS was a decade ago and times have changed and now image is everything and No way would Sergio Marchionne allow that idiot to walk around the paddock with his gold chains covering the Ferrari emblem.
    The thing is Lewis did not dress like a clown, just in his own style. Do you think everyone should dress the same or that we should judge people on how they dress rather then how they act/

    your prejudice just shows through, rather then say, Marchionne would not allow Lewis to walk in the paddock with gold chains, you have to say Idiot. Your bile is getting the better off you in every post, just cause you don't agree with someone it doesn't make them a idiot.

    I enjoy watching you get lower and lower cause it makes more people stay away from supporting your views.

    drivers in f1 are normally judged on the results not if they wear a gold chain.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirafiori View Post
    Sorry but your reply is incredible, when you look at any F1 team it's nearly all about the drivers and no I would never suggest that Ferrari or even Mercedes would check and control its staff for what they are wearing and really who cares about the mechanics and office staff. When Wimbeldon invited Hamilton to the royal box they did not invite the 1,500 employees of Mercedes its Hamilton they want and he represents Brand Mercedes, so when Hamilton turned up looking like Coco the clown he let himself and Mercedes down. MS was a decade ago and times have changed and now image is everything and No way would Sergio Marchionne allow that idiot to walk around the paddock with his gold chains covering the Ferrari emblem.
    Image is everything, you keep saying this as if it makes it true. Since when was image everything? You are just making that up to furnish your burning desire to hate on Lewis.

    So what would be better for the Ferrari brand? winning races and titles or drivers who wear clothing you deem suitable? hahaha no need for you to reply as clearly you have dug a hole so deep you can't get out of it.
    Forza Ferrari

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo_spook View Post
    The thing is Lewis did not dress like a clown, just in his own style. Do you think everyone should dress the same or that we should judge people on how they dress rather then how they act/

    your prejudice just shows through, rather then say, Marchionne would not allow Lewis to walk in the paddock with gold chains, you have to say Idiot. Your bile is getting the better off you in every post, just cause you don't agree with someone it doesn't make them a idiot.

    I enjoy watching you get lower and lower cause it makes more people stay away from supporting your views.

    drivers in f1 are normally judged on the results not if they wear a gold chain.
    As far as i'am concerned if you are turned away from the royal box at Wimbledon then you are a Clown and an idiot. Do I think everyone should dress the same, no of course not but you should dress for the occasion in hand. I do not want to see Hamilton drive for Ferrari even if it means we miss out on a WDC Title. Sorry Gold Chains over the Ferrari emblem and taking his dog Roscoe to a team briefing is not what we need at Ferrari. Yes evo spook you are right some members will not agree with me but some members do. By the way Hamilton has 2 dogs one is called Roscoe and the other dog he named him after himself. You should google it.

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirafiori View Post
    As far as i'am concerned if you are turned away from the royal box at Wimbledon then you are a Clown and an idiot. Do I think everyone should dress the same, no of course not but you should dress for the occasion in hand. I do not want to see Hamilton drive for Ferrari even if it means we miss out on a WDC Title. Sorry Gold Chains over the Ferrari emblem and taking his dog Roscoe to a team briefing is not what we need at Ferrari. Yes evo spook you are right some members will not agree with me but some members do. By the way Hamilton has 2 dogs one is called Roscoe and the other dog he named him after himself. You should google it.
    And Wimbledon with their uptight dress code is the expert on fashion. Sorry to inform you that not all cultures consider a coat and tie formal wear.
    we're number one

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo_spook View Post
    The thing is Lewis did not dress like a clown, just in his own style. Do you think everyone should dress the same or that we should judge people on how they dress rather then how they act/

    your prejudice just shows through, rather then say, Marchionne would not allow Lewis to walk in the paddock with gold chains, you have to say Idiot. Your bile is getting the better off you in every post, just cause you don't agree with someone it doesn't make them a idiot.

