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Thread: Ferrari Chairman: We Could Leave Formula One

  1. #1
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    Ferrari Chairman: We Could Leave Formula One

    When Ferrari Formula One ace Fernando Alonso waves the tricolore to start the 24 Hours of Le Mans on Saturday, he will be signaling to more than the drivers.

    In an interview this week in his office in Maranello, Italy, Ferrari chairman Luca di Montezemolo vented his discontents with the organizers of F1, the elite open-wheel racing series that dominates world motor sport, and suggested the company may enter sports-car competition instead.

    "Formula One isn't working," he said. "It's declining because [the Federation International d'Automobile, the sport's governing body] have forgotten that people watch the racing for the excitement. Nobody watches racing for the efficiency, come on."

    FIA didn't respond to a request for comment. Montezemolo stressed no decision has been made. A statement posted late Friday on Ferrari's racing team's website said "some elements of the media" had mischaracterized Montezemolo's words. The statement said it was "a bit of a stretch" to say that Ferrari would quit F1, while also saying "there is a unique attraction to the 24 Hour race." The statement also said "there's nothing to stop Ferrari" from competing in both disciplines.

    The Scuderia Ferrari team's battles with FIA are well known and of long standing. The current dispute arises out of a new set of F1 rules for 2014 that are intended to make the sport greener as well as make it more affordable to the participants, with restrictions on the number of engines, tires and other technical resources.

    In particular, Montezemolo complained about rules that forbid engine development during the season, a rule that has left Ferrari a distant third in the standings. "And we cannot touch the engine?" he said, visibly frustrated.

    Montezemolo also complained about the restricted—some have said strangled—sound of the new engines. "People watch racing to be entertained," he said. "No one wants to watch a driver save gas or tires. They want to see them push from here to there. It's sport, yes, but also a show."

    Montezemolo suggested that his company could instead pursue endurance racing of the type practiced at Le Mans, perhaps as soon as 2020. Ferrari competed at the top levels of sports-car racing from 1947 to 1973, winning Le Mans nine times, but left the sport at the end of 1972, with founder Enzo Ferrari deciding to concentrate resources on F1. Ferrari has been a continuous presence on the Grand Prix grid for more than a half-century.

    "Of course," Montezemolo said, "we cannot do sports-car racing and Formula One. It's not possible."
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Haha going by the article, there seem to be constradictions between what Luca actually said (quoted text) and what Ferrari subsequently posted on the official website. A dubious attempt at damage control, perhaps? Seriously, either don't say it or say it and mean it. Don't vacillate between two opposing views.
    Last edited by ntukza; 14th June 2014 at 05:49.
    Forza Ferrari
    "And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it."

  3. #3
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    big announcement coming today regarding Ferrari, it is going to announced at Le-Mans today.

  4. #4
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    Ferrari Car
    After he said that he wanted the engine to be more important, I can't take him seriously but I hope Ferrari goes full force to Le-Mans, Fernando is there today, so maybe that is a hint.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Rob View Post
    big announcement coming today regarding Ferrari, it is going to announced at Le-Mans today.
    Any idea at what time, Rob?
    Maurizio Arrivabene

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by fratelliferrari View Post
    Any idea at what time, Rob?
    no i dont, i have emailed friend(s) who may know. But they are not telling me

    will post pic of my AF Corse top later before race begins in Le-Mans thread, i will put my lil boy in his Ferrari top aswell


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Belfast, UK
    Same threats to quit F1 every year from Luca. Yawn. Either poo or get off the pot.
    Forza Jules

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzie View Post
    Same threats to quit F1 every year from Luca. Yawn. Either poo or get off the pot.
    To be honest, i think we should. As i said before, if, if we do go for a LMP1 programme, it will hurt the F1 programme, like it isnt hurting already. But with LMP1 and F1 programmes, be hard to do both and both be best in the sports.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzie View Post
    Same threats to quit F1 every year from Luca. Yawn. Either poo or get off the pot.

    Well said Suzie

    Get the car fast and winning races Luca. That is all that matters.

