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Thread: British GP Race Thread 2013

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Stowmarket. U.K

    Thumbs up British GP Race Thread 2013

    Ok, first quick friendly reminder.

    Im starting this thread now. But, if we see what happened yesterday in the Quali thread, i.e name calling, insulting, name calling the team members just because people didnt agree with views. There will be warnings and infractions given. We (MODS) are not trying to dictate peoples views, but please please think before you type. Its friendly constructive atmosphere. Yes, vent bit of frustration, but if on the levels yesterday and gets way way out of hand then we (MODS) will act, and act hard.

    Dont want to sound unsulting to people, but looking back over the thread its really embarassing. Yes we struggle sometimes, so what, some of us been fans for many many years. Through the dark 80s and early 90s. We know it turns around as quick as you can blink. Look at Williams, dominated early 90s now look. Their fans asking for heads a rolling and team are... well im not going to start that again. But no they are not, the fans come together and cheer them on.

    Lets all do what Tifosi do best, cheer and shout our team on to podiums, wins and good results, if we dont win or quali good 1 weekend, always next. I know(and all of you know aswell) the team is the best around, best drivers around and our time is coming, has come. We 36 points behind, just over half of Championship to go, isnt over by looooooooong way.

    Now forza ragazzi, lets have clean strong race and good points finish. Incrociamo le dita per il podio.

    (also it hot today)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    2013 British Grand Prix - Race thread

    Lets be having it today. Its going to be very warm.

    Forza Ferrari

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Lets be having it today. Its going to be very warm.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    To a clean race indeed and please may the Mercs defend hard on Vettel's charge, very hard, just to give us a chance!

    "I cannot judge what he did in his time at Renault and McLaren but I have worked with World Champions Schumacher, Villeneuve and Raikkonen and Fernando is the one who impresses me the most," said Gene.

  5. #5
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    British GP Race Thread 2013

    Forza Ferrari

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    Bella bella amico mio.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Hope for something close to 26 C today. Seeing what a turn around in pace we had at the last GP on race day, expect this today, especially in a track that suits us on paper.

    One way or the other, gonna be hard for our boys climbing up the grid, just need Vettel not to pull a huge gap, and both Merc's to stand their ground

    Forza Ferrari!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Czech Republic
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Lets be having it today. Its going to be very warm.
    Hopefully it will be the hottest day of the year over there

    "If he can't do it with Ferrari, well, he can't do it." - John Surtees

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Hope for a great race for both our boys!!!!And if not cheer up and prepare for the next one!!!!!
    Personally i'm used on hard times for a few years now and the HOPE is really what i have left!!!!
    FERRARI FOR EVER !!!!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    What do you guys think Red Bull will be saying with Ricciardo lining up directly behind Vettel in 5th?

    With a typical Webber start you'd have to assume he's almost a favorite to be ahead of one red bull by lap 1. Will they be telling him to not attack Vettel?

    I desperately want Ferrari to pick Dan up. He's blisteringly fast and he's about as close to an Italian as we have on the grid.

  11. #11
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    Jul 2010
    Hoping that the warm weather does play into our hands, atleast it won't hurt us! The starting positions are bad, but I'm expecting 4th or 5th from Fernando and a few points from Felipe as it will be damage limitation once again.

    Forza Ferrari!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Fantastic. Was hoping for nothing less than a clear blue sky.

    I'd imagine quite a few Ferrari fans will be cheering for Lewis and Nico too. I hope Lewis woke up today feeling like he's got nothing to lose and decides to race brutally hard. We need the Merc to hold up Vettel.

    Quote Originally Posted by Infi24r View Post
    What do you guys think Red Bull will be saying with Ricciardo lining up directly behind Vettel in 5th?

    With a typical Webber start you'd have to assume he's almost a favorite to be ahead of one red bull by lap 1. Will they be telling him to not attack Vettel?

    I desperately want Ferrari to pick Dan up. He's blisteringly fast and he's about as close to an Italian as we have on the grid.
    He seem fired up about the possibility of being in contention. I think we're going to see him taking more risk and pushing hard for better results.

    I'm sure Ric is going to hold station behind Vettel. He's not going to trouble him.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hornet View Post
    He seem fired up about the possibility of being in contention. I think we're going to see him taking more risk and pushing hard for better results.

    I'm sure Ric is going to hold station behind Vettel. He's not going to trouble him.
    I think we'll see a Mercedes train. I don't think any of those top drivers will get away in the first stint.

