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Thread: Ferrari 2013 i'm a believer.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by sagi58 View Post
    Stranger things have happened, eh?
    Too right, just hope we're not deluding ourselves, must be positive eh?! Forza e coraggio, I think!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sagi58 View Post
    There are only a few "exceptional" drivers on the grid, unfortunately the others are there to make up the numbers!!
    Some, like Button, Hamilton and Kimi are lucky enough to get one WDC, thanks to unique circumstances in any particular
    season; others, like Massa, aren't so lucky and will lose it because of unique circumstances!
    Having said that, I'm not convinced we can "discount" Hamilton or Kimi, quite yet! Though I'm confident that Alonso will be
    in the hunt from the beginning of the season, I don't believe it will be a two-horse race, initially!!
    Agree with you on most points, just want to add that i think Massa almost won it on pure driver skills, Button did win it because Brawn Gp found a magic bullet.
    Dr Ferdinand Porsche:" Nuvolari is the greatest driver of the past, the present, and the future".
    Enzo Ferrari once drove with him and recalled even on bends "he never took his foot from the accelerator".

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by wisepie View Post
    Forza e coraggio, I think!
    Sempre, continuamente e completamente!!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Massimo View Post
    Agree with you on most points, just want to add that i think Massa almost won it on pure driver skills, Button did win it because Brawn Gp found a magic bullet.
    No matter what the "definitive" reason/difference may or may not be, in the end EVERYTHING has to come together, simultaneously!
    Each element (driver, car, team) have to be intuned with one another, as each becomes equally important!
    As for the deciding "factor"... Lady Luck!!

  5. #35
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sagi58 View Post
    No matter what the "definitive" reason/difference may or may not be, in the end EVERYTHING has to come together, simultaneously!
    Each element (driver, car, team) have to be intuned with one another, as each becomes equally important!
    As for the deciding "factor"... Lady Luck!!
    Or "Lady Glock" as Lewis likes to call her
    Dr Ferdinand Porsche:" Nuvolari is the greatest driver of the past, the present, and the future".
    Enzo Ferrari once drove with him and recalled even on bends "he never took his foot from the accelerator".

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Massimo View Post
    Or "Lady Glock" as Lewis likes to call her
    To each, his own, eh?

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    At the start of the first race all drivers have zero points.
    A few men and a few teams will be able to fight for the title and Ferrari with Alonso and Massa is one of them.
    That's all we can say at this time.
    You can run like the wind, but you'll never outrun the Prancing Horse

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    You are right on that LOL! But we have to do something to get through the boring winter period

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Kitchener, CANADA
    Quote Originally Posted by Massimo View Post
    Agree with you on most points, just want to add that i think Massa almost won it on pure driver skills, Button did win it because Brawn Gp found a magic bullet.
    i couldn't agree with you more...Button will never be WDC contender with a car that is ALMOST on par speedwise compared to other teams. He ONLY won the WDC in 2009, thanks to HONDA which has started the design of that car even before mid 2008 and due to genius double deck difuser HONDA incorporated in their car. Then by some bad luck with the economy, Honda pulled out of F1, Brawn took over and after button won the first 5-6 races back to back, it was really hard for the other teams to catch up.

    Much like Pettel ( the screaming school girl Vettel...LOL); he's only won championships, well in 2010 by pure luck because webber messed up a few races (like DNF in Korea and a few more), in 2011 he's had a car that was class of the field (when you show up in Melbourne and your car is 1.5 seconds faster then anybody know what i'm trying to say), and in 2012 Pettel was NOWHERE at the beginning of the season until Newey finally got the downwash exhaust to seal the difuser again, hence Pettel winning races in the last part of the championship.

    All i'm trying to say is that Pettel is nowhere without his magic blown diffuser....whereas Alonso has put that F2012 in places it should have not BEEN!!!!!

    in other words drivers like Alonso, Hamilton and maybe one or two more really know how to extract 120% from a NOT so good F1 car.
    So 2023 started off bad, but managed to claw back some lap time come end of the year. Lets hope SF24 will give us tifosi something to smile about.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Massimo View Post
    Or "Lady Glock" as Lewis likes to call her
    Ha ha, Massimo, that's a good one and have to agree with sagi58, it all has to gel and even then, there's no guarantee. Just as well we're realistic as well as optimistic! Avanti ragazzi!


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