Thread: Ferrari F2012 Development News Thread

  1. #541
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    Ferrari boss Domenicali confident of 'no surprises' with 2012 F1 car
    By Pablo Elizalde Friday, December 16th 2011, 14:33 GMT

    Ferrari boss Stefano Domenicali is confident his team has taken the right measures to make sure there are no surprises with its new car when the 2012 season starts.

    The Maranello-based squad was upbeat about its chances for the year after a very strong pre-season testing, but it was off the pace when the racing started.

    In the end, the team managed just one win and finished a distant third in the championship.

    Domenicali is confident the steps the team has taken to address the situation will pay off in 2012.

    "From one side we tried to react from the organisational point of view, to do some changes," Domenicali said during a video conference with fans. "And we have done quite a lot of changes and we will have some more changes at the beginning of next year.

    "Secondly of course we want to make sure that, with a humble approach, we don't underestimate any area of development.

    "With the new regulations there is no such a big effect on the so-called blown diffuser, so we need to make sure that the car, from a general point of view, is very efficient and is able to create downforce because that was the main problem that we had this year.

    "And I have to say that we need to be realistic and I believe in the choices that our technical people have taken to make sure there are no big surprises when we start the season.

    "I'm confident about the job of the people who are here day and night because there is a great will to the place where we should be."

    Domenicali confirmed the new car will be ready for the first test of 2012, with a launch expected to take place the week before.

    "We are targeting the first week of February," Domenicali said of the launch date. "We don't know the day exactly but that's when we should be ready with the new car."

  2. #542
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    The Evolution of the Ferrari Formula Team continues. The industry of Formula One is like any other industry. There are those with Experience and those that lack Experience. Ferrari is taking the direction to get as many well seasoned Formula One Engineers to bring the team to greater heights again. They seem to be hiring key Management people to marshal the Hundreds of Engineers actually performing the Engineering tasks of the team. It is in the way the information is handled and used by these Management Engineers that will be most telling to get best results possible that Ferrari's Senior Principles of the team demand.


    Forza Ferrari!!!!

  3. #543
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    ِDose anyone know who arrived and who left the Ferrari?

  4. #544
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    Stefano Domenicali chatting with the fans: "We know what we want next year and even Santa knows it…”

    Maranello, 16 December – A busy day for Stefano Domenicali, the Head of the Scuderia Ferrari, but also an opportunity to talk with the fans and Formula 1 enthusiasts during a video chat session on More than 1,000 Scuderia Ferrari Community members followed the chat with Domenicali, while some of them received a reply to their published question live during the session. The fans were extremely curious and many topics were mentioned during the chat session: "Do you think that the ban of the blown exhausts and the contribution of Pat Fry will help to beat the competition in 2012?” Matteo Kevin asked entering immediately with a very technical topic. "The ban of the exhausts generating downforce is very important, because we didn’t know how to benefit from them and couldn’t create the right performance in 2011. It’s important, because it brings the aerodynamic development back to a level where we’ve been working for months. As far as Pat Fry is concerned, I don’t believe in personalising things, the decisions go in a direction to improve the team: everybody is extremely motivated and the objective is very clear."

    Bobjoon, still with the upcoming season and the expectations in sight, was a little bit worried, asking which measures Domenicali thought to take to avoid a not very satisfying season like the one just finished. “On one side we’re reacting with some changes regarding the organisation. Then I asked the engineers to not underestimate any aspect of the car. We have to be realistic. I think that the decisions we’ve taken are very efficient. We want to get back where we were.”

    Regarding Pat Fry, Giovanni Manfrin asked if he is the right person at the right place and if the situation before was somehow due to Aldo Costa: "I think, like I said before, that we don’t have to talk on a personal level in the organisation. I think we have to thank Aldo Costa, because also thanks to him we won several titles and he’s extremely professional. Sometimes you have to shake a little bit to get the positive aspects the organisation can use. If the choice was right, we’ll see it in the results."

    The question everybody was waiting for came from Full_throttle: "At what point are we regarding the new car?" "We’re following our plans. We’ve been working for several months on the new project,” the Team Principal said. “On paper everything is positive, but we have to wait to get onto the track. The signs that it’s a competitive car are all there. But as I already said: let’s keep our feet on the ground and let’s always scrutinise ourselves."

