Naw, come on. this Ferrari is still the same team who have won many great championship among some tough times.
Ferrari have been in difficult times in the past, and under leadership such as Luca DM, the team is not afraid to do what it takes to climb back up to the top. We've seen how Ferrari was willing to pay Schumi whatever he was asking just to get him into the team, and then bring in all the people Schumi wants, including Rory Bryne out of retirement.
This is also the same team who was willing to pay Kimi just to have him quit earlier in order to make way for Alonso.
If Luca DM feels the current people running the team is not up to the task, he will not be afraid to make changes in the future. We don't have to agree with the people running the team currently, but just remember that they are not everything Ferrari is. Stefano D is working for Ferrari, but Stefano is not Ferrari. I'm sure if Ferrari continue to struggle, Luca will not be keeping Stefano around for long. But that's up to Luca, he knows better.