    All Alonso has to do is undercut them by a few laps.

  14. #14
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    British GP Race Thread 2013

    Forza Ferrari

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Czech Republic
    How's the temperature Greig?

    "If he can't do it with Ferrari, well, he can't do it." - John Surtees

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Good morning. I noticed what happens yesterday here and just hope nothing more of this.
    Nando is working alone.
    Forza Ferrari.
    Need to be smart.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Forza Ferrari !!!!!

    Avanti Fer, avanti!

  18. #18
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    Another bonus after Paul DRista being sent to the back of the grid is that JB will start on the dirty side, lol, just wanted to point that out as starting on the clean side in 11th was his high point of the day after qualiy

    Anyway, expecting a sterling performance from Ferrari today, I'm sure they'll bring some nice points to table. We just have to worry about finishing ahead if not close to SV...others in the top 10 are snacks for the MIGHTY ALONSO

    Year 2000: R.I.P Formula 1

  19. #19
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    British GP Race Thread 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyss4k View Post
    How's the temperature Greig?
    Forza Ferrari

  20. #20
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    Apr 2010
    We've slept on yesterday's depressing performance and read all the flack that has been levelled at the team as a whole, so let's just pray that it's a clean start/first lap and work on a faultless strategy and our drivers to get what we know the car can give in race trim and in warm conditions. Forza Ferrari, mai dare sulla speranza indeed!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    realistically we need a win today. Maybe the time has come for Vettel to have a bad race.

  22. #22
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    Michael Schumacher - the best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be!

  23. #23
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    I would have been a bit more optimistic if we had saved tyres in Q3. We could have pushed really hard in the race with fresh tyres. I think 3rd or 4th is achievable but 2nd or 3rd would have been possible with fresher tyres. This is also assuming that Mercedes tyres fall off which may not be the case. I have some doubts about our race pace maybe not as strong as we like to think because of the downgrades.

  24. #24
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    It will be very windy. Hope it doesn't bother us too much but the car seemed to lack balance strong wind may cause further imbalance. I think we will do well just to finish in the top 5. Vettel is in a strong position to win.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    let us enjoy the race anyway - Nando starts P9, it is unlikely to get a worse result than this! I hope two red cars will give us a good show!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Clearly a picture/photo from @Ferrari4Ever that should be part of the race-photo-book in this thread ...

    Hope to find it there as it will then find the way on my business notebook as screen saver picture too (additional to all other pictures from the mentioned thread)

    offtopic: which sometimes lead to the question from even customers, where these superb pictures coming from!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Tremendo enfado en Ferrari con el comportamiento de las Pirelli en Silverstone
    Los cambios en los compuestos para asegurar que no perdieran la banda de rodadura han afectado especialmente a la escudería italiana y a Lotus. En el equipo de Maranello no se explican las seis décimas por vuelta que han perdido desde Barcelona, un trazado similar y también con los neumáticos medio y duro

    Pirelli ha presentado en Silverstone cambios que en teoría eran leves en los compuestos 2013. Sin embargo, en Ferrari están asombrados con cómo han funcionado esos neumáticos en el trazado británico. No se explican cómo han podido perder seis décimas por vuelta desde la calificación de Barcelona. Lotus ha sido el otro perjudicado. Los compuestos deberían haber sido en teoría idénticos. Dos o a lo sumo tres pueden ser por un fallo propio en las evoluciones de la escudería. Lo que han traído a Inglaterra no les ha funcionado. Y, añado, yo, ya son varias carreras de escasa progresión. En eso, como reconocía ayer el propio Alonso, tienen que mejorar ya. A otros sí les han ido bien.

    Pero hay tres o cuatro décimas que pueden estar sólo en los cambios del neumático. No lo han logrado poner en temperatura ni con 32 grados en pista. La duda es de que hayan podido cambiar la construcción sin avisarles. Una sospecha avivada por el reventón de Checo Pérez en los libres. En las delaminaciones de este año vimos claramente el anillo de acero asimétrico. Ayer no, parecían tiras de Kevlar. Algo que expresamente no ha sido aprobado por los equipos. Tampoco entienden la elección del medio en una pista donde siempre se ha trabajado con el blando y el duro. Se han pedido explicaciones desde el equipo rojo a Pirelli sobre estos compuestos. Los beneficiados han sido Mercedes, sobre todo, y Red Bull. Curiosamente, las dos escuderías que montaron aquella comida de presión en Bahrain para que hubiera un cambio de compuestos. La sentencia sobre los test secretos también ha causado estupor en el paddock.

