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Thread: Alonso: Only McLaren can be happy with Perez

  1. #31
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    May 2011
    Perez drove too aggressively and misjudged certain situations. It's also very important to bring the car home. He has moments of brilliance but lacks consistency.

    However, in fairness to Alonso he shouldn't have been penalized for avoiding a collision with Perez. The stewards are going to send out the wrong message with that decision. I'm not saying Perez should be given a penalty for that overtaking attempt. He needs to mature. He is still young so a long way to go.

    But you've got to give the guy some credit for trying though I think he's trying to hard. There is no question that his driving is dangerous. If he doesn't tone it down he will quickly earn a bad reputation.

  2. #32
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    Re: Alonso: Only McLaren can be happy with Perez

    I'm getting confused about who TSN's main enemy is on a week to week basis. From Red Bull to Merc and then to Perez now - and then probably back around again at least 3 times before Canada... ;)

    Sent from my GT-I9100P using Tapatalk 2
    Forza Jules

  3. #33
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    Jul 2003
    I don't see anything wrong in criticizing other drivers. Doesn't mean they are our enemy. Monaco race was filled with boneheaded moves by the rookies, 2 of which ended in a heavy accident. I'm surprise Gorsjean was the only one penalized.

    The problem with these rookies is their do or die attitude, and they wonder why top teams aren't knocking on their doors.

  4. #34
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    Dec 2011
    nothing to look here....alonso is just trying to let out his frustration...part of the process of cooling off....we all do it,once in a while...

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by fadyferrari View Post
    nothing to look here....alonso is just trying to let out his frustration...part of the process of cooling off....we all do it,once in a while...
    Actually Alonso was pretty cool about it. He said he won't say much as it reminds him of himself when he was younger. It's Kimi (of all people) who's turning violent. He wants to punch Perez in the face (ง'̀-'́)ง

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hornet View Post
    Actually Alonso was pretty cool about it. He said he won't say much as it reminds him of himself when he was younger. It's Kimi (of all people) who's turning violent. He wants to punch Perez in the face (ง'̀-'́)ง
    i say ,let him have it kimi!show us what u've got!

  7. #37
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    Nando should have driven better than he did. Bad day at the office no excuse really!
    "Okay,...Jean is smarter than you....... can you confirm you understood that message" Bernie on the phone to Max circa 2009

    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines - Enzo Ferrari circa 1960

  8. #38
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    Maybe I didn't see this but no one is brining up the fact that not only was the F138 poor in low speed traction, but Alonso's car got banged up pretty good during the race. I believe both the Sutil and Button passes were during this plastic bag period. That car was understeering like crazy. Also, Alonso was keeping up with Kimi for the first stint, then fell back to preserve tires and caught up again. By the end of the race Alonso was over a second off the pace of the front runners. The car picked up some bad damage. Monaco is always a one off race where anything can happen. Lets forget it and move on. We have our best car since 2010 lets stay positive. A couple Barcelona repeats and we are right back in the championship hunt. 13 races still to go. 325 points still up for grab and hopefully some bad luck for Vettel in the future. We have a lot of high speed circuits coming up that should play to our advantage

    ESPN F1 site:

    "The main problem was the pace, we didn't have the pace," Alonso said. "Normally on Sunday we pick up the pace, this time we didn't, and as part of that yes we did have different problems. The team informed me that we had a plastic bag on the front wing for ten laps which was taking aero performance from the front part. Then we had a piece of Sergio's front wing underneath on the floor and we lost around 30 or 40 points of aero performance, and then it was off for the last three laps so it was some up and down in the performance of the car. But the first 30 laps until the red flag we didn't have any problem and we were too slow."
    Forza Ferrari!!

  9. #39
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    There is a problem with the selection of F1 drivers. Far too many of them come up from the lesser formulas because they are fast. But, drivers like Perez (this is not the first time he has messed up at Monaco), Grosjean (who had been brilliant at Monaco in lesser formulas)and others prove that being fast is not enough, they need to have some sense. And perhaps they need to have more than a year or two of F2 under their belts.

  10. #40
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    Or perhaps, rather than ban testing, bring it back and gives these young drivers a lot of time in a real F1 cockpit. Alonso took a whole year off between Minardi and Renault to be a full time test driver. The young guys don't have enough time in the cockpit before their first race. The big teams can afford testing. The smaller teams may not but hasn't F1 always been about a clearly defined top tier, midfield and backmarkers? I don't think anyone would want to see all 11 teams able to compete for a win. I want Ferrari vs McLaren battles like the old days. The rest can fall in line and claim the rest of the points.
    Forza Ferrari!!

