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Thread: Jules Bianchi updates and well wishes

  1. #241
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Dark day again for F1.. Poor Jules.. All the best for you!
    And still I hope that this does not cause an overreaction with the rules. How many similar situations there has been in F1 history?
    I just hope that everyone could stop trying to find a "guilty part" for this horrible _accident_ and just focus on hoping (and praying if you are religious) for all the best for Bianchi! He needs the support of every F1 fan now!

    Luckily we left a bit early from our seats since that happened like 50 meters after where we were.. I would not have wanted to see that in real life.. :-/

  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzie View Post
    At the minute I am considering taking the dog for a really long walk on Sunday afternoon instead - I haven't voluntarily missed a race since Hungary 2009 and while I will probably switch it on despite myself, I really don't know how anyone in F1 can cope with going onto the next race so soon.
    I feel very sorry for the drivers and their teams who have to put on another show just 7 days after this terrible accident.
    The race this weekend will be hard to watch but with two red cars and Felipe on the grid it's a no brainer!!!
    I don't think I could deliberately miss a race but I share your sentiments Suzie
    I cannot get Jules out of my head for long. I just keep hoping he will have a "Hamster like recovery" I so want to see him at Ferrari.

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by racingbradley View Post
    I feel very sorry for the drivers and their teams who have to put on another show just 7 days after this terrible accident.
    The race this weekend will be hard to watch but with two red cars and Felipe on the grid it's a no brainer!!!
    I don't think I could deliberately miss a race but I share your sentiments Suzie
    I cannot get Jules out of my head for long. I just keep hoping he will have a "Hamster like recovery" I so want to see him at Ferrari.
    Very well said my friend.

  4. #244
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    May time heal them both

  5. #245
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    The Sochi race will be a difficult weekend for everyone in F1 with Jules's situation, I may not be able to watch it live which for a long time I'm not too concerned about. Last weekend is too close and my thoughts are more about Jules recovering than another Mercedes victory. It would surely be a good omen if Ferrari were to suddenly turn into winners, but even that wouldn't ease the current pain.

  6. #246
    Join Date
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    Get well soon Jules. We miss you!

  7. #247
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  8. #248
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    I just can't concentrate myself to race weekend. We need good news.

    Disappointing; 2009 to 2016...

  9. #249
    Join Date
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    Supports for Bianchi from several drivers and Moto GP riders too (retweeted by Ferrari)

  10. #250
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    Felipe visibly shattered by Jules accident, and the other drivers are also finding it difficult to face a race weekend so soon after. I actually felt their pain, such a reality check for everyone.

  11. #251
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    They all look haunted. I know F1 has to carry on but they kept on and on and on at those poor guys today asking them questions. There was no need to ask Sutil about it, I am sure he has been re-living it in his mind without having to speak in front of the media about it as well.

    Both Felipe and Fernando looked destroyed.
    Forza Jules

  12. #252
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    Thursday 9 Oktober at 07:35 : Oct.9 (GMM) Mere days after the Suzuka race, F1 authorities are continuing to withhold official video footage of Jules Bianchi's horror crash.

    So far, despite widespread reports that the sport's commercial rights holder FOM did film the incident with its high definition trackside cameras, the footage has not been released.

    Even the now widely-circulated amateur footage of the crash has been repeatedly removed from social media sites at the request of FOM, ostensibly for reasons of copyright.

    But it has also been suggested that F1 and the governing FIA are reluctant for the official footage to be seen because it might implicate the sport's authorities amid the controversial circumstances surrounding Bianchi's crash.

    Questions are being asked about the rain conditions, the fading light, the pre-race discussions about re-scheduling to avoid typhoon Phanfone, the waving of green flags near the crash site, and whether Charlie Whiting should have deployed the safety car when Adrian Sutil's incident brought out the recovery vehicle.

    But Michael Schmidt, the highly respected correspondent for Germany's Auto Motor und Sport, claims the reason the FOM footage is not being released is for one reason only: "Consideration for the victims of the accident."

    Schmidt is referring not only to the seriously injured French driver, but particularly his parents and family as they cling to hope Bianchi, 25, will pull through.

    Schmidt claims the official footage shows that the Marussia driver lost control of his car after "driving too fast under yellow flags".