    There were also some questions regarding the drivers’ market, like Kubica at Ferrari in 2013, which could disturb Massa in the upcoming season: "This is all part of the tactics and the interests in the game that there are always voices. I’m expecting a great season from Felipe, catching up and resurging." There was also something about the upcoming talents Ferrari is watching to choose as its drivers for the future, Debra Jardine asked: "We’re in a transitional phase where young talents are less frequently found. We’ve invested in young talents, from kart with Lance Stroll to Formula 3 with Maisano and Marciello up to Bianchi and Rigon. And let’s not forget that in the FDA there’s a youngster like Sergio Perez, who did very well in his first year in Formula 1. They have to be able to test drive. This is why we want more tests."

    Gabriele23 asked something more personal: how Domenicali thinks it was possible for him to get where he is now, the Head of the Scuderia: “First of all: entire dedication to my work and the company, which has given me a lot; the desire to always learn from everybody, attention to everything happening around you and most of all never giving up, especially not under pressure. Accepting criticism without exaggerating and always a positive general approach in life." Rafa Montalvo Arias asked: "Did you ever drive a single-seater?" "No. In life you have to divide competences. But I was lucky enough to have a go in a three-seater ". Fedele Longo asked Domenicali how he will spend his holidays. "I will just be in the mountains with my family, my kids and my wife. It was a very intense year ". Last but not least: "Let’s not forget that there are many things around us, which are not only Formula 1: I hope for more serenity and I think that Santa knows exactly what he should bring me this year.”

  5. #545
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    Oct 2009
    Thanks for that, someone should have asked wether it will be called the F2012 or maybe someone did but they didn't choose it.

  6. #546
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    Just over two minutes into this video, someone asks him about whether Rory Byrne is working on the new car. He responded by saying that Rory was mainly working on a new GT car, but also does some advising.

    I don't think Domenicali is being completely honest:
    AS newspaper correspondent Manuel Franco also reported the news about Byrne this week, admitting that Ferrari at present is “determined to deny it”.

  7. #547
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    I do believe Byrne is playing some role maybe more involved this year than others but Fry is also making probably the most difference. Alonso worked well with him in 2007 in preparing the car and look how that car turned out.

  8. #548
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    Why would Ferrari want to keep Rory's role a secret?

  9. #549
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brakefade View Post
    Why would Ferrari want to keep Rory's role a secret?
    To annoy Newey!
    Michael Schumacher - the best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be!

  10. #550
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    Quote Originally Posted by type056 View Post
    ِDose anyone know who arrived and who left the Ferrari?
    Ferrari sign Jonathan Heal senior stress engineer from Mclaren (Fry has been poaching his fellow colleagues). Must have been important to Mclaren since he appeared in this video. (he could also help with Ferrari's tyre warming issue)

  11. #551
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    Jan 2011
    Rousing applause for Montezemolo
    “The best present I could get”

    Maranello, 17 December – It’s a tradition, but this year it took on a special significance. Scuderia Ferrari’s Christmas lunch saw all the men and women who work on the racing side for the Maranello company, gathered together in the Logistics building, along with the drivers who are its standard bearers on tracks all over the world. Alongside them were representatives from all the sponsors and suppliers, whose support is vital to the Scuderia. There were over a thousand people in total and they all wanted to give a special round of applause to Luca di Montezemolo, to mark his twenty years as Ferrari president. The occasion was also celebrated with a film that told the story of these past two decades, its good times and the more difficult moments, all of them expressing a great passion for the marque.

    “It’s the best present I could get,” said a clearly emotional Montezemolo when the film ended. “My life is here and, after my family, this company is the most important thing to me. There are people I want to thank for the help they have given me over all these years. Some are here with us today, such as Piero Ferrari, Amadeo Felisa and Mario Mairano. Others are no longer with us, such as the “Avvocato” Agnelli: I owe him so much, both on a personal level and professionally and, seeing some of these images again, I can’t help but think of how close he was to Ferrari through the many difficult years. Others still have chosen to move on, such as Jean Todt: I cannot forget the great job he did with us and with Michael Schumacher, who won like no one else has ever done in the history of Ferrari and with whom we went through many dramatic and amazing moments.”

    Montezemolo’s words were punctuated by applause and there was also thunderous and emotional applause when Stefano Domenicali recalled the memory of Pasquale Danza, recently departed, described by the Scuderia’s Team Principal as a symbol of the passion and dedication that drives the people who work at Ferrari. The Christmas festivities provided an opportunity for the usual look back at the year just ended, but more importantly, a look ahead to the future. “I want to be optimistic, because I can see the concentration and the attention to detail which characterises the efforts being made by Domenicali and his people, by Fry, Marmorini, Lanzone and Tombazis,” said Montezemolo. “Work is going on in all areas to improve: from the design of the new car, to the simulation work, from preparing for the pit stops, to the starts and so on. We cannot be happy with the way this year went and there is a great desire to redeem ourselves, because results don’t come on their own, they are not delivered by a stork: it will take hard work from every one of you, it will come from the ability to be perfect, to start from pole position and that ability is the strength of this company. Behind amazing products there are amazing men and women."

