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Thread: Formula 1's penalty system set for an overhaul

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Formula 1's penalty system set for an overhaul

    Formula 1's driver penalty system is set for an overhaul, after it emerged the FIA is discussing changes to the way punishments are handed out.

    Derek Warwick, who has acted as an FIA drivers' steward, said the validity of the current regulations had been discussed during a recent meeting of the stewards' council in Paris, and that "a few changes might be coming" as a result.

    "We had a council meeting in Paris which I headed with Charlie [Whiting] and came away with some good ideas," Warwick told AUTOSPORT at the FOTA Fans' Forum at the Williams factory on Tuesday night.

    "Whether anything can come of them and they can be introduced, I don't know - this is all a new process, we didn't use to have these meetings. Charlie will go away, analyse it and make recommendations. There might be a few changes coming along in the next few months or year.

    "There is a code out there but I don't always agree with it - a drive through is too harsh a penalty for some incidents and not harsh enough for others. There is still room for tweaking.

    "There were a few ideas to come out of the meeting with all the permanent stewards which were quite interesting. Charlie will produce an agenda and give it to Jean [Todt], but whether they can be introduced next year I don't know yet. This is all new, we didn't used to have these meetings."

    Although Warwick could not disclose the exact details of the rules in discussion, he used the example of a drive through equating to different time losses at different circuits as part of the reason the rules were being reviewed.

    "There are penalties inherited over time. Is a drive through at Canada, where you lose about 15s, the same as one at somewhere like Abu Dhabi for example?," he said.

    "They all average out eventually, but I think we are always looking at changes."

    Warwick also defended having a rotating panel of stewards, saying that the impartiality of the panel is beyond question regardless of who is on it.

    "I can look back this year and think certain penalties have been too strong or too weak," he admitted. "If I step back I don't agree with some decisions, but that's because I don't have all the facts.

    "I thought Schumacher should have been banned [following his move on Rubens Barrichello at Hungary 2010] but that wasn't the vote of the stewards.

    "We haven't got all the facts. In the stewards room we have. We have all the angles, all the data and can make a more correct judgement."

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Piraeus - Hellas
    "I thought Schumacher should have been banned [following his move on Rubens Barrichello at Hungary 2010] but that wasn't the vote of the stewards.

    What about Lewis' countless moves over the last years???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Dubai, UAE
    Looks like this "revamp" will be even worse!!
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Uppingham, UK
    I don't think it's necessarily the penalties that are wrong but rather how they are given out.

    Giving Senna a penalty in Valencia for being hit from behind. How is that his fault? If anyone, Kobayashi should have had the penalty, it was him who hit Senna. Fairly obvious to me however, that neither should have been given a penalty. It was a racing incident. Kobayashi went for a gap he didn't think would close and Senna closed a gap believing nobody was in it.

    Just as Schumacher hitting Senna in Spain was a mistake, a racing incident. Nothing more. He misjudged. Why did he need a penalty?

    Sometimes, the decisions are simply ridiculous.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ferrari Car
    I have a better idea, fire Whiting, hire someone competent.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Kingdom Hearts View Post
    I have a better idea, fire Whiting, hire someone competent.
    Hire someone who is not british.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Hermann View Post
    Hire someone who is not british.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Good, it's long overdue, won't be enough though...

    Still of the opinion that whatever happens during the race the three drivers that are on the podium at the end are never changed, nor should there be any after race punishments...

    There is plenty of time during the race to give a penalty if needed, but if anything is missed or overlooked then so be it, you never watch a game of football and the result is changed after the final whistle, the same should apply to F1, if you go and watch the race live, why should you leave the circuit not actually knowing who won because there are some incidents being 'investigated after the race'...?

    The entire penalty system needs a good over-haul, and the stewards need to bear in mind this is the pinacle of motorsport, not a Sunday drive to the pub, contact and racing incidents are all part of it and not every incident needs to be punished...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobes View Post
    Good, it's long overdue, won't be enough though...

    Still of the opinion that whatever happens during the race the three drivers that are on the podium at the end are never changed, nor should there be any after race punishments...

    There is plenty of time during the race to give a penalty if needed, but if anything is missed or overlooked then so be it, you never watch a game of football and the result is changed after the final whistle, the same should apply to F1, if you go and watch the race live, why should you leave the circuit not actually knowing who won because there are some incidents being 'investigated after the race'...?

    The entire penalty system needs a good over-haul, and the stewards need to bear in mind this is the pinacle of motorsport, not a Sunday drive to the pub, contact and racing incidents are all part of it and not every incident needs to be punished...

    Ferrari 16/15

    Totus Tuus

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by vcs316 View Post
    Looks like this "revamp" will be even worse!!
    It doesn't sound like an "overhaul" to me, but more of a few minor tweaks.

    Don't play dumb with me. I'm better at it than you are.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The problem to me is that there is no consistency in the penalties these days so it makes it quite confusing. Years ago you'd get a 10second stop/go or you'd be disqualified. I know they try now to make the punishments less or more severe as they think fit but it's so subjective and they end up just giving out different things each time.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Piraeus - Hellas
    Also it's ridiculous to have different persons as judges at every race.
    Someone can be more elastic (as a character) and other more strict = different penalties for the same incident.
    Also their nationality can be affect or define the penalty "weight".

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Piraeus - Hellas


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