    Y hay una sospecha más. El regreso de los juegos desiguales. Algo que ya pasó en el primer año de la multinacional. Se teme que en el proceso de fabricación a toda velocidad han salido juegos desiguales que han posibilitado el milagro de Toro Rosso (sin mejoras desde Barcelona), quinto en parrilla. Lleva el mismo coche, salvo pequeños detalles de Montmeló. Ricciardo estuvo francamente bien, quiere el puesto de Webber, pero es un salto demasiado excesivo. Alonso dijo ayer que no hablaría de ruedas, pero recordó la razón de la salida de pista en los libres del viernes de Massa: “Felipe se salió porque las Pirelli experimentales que han traído no son aptas para la competición”. Estaba muy enfadado con el tema.

    A ver cómo funcionan las cosas en carrera, la temperatura puede ayudar a Ferrari y Lotus, pero la bronca ya está montada. En Ferrari ven inadmisible que se vaya a Hungría con medios y duros. Como Lotus. Podría haber cambios en la decisión final. El año pasado se utilizaron los blandos y los medios

    Google Translate;

    Tremendous anger at Ferrari with the behavior of the Pirelli at Silverstone

    The changes in the compounds to ensure not to lose the tread have particularly affected the Italian team and Lotus. In the Maranello team does not explain the six tenths back from Barcelona who lost a similar plot and also medium and hard tires

    Pirelli has presented at Silverstone in theory changes were mild in compounds 2013. However, Ferrari are amazed with how these tires have worked in the British track. Not explained how they could lose six tenths per lap from the qualification of Barcelona. Lotus has been the other injured. Compounds theoretically should have been identical. Two or at most three can be a fault of its own in the evolution of the squad. What they brought to England has not worked. And, I add, I, as are several races of poor progression. In that, as Alonso himself acknowledged yesterday, have to improve now. Others have fared well themselves.

    But three or four tenths which may be only in the tire changes. They have not managed to put in 32 degrees temperature and on track. The question is that construction may have changed without warning. A suspicion fueled by Checo Pérez blowout in free. In this year delaminations clearly saw asymmetrical steel ring. Yesterday there seemed to Kevlar strips. Something that has not been expressly approved by the teams. Nor do they understand the choice of medium on a track where he has always worked with the soft and hard. They have sought explanations from the Red Team Pirelli on these compounds. The beneficiaries have been Mercedes, especially, and Red Bull. Interestingly, the two teams that pressure mounted that food in Bahrain to have a change of compounds. The ruling on secret test has also caused astonishment in the paddock.

    And there's one more suspect. The return of mixed games. Something that happened in the first year of the multinational. It is feared that in the manufacturing process have come speeding uneven games that have allowed the miracle of Toro Rosso (no improvement from Barcelona), fifth on the grid. Take the same car, except for small details Montmelo. Ricciardo was really well, Webber wants the job, but it is a leap too excessive. Alonso said yesterday he would not talk about wheels, but remembered the reason for the off-track in Friday's free Massa: "Felipe is out because the experimental Pirelli have brought not suitable for competition." He was very angry with the topic.

    Let's see how things work in the race, the temperature can help Ferrari and Lotus, but the anger is already mounted. In Ferrari are unacceptable to go to Hungary with medium and hard. As Lotus. There could be changes in the final decision. Last year we used the soft and the media

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Ferrari and Lotus should do something about it. Pirelli is up to no good with their tire choices, and they can affect the championship with their behavior. If we go to Hungary with hard, we're screwed there. And that's unfair because that's not the appropriate tires for Hungary track.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Czech Republic
    Are you telling me, that Pirelli secretely changed the tyres without teams knownig and saying, that they will not change them? This can't be, surely.

    "If he can't do it with Ferrari, well, he can't do it." - John Surtees

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    Quote Originally Posted by Hornet View Post
    Ferrari and Lotus should do something about it. Pirelli is up to no good with their tire choices, and they can affect the championship with their behavior. If we go to Hungary with hard, we're screwed there. And that's unfair because that's not the appropriate tires for Hungary track.

    Totally, they are PLAYING to big a factor in the RACING championship. Should of kept with softs n super softs. Just because RBR and Merc dont like the deg on their cars. Deal with it, stop throwing your weight around and moaning to Bernie. If you dont like the tyres, try and make your cars better.

    Dont penalise, us Lotus and others that have done better job with tyres deg and understanding them.


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