    “All the ingredients are in place to start winning again,” continued Montezemolo. “Great things are also expected from our drivers for next season. Felipe knows next year is very important for him, but it is up to us to give him a competitive car. If we manage it, then I am sure we will rediscover the Felipe who delivered so much and who could be quicker than Michael and Kimi. Fernando has had an amazing season, even though he did not have a competitive car and he made us all happy at Silverstone, with an emblematic victory, given it came at the same circuit and in the same month in which, sixty years ago, Ferrari took its first ever Formula 1 win. What I like about our drivers is their ability to work with the team: I knew that about Felipe and it was a pleasant surprise to find out the same applied to Fernando. I don’t like drivers who turn up at the track with their briefcase and do not share in the daily life of the team: they are not Ferrari people."

    “My job is to provide the best possible conditions for you to do yours: I expect a big effort from you and a great desire to do well,” concluded Montezemolo. “Winning depends on us, not on others. We have all we need, starting with the suppliers and exceptional partners such as Philip Morris, Santander and Shell, to name just the main ones. I cannot wait to once again share good times with all of you.”

    Tomorrow will be another particularly important day in the life of Ferrari. The Fiorano track will be the scene of the usual party for the families of all the employees: eight days ahead of schedule, lots of children will receive their first presents, some of them given out by rather special Father Christmases in the shape of Felipe Massa and Fernando Alonso.

    Two more news:
    Last edited by Hombre B; 20th December 2011 at 05:13.

  12. #552
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    I don’t like drivers who turn up at the track with their briefcase and do not share in the daily life of the team: they are not Ferrari people.
    I wonder who Luca Di is referring to here?

    The future is RED

  13. #553
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    it is up to us to give him a competitive car. If we manage it, then I am sure we will rediscover the Felipe who delivered so much and who could be quicker than Michael and Kimi
    Loved that quote heaps. LCdM is a great leader.

  14. #554
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    Luca Di Montezemolo made a fine, direct speech that speaks clearly to the Ferrari Team as a whole. We are talking about several Hundred People involved in the Ferrari Formula One Race Team and not just the few prominent names we hear the media / press constantly mention. Ferrari have hired some of the very best Engineers in the Formula One industry to both Manage the Team and to Design & Engineer the Race Cars. Ferrari have made some very big changes to the Ferrari Team this past year and their efforts has been to put big changes in the Design, Engineering and Construction process to modernize the Team Model to be much more up-to-date formula One standards and seeking to go well beyond that standard!

    I think everyone knows that Ferrari have a very, very strong team and the other teams had better be mindful of that might.


    Forza Ferrari!!!!

  15. #555
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    Hi guys

    Whilst reading this interesting article I came across this interesting little snippet...

    “A lot of the performance limit of a car is set by stability; if your driver can't hang on to it, you have to introduce understeer in that zone. If you have a driver better able to deal with oversteer in zones that induce it, you'll have a less understeery car elsewhere and therefore more total grip over the whole lap. The great drivers – Ayrton Senna, Nigel Mansell, Michael Schumacher – all had that ability. Like-for-like, compared with other drivers, they wanted more front end.”

    So elementary is Hamilton's ease with this trait, it caused McLaren to rethink the range in which its car could be set up. Pat Fry, now Ferrari's technical director, was at McLaren back in the winter of 2007-'08 and working with Lowe in getting out of the setup loop they had evolved over the years.

    “We spent the whole of that winter changing the basic traits of our cars so that we'd no longer be so limited by understeer in slow corners,” recalls Fry, “and it took us all that time to get it to the point where we could run it like McLaren does now.

    “At Ferrari, we're still in the same loop as McLaren was before we changed – and in 2011 that's hurt us as the blown diffusers have become more powerful. They generate a lot more grip obviously, but it's at the rear, so you need to have in your setup toolbox something that compensates for that, not just increase your understeer. And we've sort of run out of options at that end.”

    Interesting and positive at the same time.

  16. #556
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    As I said before people have been getting hung up on Byrne but Fry is the key. He prepared the 2007 Mclaren car and is at the centre of Ferrari's 2012 car. He's slowly building the team he had at Mclaren with latest signing Jonathan Heal and he's also happy to be back with Alonso after how well they worked at Mclaren.

  17. #557
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    Last edited by Hombre B; 18th December 2011 at 18:20.