    "F1 is not protecting itself, but Jules Bianchi himself. The footage of the accident and the telemetry data may prove that it was the driver to blame," he added.

    Schmidt quoted an F1 official as saying: "It (releasing the information) would be unfair to Bianchi, because he cannot defend himself at the moment."

    Separate to the circumstances of the crash, however, is a discussion about arguably the last remaining true vulnerability when it comes to F1 cars -- the drivers' exposed heads.

    After Felipe Massa's 2009 crash, and again in 2012 when Mario de Villota crashed during a Marussia test, F1 and the FIA looked deeply into the possibility of enclosing the cockpits with a forward roll-cage or canopy.

    But Germany's Bild newspaper reports this week that Red Bull and Mercedes were the most opposed to the idea, with Red Bull boss Christian Horner saying the proposed solutions were "shockingly ugly".

    The issue was then sidelined completely when Bernie Ecclestone argued that closed cockpits were contrary to the basic idea of F1, Bild claims.

    "Try telling that to the Bianchi family, though," correspondent Oliver Brown wrote in the Telegraph.

    "The sanctity of no sport is worth protecting so ferociously that it compromises the sanctity of human life."

    On the other side, there are those who insist F1 should not overreact after Bianchi's crash.

    One of them is Mika Hakkinen, even though his life-threatening crash in 1995 preceded F1's move to raise cockpit sides to better protect the drivers' heads.

    "After this (Bianchi's) accident, there will certainly be a comprehensive analysis," the Finn, who went on to win two titles after returning in 1996, said.

    "But we also should remember that there have been no deaths in formula one races for more than 20 years," he said in an interview with his sponsor Hermes. "That's a long time."

  13. #253
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    I hope they keep with-holding it. There is absolutely nobody that needs to see the 'official' footage aside from those with the responsibility of investigating the accident.
    Forza Jules

  14. #254
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    At times like this it really shows how much you care for a driver, our so called entertainer. Surprised how much this effects my every day life. Constantly depressed, even when doing things that should really let forget it for a moment. Can't even start to imagine how hard it's for the people close to Jules. Felipe, Fernando and Sutil look as if they haven't slept for days. This is just horrific. Can't really understand how people kept on watching this sport and how drivers went on with it in the earlier stages of this sport.
    Last edited by Forzi; 9th October 2014 at 20:18.

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forzi View Post
    At times like this it really shows how much you care for a drive, our so called entertainer. Surprised how much this effects my every day life.
    Yeah definitely. I have thought of little else all week, it plays on my mind throughout the day and when trying to sleep.

    It just goes to show that we can slag drivers off, or mock them, or rant and rave about how much we dislike them - but when something like this happens, you realise that all of that is pure pantomime. When it comes down to it, you do care about the wellbeing and safety of all of them a lot.

    When you watch someone every fortnight, read and watch interviews, follow them on social media etc, it is hard not to get emotionally attached to some of them and feel like you know them, even if only a little.

    I have to say that I have found all of this difficult to deal with this week, more so than anything other injury/death in motorsport I have ever experienced. With motorbikes it happens more frequently, but safety can never be as good with bikes so somehow while it's upsetting it's never as shocking. Felipe's accident was equally as hard to cope with at the start, but at least from the third or so day onwards the news on his condition just kept getting better and better.

    This generation of drivers and a lot of fans have maybe been lulled into a false sense of security all these years and it kind of feels like no-one really knows how to process it. I just find the whole thing so sad that I hardly bear it. Such a talented, nice guy with everything ahead of him.

    Forza Jules.
    Forza Jules

  16. #256
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    Montreal, Canada
    Closed canopies might not be a great idea either, if there's a fire and the pilot needs to get out, it could impede him from doing so quickly... if F1 cars had doors, this wouldn't be a problem.... however if F1 cars had doors, they wouldn't be F1 cars anymore...
    Rest in Peace Leza, you were a true warrior...

  17. #257
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    Would a canopy really have protected Bianchi when he hit a steel crane at 200 kph? It would have to be made out of some space age stuff to not just shatter on top of him.
    Forza Ferrari!!

  18. #258
    Join Date
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    Castellon, Spain
    Now we are here and this will also be a difficult weekend. I am ready to race, to race for him..

