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Thread: Kimi vs. Alonso...unInteresting Discussion

  1. #1
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    Kimi vs. Alonso...unInteresting Discussion

    I found an interesting little comparison between Kimi and Alonso which I wanted to share with you guys.

    I do not necessarily buy into what the 'Experts/Pundits' conclude about the pairing, but it is an interesting little discussion. Atleast I think so.
    Disclaimer: I am neither a Kimi nor an Alonso supporter. I support Ferrari only and i do not intend to start off a Kimi VS Alonso war here

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    These guys are bafoons.
    Forza Ferrari!!

  3. #3
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    here is one about Hamilton vs Rosberg. I believe the analysis of why Hamilton is not as good a driver as Rosberg in this is spot on

    Button vs Magnussen:

    Romain vs Pastor:

    I am really happy that irrespective of who is being compared against whom.....Kimmi is being used as a baseline and that Kimi is held in such high regard and the fact that they do believe in Ferrari having the best driver combo on the grid

  4. #4
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    Mar 2014
    Man, this thread is a disaster waiting to happen. They have 2 very different personalities that you really like 1 more than the other. But my perspective is, lets "eliminate all our natural enemies"(mercedes, red bull etc.) and then start a proper thread about these 2 when we are miles ahead. I think this is the best strategy, work together until Ferrari is number one, if they will not like each other they need to make friends with the devil until you have crossed the bridge...
    Last edited by IulianFerrari; 9th March 2014 at 00:10.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gvsnraju85 View Post
    Oh boy, some very bold statements and predictions from these guys.

    We'll see how it pans out in the end, but hopefully there won't be too much of that political nonsense going on and both drivers will concentrate only on driving and getting the best results. They're both fantastic top drivers and if they can both keep their cool and won't start doing anything stupid, then it will be good for themselves and for the team. I personally don't really care who comes out on top, all I want is what's best for Ferrari. As long as both men give their best in the cockpit and bring good results for Ferrari then I'm happy.

    But it certainly would be nice to see Alonso finally winning his coveted and well-deserved title with Ferrari.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    If think is a piece of , you can tell that the guy how is not Peter Windsor wants Kimi to beat Fernando and he will enjoy it.

  8. #8
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    Hilarious, where is the Vettel vs Ricciardo clip?

    Personally I'd love to see the fight for the WDC between Fernando & Kimi, that would mean Scuderia Ferrari were running away with the WCC... how much better could it get! Well, it's a nice dream

    All I hope is that our red cars are in the thick of it & the rest of the teams on the grid are seeing red.
    Let the season begin - 1 week to Melbourne & I can't wait

    Forza Ferrari !
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbottcostello View Post
    Hilarious, where is the Vettel vs Ricciardo clip?

  10. #10
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    Most of these videos, if not all, are based on sentimentals. If we're talking about driving styles, Fernando, Button and maybe Rosberg (not entirely sure) will excel (still, this is based on current driving styles). The ones that will suffer are Kimi, Massa and most likely Lewis. The first three excel in saving the rear tires, rarely letting the rear to step out. Fernando excels in it especially, creating understeer right after he enters a corner, bringing lots of momentum and not letting the rear to step out. His driving style doesn't demand a stable rear to cope with heavy acceleration. Kimi, Massa both love going in to the corner, braking hard, getting the front end in there and flooring the throttle and correcting the slide. New regs wont let them do it, as the rear is a lot more unstable and the turbo acceleration creates a lot of sliding. They would crash a lot if they continue doing it. Kimi, looking from the interview from testing, crashed the car just doing that.

    Lewis was added as he's notorious in two things: relying on braking late, having a hard time saving fuel. With a totally new braking system and the cars being extremely fuel sensitive, he will most likely struggle at first. He did struggle at Mercedes with the different brakes and now it will probably be even worse.

    Vettel will be an interesting one. He's been the earliest of everyone by a mile on getting on the throttle out of the corner, as the car simply let him do so. We've haven't really seen him struggling with a loose end, so his driving style is unclear.

    These notices don't really carry much weight, as most drivers will change their driving styles dramatically. Massa stated that he had to do so. These are just good to compair, on who will have to do the least changes to their style.

  11. #11
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    Thanks for the video links, I am very much looking forward to the new season and anything like this takes me one little step closer to the Melbourne lights going off!

    As for the opinion of these guys - I am a bit bored of people like them resorting to old cliches when trying to explain what will happen within the Scuderia in 2014. Basically, this is another example of the Alonso-will-play-politics and Alonso-will-underperform-if-not-treated-well argument, which in my view has never been supported by facts. I mean, people like these two guys keep on going back to 2007 to prove those points, but in my opinion if Alonso were good at politics he would have never found himself in the situation he was in McLaren in 2007, and if he were to crash under pressure he would have never outscored Hamilton on the second half of that season. Those who dream of Alonso shattering down are in for a big disappointment.