    No need to go to Le Mans and getting beaten by other teams as well.

  10. #10
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    Ferrari is bound to F1. It's on contract and has been signed in the Concorde Agreement. This is just a bit more of LDM's moaning. I don't even think Ferrari can afford to leave F1.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gould View Post
    Ferrari is bound to F1. It's on contract and has been signed in the Concorde Agreement. This is just a bit more of LDM's moaning. I don't even think Ferrari can afford to leave F1.
    It would be arrogant to think that the sport can continue enjoying it's status forever irrespective of what it does. Viewership is what make Formula 1 the top motorsport event in the world, and if the sport starts hemorrhaging viewers and not do anything about it, it will be on a decline. If nothing is done, eventually Ferrari cannot afford to NOT leave F1, because it will be a colossal waste of money.

    I believe this is what Luca DM is talking about, that the sport is on a decline and something must be done. F1 is not some magic that just works because it's F1. The sport cannot forever ride on the glory that was build by it's predecessor. The way the FIA is behaving right now, they are complacent and are not concern about the status of the sport. In all of the changes we saw in recent years, the two major theme is green efficiency, and cost cutting. Viewership isn't getting the attention it deserve.

    When was the last time we hear the FIA say they are trying to boost viewership? It's always efficiency or cost cutting. It's people like Bernie who are making noise about viewership, and occasionally we get some dumb ideas like double point or trumpet exhaust. On the technical side, efficiency and cost still takes precedence. We only get these silly ideas that doesn't affect those two agenda because they refuse to budge on them.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2004
    imagine what Luca would have said if Ferrari is taking clean sweep 1-2 on all circuits

  13. #13
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    Belgrade, Serbia
    Quote Originally Posted by ManFromMilan View Post
    Well said Suzie

    Get the car fast and winning races Luca. That is all that matters.

    No need to go to Le Mans and getting beaten by other teams as well.
    Well said, well said. LDM stop crying, and start working!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by paneristi View Post
    imagine what Luca would have said if Ferrari is taking clean sweep 1-2 on all circuits
    but, that goes for alot, of fans here aswell.

  15. #15
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ManFromMilan View Post
    Well said Suzie

    Get the car fast and winning races Luca. That is all that matters.

    No need to go to Le Mans and getting beaten by other teams as well.

    I don't want LDM to stop complaining. The sport is a joke of what it used to be. LDM is right. Watch some F1 races when it was racing, when stints meant pushing as hard as you could, not cruising so you could save tires and fuel, when passing was done through skill, when cars had different strategies. This isn't racing like racing used to be. Someone, in another thread, posted a video of Canada 1998 when Schumacher had to push to make up time for a stop and go penalty. Fisichella was leading the race, but lap by lap Schumacher was taking 1-1.5 sec out of Fisi's time, pushing like mad. That was racing. That was exciting. F1 used to be about 3-4 all out racing stints between fill ups and tire changes. I don't enjoy modern F1. There are many races I can barely force myself to watch from beginning to end.
    Let LDM keep complaining, let viewership keep falling, maybe they'll smarten up and bring F1 back to what it should be.

  16. #16
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    The problem is that F1 is so over regulated. I'm watching LeMans right now. Hybrid technology, very similar to F1 is in use by Audi, Porsche and Toyota. But the manufacturers are free to apply their own solution. So rather than using v-6 engines of identical spec, these three marques are running V-4, V-6 and V-8 engines. This is how the sport advances technology and that is one reason why it is attractive to three of the worlds top manufacturers.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ntukza View Post
    Haha going by the article, there seem to be constradictions between what Luca actually said (quoted text)
    When I read what Luca actually said, I don't see him anywhere say Ferrari could leave Formula One.

    Don't play dumb with me. I'm better at it than you are.