  18. #558
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    @ TheProdigalSon,

    Don't think for a moment that ANY Formula One Team's success is the result of ANY one person. That is true of Red Bull for that matter as well. Red Bull, McLaren, Ferrari, and all teams for that matter, all gain success as a result of assembling an "Engineering Group" of personnel within a team that produces the most solutions to exploit the rules. I think Pat Fry's greatest asset is his ability to delegate the direction of the team's chassis development rather than be a dictator as Aldo Costa was for the team. Aldo Costa was a "Micro-Manager" as aposed to Pat Fry who seems more like a manging Engineer that permits his Engineers to do their work with more independance and with much less restriction. I think that was Ross Brawns great ability as well. I thiink all teams excel more when they are able to utilize the assembled "Engineering Group" of a team and not restrict them. Pat Fry seems to be emphasizing this very idea. Pat also seems to have the perfect temperment to work with others to attract more Engineer's that enjoy working with him as their director. Again this seems to be the same qualities that Ross Brawn has always had. There is also the aspect of those made to "Lead" and those only capable to "Follow". I give Luca Montezemolo and Stefano Domenicali credit for hiring diffent personnel and working to make the changes they see required to be made to move the team in stronger direction. We must also remember that the Ferrari Formula One Team has many parts and pieces that they need to have working in unison. The Chassis Design & Aero Development of the Race care is just ONE part of the Formula One Race Car equation. We also have the Engine & Transmission Engineering, the Construction & Quality Control Engineering of the Race Car's parts & Structure, the Electronics Enginering, etc. that make up the Race Car and they all have to interact as one.

    I think that Stefano Domenicali and Pat Fry are much more alike and I have the feeling that Aldo Costa was the odd man out. He is the one that seemed to not fit that well as Technical Director as a "Team Player" during these past few years. Costa's over bearing controling nature now seems to have been his downfall within the team and stories of technical clashes with Tombazis seemed to be a very Non-Ferrari demeaner nor their normal behavior. Stefano Domenicali has always stressed "Calm" WITHIN THE TEAM, which seems to be the direction the Ferrari team has taken. at this point in time, Pat Fry is a much better fit to the "VERY EVEN TEMPERED MIND SET" that Stefano Domenicali has run this team by. Stefano's decree has always been summed up in one word : "CALM". In the end, people that get along together tend to be more productive in attaining possitive results in the work they are performing.


    Forza Ferrari!!!!

  19. #559
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrankAlfa View Post
    @ TheProdigalSon,

    Don't think for a moment that ANY Formula One Team's success is the result of ANY one person. That is true of Red Bull for that matter as well.
    I didn't say that success is due to one person you misunderstood me. I said Pat Fry is building a team of the best engineers around him in a similar manner to how Newey has a team. Success doesn't come from just one person but a team of the best working in unison. Redbull have perfected a dream team and Ferrari is doing the same.

  20. #560
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    Yes, agree completely! +1 Ferrari are seeking the "Best of the Best"!!!! Ferrari is always a good breading ground for great things. I can't wait toi see the new race car and what it can do!!!!

    Forza Ferrari!!!!

  21. #561
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    Yeah me too!

  22. #562
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    being completely realistic with the new car, where do you think we will stack up compared to the bulls come march? i believe we have too bigger performance margin to catch up and think we will be close, but not quite close enough. perhaps mclaren around there too. however i believe alonso will be there or thereabouts, his consistency will be enough to keep him in title contention... but hopefully ferrari come up with a monster of a car! forza ferrari!!!

  23. #563
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    I dissagree. The gap is not that great to Red Bull and with the advent of the "Clean Sheet of Paper" design of the new 2012 Ferrari Race car, they will design a much more developed race car from the start of the season this time. Remember that Ferrari stopped developing the 2011 race car at Mid-Season to gain much more in the 2012 race car. Ferrari can develop a car better than anyone in the field and the fact is they did it in 2010 but just ended up a bit to short. I think it is wrong to assume that Ferrari will have a difficult time in 2012 just because they did not lead the field in 2011. Formula One is development driven sport and the sport is cyclical with teams advancing and falling all the time. Every year the season starts from "0" again. Everyone having an equal chance to lead the field. Once the best Engineering Group is assembled, they can solve problems and find the best solutions. With the huge revamp of the Ferrari Team in 2011 and the tightening of the rules banning the blown Diffuser, EDB overrun, etc. we could very well see the Ferrari Team leading the field by a wide margin.


    Forza Ferrari!!!!