    The same goes for the Raikkonen-is-a-piece-of-wood-with-no-feelings line. Really? Not being talkative does not mean being impervious to your environment or not reacting to what happens around you. We have heard Raikkonen screaming on the radio when he felt it was needed, including requestion his team to move Grosjean out of his way when he was being held by his teammate. Contrary to what these two guys seem to state, I am convinced that Raikkonen will lead his side of the garage just like Alonso will lead his, and that he will take as much initiative as Alonso when it comes to interacting with the rest of the team.

    I think that Ferrari has two experienced and mature drivers who both know how to extract the maximum from their strenghts while minimising the damages of their weaknesses. I think that they will cooperate to be ahead of their competitors in other teams, but that they will also be fierce rivals for WDC. In an ideal world, the Scuderia would be so far ahead of the other teams that they would just sit back and enjoy their two drivers showdown to the final line; in practice, though, I think that it is likely that there will come a point in which the team will have to choose to put all their eggs in one basket even if the situation is not be clear cut (very much what happened in 2010, when in Germany they opted to give Alonso full support as their best bet for WDC). Obviously one of their drivers will not be happy about the decision (and it does not matter if that is Raikkonen or Alonso, for any of them would be every bit as unhappy as the other would), even if he understands the rationale; but I am sure that the situation within the team will not be half as bad as the media will eagerly portray in dozens of articles about it - so fellow forumers, let's brace for those!

  12. #12
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    I Giorni
    What a load of crap that guy just talking nonsense. I bet if there was limit for talking he would say non of those.

  13. #13
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    what's with fernando and kimi?
    they kept on wearing that ridiculous cap. looks funny
    Hell would have broken loose

  14. #14
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    I do not understand, it seems that everyone wants Kimi and Fernando to fight eachother and never succeed together. This is becoming annoying for many reasons,i understand that people want to see two of the best drivers fight but trying to throw them into a hated relationship makes no sense.
    The guy in the video contradicts himself plenty of times,one of those is when he points out that Kimi doesn't care about politics and such, then, after seconds he claims that Kimi went to Ferrari just to annoy Fernando....
    How can one take such person seriously ?

    All i know is that both Kimi and Fernando respect each other, they know that they will push themselves to no extend in order to try and win. Ferrari got at the moment arguably the strongest pairing and if the car is capable of winning then i guarantee you that we got the WCC at least from these guys.

  15. #15
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    Here is one thing that Kimi and Nando know, and so do other successful people. If you think the path to success comes from weakening your teammate, the result will be that you are both weaker vs. the rest of the world because of infighting. Successful teammates elevate one another. A good team principal will establish an environment where that happens. I suppose a good example of how not to do this is Ron Dennis.

    I think Ferrari are off to a very good start with Kimi and Nando.

    I don't know who this Rob fellow in the video is, but he is full of it. I lost a bit of respect for Windsor for putting this bologna on video for all to see. The only good is that he had little good to say about the millionaire socialist Chavista.

  16. #16
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    Here we go again, warring drivers in any team just causes trouble and dilutes the team effort. I'm reserving judgement until the season pans out, but if either Fernando or Kimi can do it for Ferrari, I'll be happy, although Fernando does deserve WDC no 3 after years of being so close with Ferrari.

  17. #17
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    I agree with much of what’s said above. I find this Alonso V Räikkönen furore before the season’s even starts, clichéd and irritating.
    So, what's with all the Alonso ‘politicking’ stuff? Over and over again we hear this twaddle. He makes his feelings pretty clear on occasion, like most other drivers, and for the rest gets on with the job in hand.
    The British media have a real problem with stereotyping according to nationality.
    Räikkönen, ‘the ice man’ can be pretty vocal in his frustration, just like every other driver on the track. Unlike some, he doesn’t, encourage cozy relations with either the media or fans or perhaps even his side of the garage.

    Having seen both guys on the podium I think they could get on just fine - if them indoors treat them both as adults, experienced racing drivers not just wayward employees. They both deserve better than that.

    They both have a sense of humour. They both seem intelligent. They’re both, I think, rather private individuals, but one of them one has a need sometimes to clarify actions as he sees it, (is this what is meant by ‘political’?) the other, clams up and retreats into himself. Both responses can make for issues, but the team’s job is to handle them sensitively and respectfully if they want a good result. And they could get a very good result.

    Neither of them has a record of dangerous, emotional responses to other drivers on the track. That’s why other drivers feel safe to try manoeuvres around them (e.g. Webber on Alonso at Eau Rouge). Neither needs to be told how to drive their cars. They have racing maturity.