  19. #259
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    My childhood friend had a DAI from a car accident. Because of lousy emergency and hospital work, it wasn't noticed. I were at the accident scene and even it happened 12 years ago I still remember it like a yesterday. He was unconscious when helicopter arrived, his jaw was broken and blood coming from his ear, but still they didn't even scan his head at the hospital.

    Almost 10 years after the accident he had his head scanned and DAI was found/diagnosed. He went to scan because he started to have epileptic attacks and other odd symptoms. DAI was the cause of them.

    Those 10 years, between the accident and before his brain damage was diagnosed, he lived basically normal life.

    I just wanted to say that the fact that Jules has DAI, doesn't tell much at all. There are so many levels of axonal injuries and every case is complex and every case is different. I don't like that some journalists consults some random brain injury specialist and write selling story with prognosis and odds of Jules waking and surviving.

    I just so much hope that Jules recovers from this.....FORZA JULES!!
    Last edited by Winter; 9th October 2014 at 23:01.

  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    Closed canopies might not be a great idea either, if there's a fire and the pilot needs to get out, it could impede him from doing so quickly... if F1 cars had doors, this wouldn't be a problem.... however if F1 cars had doors, they wouldn't be F1 cars anymore...
    I simply don't believe a canopy would have helped him in this accident anyway. The entire roll hoop, engine etc was torn away from the car which would have impacted similarly on a canopy.

    In the press conference today, Massa said some very sensible things about canopies. He suggested the FIA should look into it but he also said this was a 'not normal' accident. He referred to accidents in the past years that have been huge and drivers have walked away, suggesting safety has improved massively and that it's very impressive, before once again stating that Bianchi's accident was 'not normal'. He said a canopy would have helped him in Hungary but he looked and sounded doubtful when considering how effective it would have been for Jules.

    In my opinion, they cannot design the cars and their safety requirements around recovery vehicles and a hundred other things that could happen - things we'd class as freak accidents once they do happen. As Button said, it's been an open cockpit formula since its inception - he clearly didn't want them either. And as you say, what would a driver do if there was a fire? The cockpit would fill with smoke which presents another, fairly immediate danger besides the fire itself.

    Other ways of preventing this should be looked at - slow zones or bringing out the SC each time there's an accident, behind-barrier cranes and properly adhering to double waved yellows rather than scrubbing a mere half a second through that sector just to comply with the rules.

  21. #261
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    The reasoning given by FOM/FIA for removing the video in all its forms is a valid one, but I can't help but think its also a BS one. Seeing the video I can't help but shake the feeling that they are trying to cover their buts.

    The video clearly shows a marshal in the tower directly above the machinery moving Sutil's car w aging a green flag. This seems super wrong to me. The flat at the next station should be green, but the flag directly above an accident scene should be yellow don't you think? The marshals screwed up and FOM/FIA are trying to avoid public outcry. Call me a conspiracy theorist and hand me my tin-foil hat but I just feel this is a cover up.

    Would the accident have happened if Jules saw a yellow flag as opposed to green? Who knows. But this just screams cover up.

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzie View Post
    They all look haunted. I know F1 has to carry on but they kept on and on and on at those poor guys today asking them questions. There was no need to ask Sutil about it, I am sure he has been re-living it in his mind without having to speak in front of the media about it as well.

    Both Felipe and Fernando looked destroyed.
    I completely agree with that, Suzie

  23. #263
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    Makes me sick that there are people who are trying to put the blame squarely on Bianchi just because they watched a crash video. (Don't get me started on some of the comments I've seen from the armchair viewers out there) Can't help but to feel that some are trying to shift the blame to the driver just because they are afraid of changes.

    The sport hasn't seen any death since Senna's accident because it reacted to it. They did not just introduce one, or two changes, but many technical changes were made throughout the years in the wake of Senna's death. Thanks to those changes, the sport has been significantly safer today, but that doesn't mean we should be complacent. Although there have been recent changes focusing on conventional accidents involving lateral impacts, perhaps it's time the sport step further into a more difficult territory that involve unconventional accidents.

