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Thread: Stefano Domenicali- "We Are Not Pessimistic"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Stefano Domenicali- "We Are Not Pessimistic"

    Here is par/extract of a tv interview that will air tomorrow on Italian tv. wave.gif

    "Ferrari Season? As Italy in 82 "
    Domenicali: "The environment is not pessimistic"

    "The first tests have said that the project that we had was good, but a bit far, so had problems. Our potential could be higher at this point, but it is not true that the environment is pessimistic ". It said Stefano Domenicali, sport Manager Director of Ferrari, in an interview that will air Saturday night, 0.05 to "Studio Sport XXL-the top ten of the week" on Italy 1.

    Stefano Domenicali focuses specifically on the Melbourne race, scheduled for Sunday, March 18, 2012: "defending Competition? You can also win it in self-defence. I hope that this season ends as the World Cup of 1982: Italy had gone bad in the first friendly, eventually won the Championship of the world ".

    When asked if, after recent criticism, he felt questioned Sunday, responds: "Being questioned is part of my profession, but the team is serena. I'm here for more than twenty years and now the Ferrari is my second family, it is right that certain responsibilities fall upon me ".

    In short, bandage the head before not broken. "Calm and cool because I'm pessimistic approach to this World, which has not yet started, there I am! What happened is that we wanted a car and we made it even more. In the sense that we had to change the setting of the initial draft because it ensures a great performance but unstable at the level of downforce and tyre railway station. It was an inevitable choice ", but the heavy spec.

    Exhaust Ferrari team principal speaks, as we have known for awhile now. Those discharges that early tests of Jerez were pointed toward the outside, forcing the team to revise the choice for the side effects mentioned above. "A project on which we work, to Jerez,-continues-and that we want to try again in Mugello test. So this version of the machine will address the first 4 races, then we'll see. I would like to point out, however, that there is not the slightest negativity! Only we're not satisfied because we have a higher level of performance, but in fact we need to be able to manage."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Thanks for posting. Some good stuff from Stefano there.

    As long as we can put up a challenge and fight for podiums in the initial flyaway races, I'm sure the car will eventually come good.

    Roll on Melbourne.

    The future is RED

  3. #3
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    Sep 2010
    Domenicali: “Four races to find out what the hierarchy is in 2012”

    Maranello, 10 March – Almost thirty years ago, the Italian football team’s run up to the World Cup, held in Spain in ’82 was anything but sparkling. Three friendlies (0-2 against France, 0-1 against East Germany and a one all draw with Switzerland) did not augur well and the three more draws at the start of the competition against Poland, Peru and Cameroon, would cause popular and media uproar, with many shouting for the head of the team manager, Enzo Bearzot. The final story was a very different one, with a run of four consecutive wins (Argentina, Brazil, Poland and West Germany) taking the “Azzurri” to their third title, the first in 44 years.

    This football themed prologue serves to explain the parallel drawn by Stefano Domenicali when talking about Scuderia Ferrari’s run up to this championship, when he chatted with a few Italian media in Milan yesterday, just after the end of the FIA World Council.

    “ To those who ask me if I would sign today for a third place in Melbourne, I would say that I’m not signing anything. Maybe the same will happen as in 1982 when in the World Cup, Italy got off to a bad start and then in the end, went on to win, when it mattered,” said Domenicali. “As for the media silence (a choice adopted also by the Italian team back then, Ed.) I want to stress there was no such choice. In Barcelona we had decided that only the technical head, Pat Fry would talk and then Fernando said a couple of words to the stadium, a place of passion par excellence. That’s all.”

    Domenicali did not hide the fact he was not happy with the way testing had gone, but he would not hear talk of panic or pessimism from Ferrari’s side. “There is none of this, just an awareness of where we stand. We have been realistic when communicating about the problems we have had, because transparency is part of the way I go about things. The lack of satisfaction comes from the fact we did not meet our technical targets and so everything refers to ourselves. Where we are compared to the others, we do not know for certain and our lack of satisfaction might also turn out to be excessive. Having said this, a clearer picture of the hierarchy on track will only emerge after the first four races.”

    As for the technical reasons behind the lack of satisfaction, Domenicali was very explicit. We had asked our engineers for an extreme car, because without that, we would have been unable to close the gap to the best. The first configuration of the exhausts showed good potential, but it caused problems: the tyres overheated and the performance was unstable. Therefore we had to change, even if I certainly was not happy about it. We are still working on the original set up, but we will be unable to test it until the Mugello test at the beginning of May, because we believe it could give us a good performance advantage.”