  24. #564
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrankAlfa View Post
    I dissagree. The gap is not that great to Red Bull and with the advent of the "Clean Sheet of Paper" design of the new 2012 Ferrari Race car, they will design a much more developed race car from the start of the season this time. Remember that Ferrari stopped developing the 2011 race car at Mid-Season to gain much more in the 2012 race car. Ferrari can develop a car better than anyone in the field and the fact is they did it in 2010 but just ended up a bit to short. I think it is wrong to assume that Ferrari will have a difficult time in 2012 just because they did not lead the field in 2011.
    Spot on Frank!

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankAlfa View Post
    Formula One is development driven sport and the sport is cyclical with teams advancing and falling all the time. Every year the season starts from "0" again. Everyone having an equal chance to lead the field. Once the best Engineering Group is assembled, they can solve problems and find the best solutions. With the huge revamp of the Ferrari Team in 2011 and the tightening of the rules banning the blown Diffuser, EDB overrun, etc. we could very well see the Ferrari Team leading the field by a wide margin.
    Forza Ferrari!!!!
    I can't entirely agree with the thought that all teams start from "0" so to speak. It's been a clear message from LCdM that RB has had a huge advantage since the engine and test freeze. Ferrari has ever been a car (not aircraft) developer. Engines can't change, and you can't test mechanical changes in a wind tunnel, it leaves only aeros available to develop. RB had a great strength there. There were two other key areas:-
    the RRA - RB clearly breached that agreement
    customer teams - Whilst RB has opposed our push to allow customer teams, they are clearly using STR for their own purposes (Buemi has admitted here that before he got the news of being dumped he was working on the development of the RB8. RB will probably run their old mantra that they are just being "clever" and, perhaps some Wimpfosi will swallow that, but not me

    As Luca points out, with the present freeze in place there is an imbalance that needs to be addressed. Even so, I think it just shows what a great leader Luca is, because as he continues to fix these imbalances, he has made the necessary changes. We have buildt up our aero development capabilities - I think we can be the leading force in 2012.

  25. #565
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    What I meant when I said that the Teams start from "0" is that all of the teams have "Zero Points" when the season starts and it is up to each team make points paying results at each race. Certainly Red Bull have exploited every possible means to "Spend More" and disregard the RRA which has been their "Biggest Advantage" over the field. Ferrari have obviously decided to get on track with Red Bull again and no longer allow Red Bull to be unchecked. From an Engineering point of view, Red Bull does not have a huge advantage in any area other than the fact that they have spent much more than anyone else to do more development work on their race cars which is through the breach of the RRA. The Ferrari team has the Engineers and have re-vamped ALL OF the racing departments of the team. Work is being done more carefully and they are reaching for much higher results. The clamp down on the "Grey" areas in the rules will also help all teams that did not have solutions equal to Red Bull's clear advantage. If what Buemi stated is true regarding testing then the Red Bull Team has breached the rules in that area as well. The rule is that each team must design and Engineer their own race car and each race car must be distinctly different. Ferrari are working very hard to advance their own team regardless of what others seek to do. They will also seek to keep Red Bull in check on all fronts. I know that the balance of power shifts and it is time for the power to shift back in Ferrari's direction again! Time will tell!


    Forza Ferrari!!!!

  26. #566
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    IMO, currently the engine plays almost no major role in terms of performance. All that's need to be done is to build a reliable engine and its as good as any other. This, IMO, in part is because of all the restriction placed on how we should run the engine, RPM cap, etc in addition to the development freeze. But even without the freeze, I'm not sure how much more we can extract from the engine with the RPM cap in place which is so low that probably any maker can hit it without reliability concern.

    I think they should figure a way to give engine a bigger role in terms of performance, alongside aerodynamics.

    Still, as Ross B said, don't underestimate the impact of the 2014 engine as everyone will be developing a completely new engine, and therefore we may see a huge shift in the performance landscape. We could only hope that Ferrari will emerge above the rest come 2014.

    Though I still have my doubts for reasons I've mentioned. If the engine performance is too limited, capped RPM and output and all, then perhaps all the maker will be able to make an optimum one with ease.
    Last edited by Hornet; 19th December 2011 at 09:37.

  27. #567
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    It's not 2013 it's 2014 that the engine regulations change.

  28. #568
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheProdigalSon View Post
    It's not 2013 it's 2014 that the engine regulations change.
    Oh, yes, my mistake. I still keep thinking of the old date:xmastongue:

    Thanks for correcting, I'll edit the post

  29. #569
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    Do we have an official date for the unveiling yet?

  30. #570
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    Quote Originally Posted by FerrariFanBoii View Post
    Do we have an official date for the unveiling yet?
    All we know so far is it will be early February.


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