    I want a third WDC for Alonso, of course, I’m an Alonso supporter. But, I will have no problem if Kimi gets another WDC so long as Fer gets his.
    Who knows, it could be one of the great partnerships in F1 and make Ferrari, once again, the pride of the sport. If the drivers are treated with respect!!

    On the other hand, RBR, Mercedes and Lotus could have some very interesting times with their 2014 driver line-ups hmm?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by LivingHitokiri View Post
    I do not understand, it seems that everyone wants Kimi and Fernando to fight eachother and never succeed together. This is becoming annoying for many reasons,i understand that people want to see two of the best drivers fight but trying to throw them into a hated relationship makes no sense.
    The guy in the video contradicts himself plenty of times,one of those is when he points out that Kimi doesn't care about politics and such, then, after seconds he claims that Kimi went to Ferrari just to annoy Fernando....
    How can one take such person seriously ?
    I don't know anything about the one guy, but anyone familiar with Peter Windsor will not be surprised by his Fernando AND Ferrari hate. We Americans were subjected to it for years on SPEED TV. He was such a Hamilton fanboy that David Hobbs started calling him, during the broadcasts, Peter Hamilton.

    Don't play dumb with me. I'm better at it than you are.

  19. #19
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    Stupid opinions from a couple of jerks. It's a total waste of time listening to anything a week before the season begins.

    Disappointed Since 2010

  20. #20
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    I would love to see Kimi winning the second championship especially with Ferrari comeback.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by REDARMYSOJA View Post
    I don't know anything about the one guy, but anyone familiar with Peter Windsor will not be surprised by his Fernando AND Ferrari hate. We Americans were subjected to it for years on SPEED TV. He was such a Hamilton fanboy that David Hobbs started calling him, during the broadcasts, Peter Hamilton.
    Peter Windsor's article on Lewis in this month's F1 Racing made me want to puke. One big sickfest.

    As for Kimi vs Nando... meh - at the beginning of 2010 everyone said that our two drivers wouldn't get along but outside of the car they seemed to get along just fine; or at least they did in so much as it was for the good of the team. I expect these two will be the same.
    Forza Jules

  22. #22
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    No matter how well they'll actually get together, press will only write stories about that fire and ice
    And any slightest little disagreement they might have, will be made to be seen as huge fight.

    Sad, but that's how I think it'll be. Stories sell better than reality..

  23. #23
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    Although i am a Alonso fan and would love to see him get his 3rd WDC,kimi winning is also fine with me.
    Let the driver's fight (on track that is) ,but Ferrari win the WCC ,thats the main goal

  24. #24
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    The media's pretty funny isnt it.....For 2 contrasting personalities they say 'they are like fire and ice or chalk and cheese hence theyl fight' for 2 feisty characters they still wouldv said ' 2 hot heads hence theyl fight'. In short all they want is drama. Why dont they go see daily sitcoms instead ? LOL

    Im with most people above...good with either of the 2 winning a title but being a Kimi fan would be extremely happy if won it.
    Good luck to both !

    “His performances were astonishing! Even the Ferrari engineers don’t fully understand how he managed to get some of the podiums he did.”

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by REDARMYSOJA View Post
    I don't know anything about the one guy, but anyone familiar with Peter Windsor will not be surprised by his Fernando AND Ferrari hate. We Americans were subjected to it for years on SPEED TV. He was such a Hamilton fanboy that David Hobbs started calling him, during the broadcasts, Peter Hamilton.
    That guy is Rob Wilson, probably the most famous driving coach who has coached a lot of Formula 1 drivers
    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giallo 550 View Post
    Stupid opinions from a couple of jerks. It's a total waste of time listening to anything a week before the season begins.

    Some people just feel the need to make noise to gain attention. No need to give them any more attention.

  27. #27
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    Not sure i agree with all his views. Some insights are good, but essentially he is a Kim-bot.
    There is no unbiased view to be had here.
    Silently, like a shadow

  28. #28
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    If Im not mistaken Windsor used to work for Mclaren. He has a weekly podcast show which Ive seen a few times. He's much calmer on that.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by GT Alfa driver View Post
    I would love to see Kimi winning the second championship especially with Ferrari comeback.
    Very understandable. If I were a Kimifan i would love to see that too. Being an Alonsofan though (but not disliking Kimi at all) I think it would be the best if Fernando would win his long deserved Ferrari-championship first, with Kimi winning the next one.
    That would also be the best for their relationship and thus for Ferrari too.

    And - my opinion about these two champions (think about what I mean...) : I think Kimi could very well be the faster one, but Fernando is better......
    Last edited by Alonsomaniac; 10th March 2014 at 16:01.
    You can run like the wind, but you'll never outrun the Prancing Horse

  30. #30
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    "I'm not interested in statistics." That's like saying you're not interested in results, in which case why bother watching? Statistics are a record of results.
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