    The Scuderia Team Principal then looked at the bigger picture, also talking about the evolution that characterises the team. “Sport goes in cycles. Over the last thirteen years, McLaren has won just one Constructors’ and one Drivers’ title, Renault had two fantastic seasons and then nothing, Brawn had a one-off, Mercedes has only managed two podiums in three years and at the moment, this is the Red Bull cycle,” he said. “In 2010, we began a new technical cycle: important steps were taken in terms of the organisation and working methodology and here I’m thinking mainly about the areas of simulation and strategy. Aerodynamics is not yet at an adequate level: it’s not easy finding the right people, but this has to be a stimulus for those who work for us. I tell you this as someone who experienced the Schumacher era first hand and I recall how much we suffered before getting there. Ferrari will be back with another winning cycle as the basics are in place to achieve it.

    “This year, Red Bull again starts out in front,” continued Domenicali, talking about the team’s rivals. “McLaren is on form, Mercedes has taken a step forward and Lotus is looking strong, but they also began well last year. Toro Rosso and Force India also seem good, especially on a flying lap. So there might be some surprises at the start and then the situation will settle down but I expect everyone to be much closer to each other than in 2011.”

    Domenicali did not avoid answering those who asked if he felt his own position was up for discussion. “I always feel that’s the case but in relation to my family, whom I don’t get to spend enough time with. I’ve got pressure on my back, which is as it should be. I am not the one who designs the car: my task is to give my people everything they need in terms of organisation and structure. Having said that, I am very much aware of my responsibilities. There is pressure, but I feel the support of the whole team and of President Montezemolo.”

    Finally, Domenicali touched on two more purely political topics, the RRA and the Concorde Agreement that expires at the end of the year. “The agreements relating to cost reduction are still valid and we are evaluating if it can be up to the FIA to ensure they are respected, introducing sanctions of a sporting nature. Why didn’t we ask for the checks that were outlined in the agreement to be made last year? Very simple, because we did not want it to sound like an excuse for our performance. As for the Concorde Agreement, I can only say that we are moving forward: maybe, after what happened to the ocean going liner of the same name, we should not call it this anymore,” concluded Domenicali with a smile.

    After testing, the analysis and predictions, it’s time for the stopwatch to have its say: the first verdict is expected in the Albert Park theatre next Saturday.

    it does seem like what FrankAlfa said in another thread, that the exhausts may be the main problem, and now with the new ones, they would say they now have got the required performance back.

    In Stefano Domenicali, we have a team boss who has proved to be a leader. - Luca diMontezemelo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Good. Now results. Grazie

    Ferrari 16/15

    Totus Tuus

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Domenicali did not avoid answering those who asked if he felt his own position was up for discussion. “I always feel that’s the case but in relation to my family, whom I don’t get to spend enough time with. I’ve got pressure on my back, which is as it should be. I am not the one who designs the car: my task is to give my people everything they need in terms of organisation and structure. Having said that, I am very much aware of my responsibilities. There is pressure, but I feel the support of the whole team and of President Montezemolo.”
    Is he pointing the finger?
    Forza Ferrari

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Is he pointing the finger?
    nyah. Maybe just covering his rear just in case!
    Silently, like a shadow

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Is he pointing the finger?
    I am

    Ferrari 16/15

    Totus Tuus

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    As long as Vettel isn't pointing the finger come a week tomorrow i don't mind

    "Luna faccia schiaffo testa"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    "I am not the one who designs the car" sounds very professional as it is said by a team boss. In other words: the less you do, the less is the risk to be blamed for anything. In this case football teams must be managed by one person for life only because the manager would never be the one who scores the goals.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tifosi View Post
    As long as Vettel isn't pointing the finger come a week tomorrow i don't mind
    Me too

  11. #11
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    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormsearcher View Post
    nyah. Maybe just covering his rear just in case!
    He is part of the team and as a leader, he do share the responsibility of putting out a good car.

  12. #12
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    Manila, PH
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Is he pointing the finger?
    For everyone's sake, I hope not.

    Problem is the exact question(s) wasn't reported so context is difficult to judge.

  13. #13
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    Jan 2011

    New Ferrari F2012 side pods/Engine cover are being prepped & will arrive in Melbourne in time for FP2/FP3

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Hombre B View Post
    Wow, so they expect it to arrive between FP1 and FP2, just in time for FP2? Sounds like they expect it to arrive at a very precise time


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