  11. #41
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    Kimi during an interview actually made a great point about perez overtakes, as he enters the tunnel he ill go outside, which is basically the only place you can try and overtake in monaco, so he takes the inside for the chicane, but he brakes so so late that the car that's on the outside, either has simply cut the chicane, or simply crash, cause there isn't enough room, if perez had always his car in front by the chicane ok, but no, it was always nose to nose and since he had the inside he thought he could do that move over and over.

    he was a kamikaze, and on top of this brilliant analyses from kimi (shocking) was fernando option to not complain too much, and remembering that when you know you are not fighting for any championship, you take these risks.

    The thing is, when drivers do these things, they get a punishment, and perez hasn't. ha he been doing this for sauber still, he would not get away.

    Monaco was never about overtaking, it's about a drivers ability to put on perfect laps (like 70 of them) in a very narrow corridor having a pit stop that works, it's all about not making any mistakes.
    it always amazes the onboard shots of them from the second last an last turns of that circuit.

    he art isn't in never falling but in always getting up.

  12. #42
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    Kimi was the one moving over on Perez though? Alonso and MS have come from the back of the grid to score points in Monaco, by overtaking.
    Forza Ferrari

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Kimi was the one moving over on Perez though? Alonso and MS have come from the back of the grid to score points in Monaco, by overtaking.
    umm yeah...coz he was trying to take his normal line into the corner.....i dont know if u've noticed but the cars overtaking there,pull up alongside the other car a little before the edge on the fence...but in this case perez had only his nose alongside kimi's rear tyre.....he was driving into a wedge...that gap was always going to close....if kimi hadnt taken his line he would have had to go straight ...the problem is that he trusted perez to back off when the move became impossible,but perez didnt...and they touched

  14. #44
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    I like Perez but I do go for the crazies
    Forza Jules

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzie View Post
    I like Perez but I do go for the crazies
    doesnt that make felipe an odd choice then?

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by fadyferrari View Post
    doesnt that make felipe an odd choice then?
    I don't think so!
    Forza Jules

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by fadyferrari View Post
    doesnt that make felipe an odd choice then?
    Uhm ... you talking about the 'crazy' who managed to drive his own race yet protect & assist 'Nando in Brazil '12. Do you know how hard it is to shotgun another driver & still drive for your own glory? Get real, 'crazy' is a totally unacceptable adjective for one of our teams drivers. I believe you are out of line on the SF forum to intimate we have a 'crazy' driver.
    Yip I'm a Massabot too! & a Nandobot as well! Mostly just damned proud of our team.
    Forza Ferrari
    "What I don't quite understand is how Massa gets the lap times he does when he so often misses the apexes of the corners. What really does impress me is the fact that he displays a determination not to be counted out, or overlooked, when it comes to fighting for the world championship." Damon Hill.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic Feathers View Post
    Uhm ... you talking about the 'crazy' who managed to drive his own race yet protect & assist 'Nando in Brazil '12. Do you know how hard it is to shotgun another driver & still drive for your own glory? Get real, 'crazy' is a totally unacceptable adjective for one of our teams drivers. I believe you are out of line on the SF forum to intimate we have a 'crazy' driver.
    Yip I'm a Massabot too! & a Nandobot as well! Mostly just damned proud of our team.
    Forza Ferrari
    u totally got it wrong what my comment was aimed at..!!!!do i really need to explain it??

    suzie said she does go for the crazies,to which i replied that it makes massa an odd choice(she is a massabot),cuz massa is a nice and straightforward guy!!!GET IT???

    dont get all worked up for no reason at all!!!!!!coz i surely bleed ferrari!maybe more so than u!
    Last edited by fadyferrari; 28th May 2013 at 23:56.

  19. #49
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    I think Felipe still has a bit of that right kind of crazy left in him, just look at Singapore '12 Love the kid to bits, I'm a Massabot too!

  20. #50
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    Perez has to know Kimi was right there with points to be in 1st with a good result at Monaco. Why ciidn't he do a chin move and move over for Kimi like the chin did for Vettel? Sportsmenship at it's best!