    I enjoy watching you get lower and lower cause it makes more people stay away from supporting your views.

    drivers in f1 are normally judged on the results not if they wear a gold chain.
    I'm sure you wouldn't mind if Kimi walked into the paddock in Hungary wearing Lady Gaga's meat dress then?

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferrari4life View Post
    And Wimbledon with their uptight dress code is the expert on fashion. Sorry to inform you that not all cultures consider a coat and tie formal wear.
    If you go to a formal party in India, you wear a Kurta or Sari. If you go to Kenya for a formal party, you wear Kenyan formal clothing. If you go to Japan for a formal party, you wear the Japanese equivalent of suit and tie.
    The thing is, if your host is in Britian, you follow their tradition, not your own.

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by TigerKing View Post
    If you go to a formal party in India, you wear a Kurta or Sari. If you go to Kenya for a formal party, you wear Kenyan formal clothing. If you go to Japan for a formal party, you wear the Japanese equivalent of suit and tie.
    The thing is, if your host is in Britian, you follow their tradition, not your own.
    Well said TigerKing.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by TigerKing View Post
    If you go to a formal party in India, you wear a Kurta or Sari. If you go to Kenya for a formal party, you wear Kenyan formal clothing. If you go to Japan for a formal party, you wear the Japanese equivalent of suit and tie.
    The thing is, if your host is in Britian, you follow their tradition, not your own.
    i disagree. if you are invited to a formal party you should wear the formal dress your heritage calls for not one that the host's heritage calls for.
    we're number one

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferrari4life View Post
    i disagree. if you are invited to a formal party you should wear the formal dress your heritage calls for not one that the host's heritage calls for.
    When in Rome.

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirafiori View Post
    When in Rome.
    guess that is the difference in personalities i guess. I feel that you should be proud of who you are and what you stand for. While someone people feel they should be who others want them to be.

    Probably the difference between winners and looser as well. Winners take what they want while loosers give in to the winners.
    we're number one

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferrari4life View Post
    guess that is the difference in personalities i guess. I feel that you should be proud of who you are and what you stand for. While someone people feel they should be who others want them to be.

    Probably the difference between winners and looser as well. Winners take what they want while loosers give in to the winners.
    Ok it seems like we're both from the USA so maybe this should clear something up for you. I'm an immigrant who came to the USA to find a better life. Whilst I didn't give up my tradition, I respect the tradition of my new home (or host in Wimbletons case). If you want to show your culture, you do it where it's appropriate. Hammy can show his fashion at Lady Gaga's next fashion show where it would be appropriate but when it comes to the fashion of Wimbleton, he must respect the host.
    The world isn't Hamilton's.

  16. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by TigerKing View Post
    Ok it seems like we're both from the USA so maybe this should clear something up for you. I'm an immigrant who came to the USA to find a better life. Whilst I didn't give up my tradition, I respect the tradition of my new home (or host in Wimbletons case). If you want to show your culture, you do it where it's appropriate. Hammy can show his fashion at Lady Gaga's next fashion show where it would be appropriate but when it comes to the fashion of Wimbleton, he must respect the host.
    The world isn't Hamilton's.
    I actually am also an immigrant who came to the USA to find a better life. You are not the only person in the world with a point of view. We differ in our opinions.
    i would like to see Wimbledon turn down a head of state from a different country because they choose to wear the formal dress from their culture to it instead of the formal dress of Wimbledon.
    Also I do not see many heads of state that visit other countries change their attire every time they visit a new country.
    we're number one

  17. #107
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    I think it is just a good thing for the general public to get a clarification what 'smart casual' is not.

    "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli."

  18. #108
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    I think, he made really really made error by note reading the dress code. Even the guys on radiolemans Midweek motorsport show last night they were amazed at him. You dress accordlingly. Especially the Royal Box. Here just couple pictures i found of the Royal Box...

    even one of the biggest, what, style icons in the world gets it right..


