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Thread: Bernie suggests Azerbaijan race

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Dubai, UAE

    Bernie suggests Azerbaijan race

    According to a report in the British media, Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone is interested in bringing the sport to Azerbaijan, with a Baku street race set to join the calendar in 2015 or 2016.

    In the report by the Daily Mail, former Renault Team Principal Flavio Briatore is expected to be at the centre of the bid to bring a Grand Prix to the streets of Azerbaijan's capital.

    Although Ecclestone was unable to confirm a date for the proposed race, the 83-year-old was adamant that a race would be brought to Baku.

    "We're going to Azerbaijan," Ecclestone is quoted by the Daily Mail.

    "The people out there (in Azerbaijan) are talking about holding a race in 2015.

    That may be a bit soon - unless it's at the end of the season, that's a possibility. But 2016 is more likely."

    Where exactly in the calendar the proposed race in Baku is likely to be scheduled remains unclear.

    Considering that the Austrian Grand Prix has already been added, and the inaugural Russian GP has already been confirmed, a possible race in Azerbaijan would mean next year's calendar could include as many 22 Grands Prix.

    With New Jersey's Grand Prix of America delayed until 2015 atleast, and the Indian Grand Prix expected to receive an early-season slot, the race schedule could look considerably different in the next couple of years.
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Add Azerbaijan, Long Beach, Mexico, New Jersey, no doubt at the expense of traditional European circuits, the teams will never be able to manage this number of GPs without an entire reserve team! Bernie is just being greedy again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    U S A
    The more races , the more F1 to watch the better for us fans to enjoy all year. More to complain about here !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New Jersey will never happen, I've made peace with that, but this is just rediculous. There is no need to go to places that you know will never be able to fill seats. This guy needs to walk away already.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by brembo man View Post
    The more races , the more F1 to watch the better for us fans to enjoy all year. More to complain about here !
    Having more races to watch is fine in theory, brembo man, but there is a life outside F1 and we don't need any more opportunities to complain about our performance, we've already had too much of that lately! Even footie has to have an off-season for its overpaid players to recover their mojo, and I'm sure F1 teams need the same.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Dubai, UAE
    And Bernie just scrapped India for 2015 also
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    There are also rumors that Long Beach could be making a return to F1. Now that would be really awesome, I always liked the look and the layout of the Long Beach track and it's also one of the classic F1 tracks.

    But this Azerbaijan thanks. It will just be another soulless boring track like the one in Abu Dhabi and Sochi. Bernie's just after the money again.

  8. #8
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Nero Horse View Post

    But this Azerbaijan thanks. It will just be another soulless boring track like the one in Abu Dhabi and Sochi. Bernie's just after the money again.

    Yeah i can believe that it will be soulless at best and i am sure with people that don't care about F1 in the slightest. But that is my opinion.

    Rather bring back Magny Cours please Bernie.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by wisepie View Post
    Having more races to watch is fine in theory, brembo man, but there is a life outside F1 and we don't need any more opportunities to complain about our performance, we've already had too much of that lately! Even footie has to have an off-season for its overpaid players to recover their mojo, and I'm sure F1 teams need the same.
    I see what your saying, but for me it's all about the races. I record each race on Tivo while watching it live if I can. The recorded race is great , you pass the commercials, and can replay all the good parts as much as you want. Then read about why it happened. So I still say the more races to watch the more enjoyment for F1 fans. PS. everyone in F1 is already overpaid so let them work! Also if a track has only a few fans in attendance it doesn't affect my enjoying the race . As everyone already knows tracks with great attendance get cut anyway. When I said complain I was joking. What I mean is more races more to talk about good bad and ugly. A good ex. will be Vettel not winning every race and seeing Massa up front. Maybe even Bianchi on the podium with Ferrari power, [ Hi Katu!] .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010
    nameless city
    Quote Originally Posted by brembo man View Post
    . Maybe even Bianchi on the podium with Ferrari power, [ Hi Katu!] .
    hi yourself too!!
    not gonna change my profile picture


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