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic Feathers View Post
    Uhm ... you talking about the 'crazy' who managed to drive his own race yet protect & assist 'Nando in Brazil '12. Do you know how hard it is to shotgun another driver & still drive for your own glory? Get real, 'crazy' is a totally unacceptable adjective for one of our teams drivers. I believe you are out of line on the SF forum to intimate we have a 'crazy' driver.
    Yip I'm a Massabot too! & a Nandobot as well! Mostly just damned proud of our team.
    Forza Ferrari
    Odd choice means the odd one out, the one that doesn't belong in the category (not crazy, in this case)

    Massa is a pretty cool guy. Hasn't got into a fist fight or tries to strangle other drivers yet

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzie View Post
    I like Perez but I do go for the crazies
    Suzie, surely you aren't saying that our Felipe is a 'crazy'? He's had his moments when forced into it, but other than that I still feel he's the underdog and that's why I support him, more or less unconditionally! Any second Ferrari driver is in the same boat, and actually out of all the names which WERE being thrown around as a successor to Felipe, Perez would have been the most acceptable to me. With hindsight, though......

  23. #53
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    Crazy in a good way! I don't mean crazy as in mentally unbalanced, just a bit hair-raising to watch at times. Like Singapore last year, as FFFerrari said
    Forza Jules

  24. #54
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    Fadyferrari, hah I did need to re-read to see the context you'd put it in - apologies. There'd been a bunch of non-ferrari drivers mentioned then Felipe. In my twilight wakefulness at 2am, i missed the plot. I's a dozy jockey Avanti Ferrari
    "What I don't quite understand is how Massa gets the lap times he does when he so often misses the apexes of the corners. What really does impress me is the fact that he displays a determination not to be counted out, or overlooked, when it comes to fighting for the world championship." Damon Hill.

  25. #55
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    Another penalty for Alonso!

    http:// http:/

    Of quite a different nature, fortunately
    Quite a brilliant penalty really.
    Sorry for the OT but I thought its a nice little diversion from the gloom of Monaco

  26. #56
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  27. #57
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    Perez is a dangerous driver...not in a racers point of view but in terms of safety. You can be a racer and yet drive within the boundaries of racing, not setting aside safety. In Perez' case, he drives fast and races as if he were the only driver on the track/road and this is outrageously dangerous! It is one thing to overtake and another thing to forcibly overtake another car and put both of your lives in danger. Perez is a promising and exciting driver but at this point, he still lacks maturity and intelligent judgment.

    He should instead join horse racing and not F1 racing!

  28. #58
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    Oct 2011
    Well said redkid.

    I know F1 does not have enough overtaking opportunities as any Motorsport lover would like to have, but that is because these machines perform on a whole other level.

    Thus what he seem to be doing this year is more reckless than brave. Kamui was brave. He used to out brake the best and squeeze into a gap that did not seem to be there.

    It is another story all together when you force a move that just isn't there. Just ask Felipe about all the shunts he had from a certain other driver not so long ago. Also seen as a good overtaker, but who actually was just a crash boom bang GP2 driver in F1 disguise.

    That is why I like the Pirelli tyres the last two seasons especially, for the fact that if a good driver looks after them, you can see the better driver overtake.
    Last edited by ManFromMilan; 30th May 2013 at 21:21.

  29. #59
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    btw guys,m i the only 1 who thinks that alonso is taking too much pressure about the championship this year??desperately trying to get past vettel n breaking the front wing in malaysia,being too cautious in monaco....i might be wrong ,but last year he was taking it 1 race at a time.this year he has his mind fully concetrated on the WDC....maybe he thinks this is his best and probably only chance for some while,since next year is probably a journey into the unknown.....

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by redkid View Post
    Perez is a dangerous driver...not in a racers point of view but in terms of safety. You can be a racer and yet drive within the boundaries of racing, not setting aside safety. In Perez' case, he drives fast and races as if he were the only driver on the track/road and this is outrageously dangerous! It is one thing to overtake and another thing to forcibly overtake another car and put both of your lives in danger. Perez is a promising and exciting driver but at this point, he still lacks maturity and intelligent judgment.

    He should instead join horse racing and not F1 racing!
    there is nothing wrong in being gutsy and trying some risky moves....but it becomes wrong when u take it beyond a limit....perez pulled off some good races last year...but he is young and being suddenly shoved into the limelight as the "mclaren's next big thing"has surely made him too desperate that he has got "IT" in him....thats the biggest difference i have seen in him since he signed for mclaren....he really needs a proper mentor......something he wont get at mclaren..!atleast not in JB or whitmarsh!


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