  18. #18
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    Mar 2013
    The title of that article is completely wrong and misleading, I don't see Luca making any threats of leaving F1 in that article, some people overreacting here as usual LOL. But Luca's totally right about F1 not being what it used to be and if this kind of fuel saving/tyre saving trend continues then I wouldn't blame him at all if he decided to pull Ferrari out of F1 someday. I hope it doesn't happen though, at least not in the near future, because Ferrari and F1 are synonymous and Ferrari belongs in F1. But if for example one day F1 starts using full electric engines then that's the day when Ferrari should definitely leave F1 and go to some other racing series.

  19. #19
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    Although it would stretch Ferrari to be in both disciplines, maybe they could complement each other on the engine and development front. Both disciplines are using hybrid power and there's no getting away from the march of technology whether we like it or not, but in order to preserve F1 as the pinnacle of motorsport, the engine freeze should be revoked to allow for fair competition!

  20. #20
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    I don't think anyone takes a "Ferrari will quit F1" story from Luca seriously anymore, not even the FIA.
    Forza Ferrari

  21. #21
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    Whether or not anyone thinks Ferrari will quit F1 isn't the point. I've not come across many outside the media (and Mercedes) that are particularly complimentary about the current state of F1. It's all well and good saying Ferrari should concentrate on being faster, but when the championship has been devalued and its essence undermined to such an extent, would expending so much effort and expense result in anything more than a pyrrhic victory? I think raising the question of an LMP1 campaign is a legitimate question, even though it will likely not happen.

  22. #22
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    Ferrari denies it is threatening to quit F1

    Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo believes the FIA has lost sight of what Formula One is about, but the team has denied it might consider leaving the sport as a result.

    In an interview with the Wall Street Jorunal, Montezemolo criticised the new regulations, which put an emphasis on efficiency, saying they do not offer what people want.

    "Formula One isn't working," he said. "It's declining because the FIA have forgotten that people watch the racing for the excitement. Nobody watches racing for the efficiency, come on.

    "People watch racing to be entertained. No one wants to watch a driver save gas or tires. They want to see them push from here to there. It's sport, yes, but also a show."

    The comments come after speculation Ferrari might return to Le Mans, but Montezemolo said "we cannot do sports-car racing and Formula One. It's not possible."

    Ferrari later denied that Montezemolo's comments were a veiled threat that it might leave F1.

    "Some elements of the media have suggested Ferrari would quit Formula One to concentrate on the Le Mans 24 Hours and Endurance racing," a statement read. "This is a bit of a stretch based on President Luca di Montezemolo reiterating that Formula One needs to evolve and renew itself, while also admitting that there is a unique attraction to the 24 Hour race. To say that after 2020, Ferrari could quit Formula One to concentrate on Le Mans and the Endurance championship takes his words to extremes. Plus of course, there's nothing to stop Ferrari upping the ante and competing in both disciplines. So it's just pure speculation."


  23. #23
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    I Giorni
    Quote Originally Posted by vcs316 View Post
    Ferrari Chairman: We Could Leave Formula One
    Bye bye
    Oops, Sorry wrong forum

  24. #24
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    I just wish everyone would wait until Luca actually says this before kicking up a fuss about it.

    Don't play dumb with me. I'm better at it than you are.

  25. #25
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    Maributo Key
    I dont see why people keep slammin Luca. He is what Enzo was. He should be credited with keeping Ferrari..Ferrari.
    Thats my poo ifa u no like.

    At this point Id have to agree with Rob here. F1 is going down a road that I dont care for. I agree with everything Luca says.
    At this point though, I dont think he's blowing smoke. F1 is not what brought millions of fans to the gates or the TV's anymore.
    And the drop in gate and TV viewers prove this.
    There already is a Formula E, so that stuff should have nothing to do w/F1. Engines, testing, refueling, out n out constant development,
    no fuel restrictions, no design restrictions, no tire restrictions, more tire suppliers (please) Have all of the safety features, we need those. And why not sports cars, Lemans??? Im watching Lemans today, as much as theyre showing it, n I dont care if I miss an F1 race anymore. Luca's the man..go ahead it.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by REDARMYSOJA View Post
    When I read what Luca actually said, I don't see him anywhere say Ferrari could leave Formula One.
    Neither do I. Why do you quote my text with your comment as though I said I saw him say that? What I said is that there are contradictions. Look at the quotes below, the last two in particular. These are contradictions.