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by WS6TransAm01 View Post
    The reasoning given by FOM/FIA for removing the video in all its forms is a valid one, but I can't help but think its also a BS one. Seeing the video I can't help but shake the feeling that they are trying to cover their buts.

    The video clearly shows a marshal in the tower directly above the machinery moving Sutil's car w aging a green flag. This seems super wrong to me. The flat at the next station should be green, but the flag directly above an accident scene should be yellow don't you think? The marshals screwed up and FOM/FIA are trying to avoid public outcry. Call me a conspiracy theorist and hand me my tin-foil hat but I just feel this is a cover up.

    Would the accident have happened if Jules saw a yellow flag as opposed to green? Who knows. But this just screams cover up.
    Green flag at incident site means "clear from here on", at the time the driver is seeing this he can see the reason for double yellow flags at the prior marshal stand (possibly even 2 stands prior, PLUS indication of caution zone on his steering wheel) & knows this is the incident causing the double yellows.
    Forza Ferrari !
    "You need great passion, because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well." - Juan Manuel Fangio

  25. #265
    Join Date
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    Buffalo, NY
    So, so, so tough. Every time my minds not occupied, there are thoughts of Jules, I go on the internet to see if there's any bright news, don't really have the nerve to check anywhere but here on TSN as I prefer not to listen to or read any blame placing or second guessing of safety regulations or detailed reports of the accident.
    I am thankful F1 accidents that seriously injure or result in loss of life are as infrequent as they have become, when I first started following F1, deaths probably averaged between 1 & 2 per year & you always heard " well they (drivers) know the risk is always there" or some such rational. Believe me when I say I am truly happy that the sport has invested so much in making racing considerably safer than it has ever been. Wishing for strength for the drivers to see them through a difficult weekend & race.

    If thoughts could heal, Jules is getting a boatload of help just from the members of this forum alone!

    Forza Jules!
    Forza Ferrari !
    "You need great passion, because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well." - Juan Manuel Fangio

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hornet View Post
    Makes me sick that there are people who are trying to put the blame squarely on Bianchi just because they watched a crash video.
    Spot on! (plus the rest of your post I agree with as well.)

    The obsession shouldn't be to find blame, it should be to understand all the factors that contributed, and how can we change things to prevent it from happening again - even if it is the unusual or unconventional that we are accommodating.

    On the green flag, it is correct that a green flag can be waved "past" the accident, so what they need to establish was if the person waving the flag was clearly past the accident. What I will note is the video showing the telemetry (which is the FOM official feed) showed that sector as yellow up to and including the time of Jule's impact. So there were conflicting messages there that need to be explained. Also, there are persistent "rumours" being released that Jules was going too fast when he was going the same speed as the other drivers (again shown by the telemetry).

    One last point, the article by the former F1 doctor makes a big deal about how it is well known that the drivers don't slow down to a speed they can stop suddenly from. To me that means the FiA were fully aware that all the drivers would continue at the speed they did under the yellow flag and the way to further reduce the speed was to deploy the SC.

  27. #267
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    Plain and simple, the SC was deployed a minute too late.

    Having said that; Most important now is for Jules to recover.

    All thoughts and prayers for him and his family in this very difficult time.


  28. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbottcostello View Post
    So, so, so tough. Every time my minds not occupied, there are thoughts of Jules, I go on the internet to see if there's any bright news, don't really have the nerve to check anywhere but here on TSN as I prefer not to listen to or read any blame placing or second guessing of safety regulations or detailed reports of the accident.

    Forza Jules!
    I don't think we will hear any news whatsoever until the GP weekend is over - we wouldn't want to put a dampener on the 'show' that apparently us fans are obsessed with now would we.

    I hope I am wrong and we get good news between now and Sunday evening to give everyone a lift.
    Forza Jules

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzie View Post
    I don't think we will hear any news whatsoever until the GP weekend is over - we wouldn't want to put a dampener on the 'show' that apparently us fans are obsessed with now would we.

    I hope I am wrong and we get good news between now and Sunday evening to give everyone a lift.
    Ayrton was dead at the accident and flown away. No one said that he was gone or the race would have been stopped.

  30. #270
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    There is going to be a briefing from Jean Todt, Charlie Whiting and Ian Roberts at 6pm (3pm UK time).
    Forza Jules


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