  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob View Post
    I think, he made really really made error by note reading the dress code. Even the guys on radiolemans Midweek motorsport show last night they were amazed at him. You dress accordlingly. Especially the Royal Box. Here just couple pictures i found of the Royal Box...

    even one of the biggest, what, style icons in the world gets it right..
    Yes Rob, you have David Becham, Andrew Strauss and the Gentlemen Bobby Charlton representing themselves and the Brand.

  20. #110
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    Why do you judge people on how they choose to look or represent a brand?

    lewis does a lot of work with under privileged kids, that says more to me more then a tie does.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirafiori View Post
    As far as i'am concerned if you are turned away from the royal box at Wimbledon then you are a Clown and an idiot. Do I think everyone should dress the same, no of course not but you should dress for the occasion in hand. I do not want to see Hamilton drive for Ferrari even if it means we miss out on a WDC Title. Sorry Gold Chains over the Ferrari emblem and taking his dog Roscoe to a team briefing is not what we need at Ferrari. Yes evo spook you are right some members will not agree with me but some members do. By the way Hamilton has 2 dogs one is called Roscoe and the other dog he named him after himself. You should google it.
    Well said Mirafiori. I could'nt agree more

  22. #112
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    Wether Ferrari are winning or losing, we must remember that form is temporary but class is permanent. This is the difference between a Scuderia Ferrari driver and a Mercedes Benz driver. WE ARE FERRARI

  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by giodap View Post
    Wether Ferrari are winning or losing, we must remember that form is temporary but class is permanent. This is the difference between a Scuderia Ferrari driver and a Mercedes Benz driver. WE ARE FERRARI
    shumacher was a Mercedes driver before and after Ferrari.
    Vettel was a BMW driver

  24. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo_spook View Post
    The thing is Lewis did not dress like a clown, just in his own style. Do you think everyone should dress the same or that we should judge people on how they dress rather then how they act/

    your prejudice just shows through, rather then say, Marchionne would not allow Lewis to walk in the paddock with gold chains, you have to say Idiot. Your bile is getting the better off you in every post, just cause you don't agree with someone it doesn't make them a idiot.

    I enjoy watching you get lower and lower cause it makes more people stay away from supporting your views.

    drivers in f1 are normally judged on the results not if they wear a gold chain.
    I would say it's one nil to me evo spook, it's clear you are a Hamilton fan. By the way did you google the name of Hamilton's other Dog which he called after himself. LOL.

  25. #115
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    Oh dear.

  26. #116
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    There is not much I care less about than what Lewis wore to a tennis match.

    Don't play dumb with me. I'm better at it than you are.

  27. #117
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    Can we just put a lid on this already? Seriously, it has nothing to do with Ferrari.

    Disappointed Since 2010

  28. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giallo 550 View Post
    Can we just put a lid on this already? Seriously, it has nothing to do with Ferrari.
    Sorry and you are right, even my wife told me off.

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirafiori View Post
    I would say it's one nil to me evo spook, it's clear you are a Hamilton fan. By the way did you google the name of Hamilton's other Dog which he called after himself. LOL.
    Naming a dog after a dog, Lewis should have but didn't name his other dog SF15-T or 2015 Red. Lewis is #1 so far this year. LOL not a dog for sure. From the photos of the men tennis fans, it looks more like Lewis needed to be over 80 to get in and walk with a crutch. LOL Becham had to cover his tatooooos with a suit & tie or he would have been kicked out for imitating a painted circus clown. Lewis is voted best by F1 team bosses. Forget about tennis. F1 is what counts.

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by giodap View Post
    Wether Ferrari are winning or losing, we must remember that form is temporary but class is permanent. This is the difference between a Scuderia Ferrari driver and a Mercedes Benz driver. WE ARE FERRARI
    Oh trust me, opinions change very quickly as soon as a hated driver starts driving for us


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