    --"Formula One isn't working,"--

    --"there is a unique
    attraction to the 24 Hour race."--

    --"there's nothing to stop Ferrari"
    from competing in both

    --"we cannot do sports-car
    racing and Formula One. It's
    not possible."--
    Forza Ferrari
    "And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it."

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by REDARMYSOJA View Post
    I just wish everyone would wait until Luca actually says this before kicking up a fuss about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nova View Post
    I dont see why people keep slammin Luca. He is what Enzo was. He should be credited with keeping Ferrari..Ferrari.
    Thats my poo ifa u no like.
    Yes, exactly right! Well said. I agree 100%

  28. #28
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    Ferrari's Luca di Montezemolo calls for meeting over F1's direction
    By Jonathan Noble Sunday, June 15th 2014, 05:30 GMT

    Luca di Montezemolo

    Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo has asked Bernie Ecclestone to call Formula 1's key figures together to discuss its future, amid concerns the sport has lost its way.

    AUTOSPORT can reveal that di Montezemolo has written to Ecclestone and Donald McKenzie, of F1's owner CVC, to express his 'worries' that grand prix racing is neglecting fans and sponsors and needs to react to the decline in interest.

    With recent discussions between teams and F1's stakeholders having been dominated by cost issues, di Montezemolo thinks that other aspects of F1 have been ignored.

    He writes that he is especially fearful that F1 is failing to embrace the new generation of younger fans, and is not maintaining the interest of sponsors.

    But rather than just criticise the areas where he thinks F1 has gone wrong, di Montezemolo wants a meeting to agree a path of recovery.

    In the letter, di Montezemolo suggests Ecclestone brings together F1's main stakeholders - including teams, media, television companies, and race promoters - for an open workshop to establish what is wrong and how it should be fixed.

    He also believes that companies that are not directly involved in F1 - such as social media platforms and companies like Google and Apple - should be invited too.

    Di Montezemolo has offered to make available Ferrari's Maranello factory for the meeting, and suggests it happens in the week before the Italian Grand Prix in September.

    Ferrari spokesman Renato Bisignani told AUTOSPORT that the Italian outfit was eager to work together with all interested parties to try to improve F1's long term future.

    "It is natural for Ferrari to exercise a proactive approach and discussions are ongoing at the appropriate levels," he said.

    "There is a need to act collectively with the sport's key stakeholders and to reflect on the bigger picture, with constructive critics in the interests of the sport, with an eye towards technology and another one towards the show.

    "Formula 1 has been built over the years into a unique marketing and sporting platform and it must now consolidate its ability to attract global sponsors, engage with fans and make racing more exciting."


    Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen, Ferrari, Canadian GP 2014, Montreal
    Di Montezemolo's ongoing criticisms of current F1, and a potential future interest in sportscars, prompted speculation in recent days that Ferrari could even turn its back on grand prix racing.

    However, the Italian outfit is wholly committed to F1 - and doing all it can to ensure it had a bright future.

    When asked about the reports that Ferrari was thinking of leaving F1, Bisignani explained: "Quite the contrary.

    "Le Mans is an attractive platform which we continue to monitor but Formula 1 has been Ferrari's life for over half a century and our present focus is on returning to a consistent winning form.

    "Behind the scenes there is much going on and the efforts of Montezemolo, coupled by Marco Mattiacci's new leadership, are concentrated solely on this front."

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob View Post
    Ferrari's Luca di Montezemolo calls for meeting over F1's direction
    By Jonathan Noble Sunday, June 15th 2014, 05:30 GMT

    "Behind the scenes there is much going on and the efforts of Montezemolo, coupled by Marco Mattiacci's new leadership, are concentrated solely on this front."
    Not to be forgotten in all the talk of leaving F1 etc.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alessandra View Post
    Not to be forgotten in all the talk of leaving F1 etc.

    Media speculation and stirring or truth????


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