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Thread: Could this be the future Dream Team ???????

  1. #1
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    Could this be the future Dream Team ???????

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    Alonso dreams of Newey designed Ferrari
    Dream team: Fernando Alonso, Sebastian Vettel and adrian Newey at Ferrari

    Aug.31 (PVM) Fernando Alonso has stated that he would welcome Sebastian Vettel to his Ferrari team provided the world champion brought along design guru Adrian Newey who has been responsible for penning some of the successful race cars in Formula 1 history, including the currently dominant Red Bull RB7.

    Forza Jules

  2. #2
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    Apr 2009
    Rory Byrne handed Newey his backside on a plate for 5 years in a row, so he can't be all that good then!

    Let's see how the 2012 car turns out. We don't need Newey to beat Red Bull.

    The future is RED

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ek583 View Post
    Rory Byrne handed Newey his backside on a plate for 5 years in a row, so he can't be all that good then!

    Let's see how the 2012 car turns out. We don't need Newey to beat Red Bull.
    exactly. He isnt "the whole" design team. He Chief Technical Director. If anything we would want Peter Prodromou and Rob Marshall.

  4. #4
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    Dec 2010
    I think Newey gets a lot more credit than he deserves for his success at Red Bull. We don't need him to win.

    Alonso's point about Vettel can be interpreted as: "I am a better driver than Vettel. If he comes to Ferrari, I'll prove it."

  5. #5
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    I agree with ek, Rob and co. Newey - no thanks. However good Newey is he's more from the past than the future, and, I'd much prefer to beat him.

  6. #6
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    From what I could read, Alonso is basically just saying he don't mind if they join Ferrari.

  7. #7
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    well, Newey is good , but i would prefer to beat him than have him.Why? because last year he said NO to us. Once you said no.. .
    About Vettel...i dont know, he is fast but how good is he with an ordinary car???
    Race victories 219
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    Words of what???We are the F1!!!Any Doubts???

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by luicchi View Post
    well, Newey is good , but i would prefer to beat him than have him.Why? because last year he said NO to us. Once you said no.. .
    About Vettel...i dont know, he is fast but how good is he with an ordinary car???
    Personally, I think Vettel shines so much due to the RB7 being a good car this year; but I bettcha my bottom dollar that in an EQUAL equipment Alonso would wipe da floor with him and totally wipe the smirk off that face he has.
    Where would he (Vettel) be in a mediocre car?? Down in the midfield; he’s got no talent to extract everything outta of a dodgy car like Aloso has been all along, not just with the difficulty of Ferrari as of past couple of years, but even in the 2009 renault he was extracting everything out of it, and we all know how bad of a car that was.
    So 2023 started off bad, but managed to claw back some lap time come end of the year. Lets hope SF24 will give us tifosi something to smile about.

  9. #9
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    Bringing Adrian along will NOT transform the Ferrari into a winning car from race 1. It takes time and knowledge from other people as well that don't get mentioned next to Adrian's name like their Head of Aero. Apart from driving on his own in clear air and doing a single fast lap in the fastest car on the grid, I don't see any special reason for Vettle to join us. He can't race for crap. Lewis and Nico are my preferences if Massa was to ever leave (but I hope he stays).

  10. #10
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    Trouble is with Newey he "helped" to build a championship winning car at let me see now
    Williams, Macca and now RB. He may be the past but there again he is also the present!!!!!!
    I agree it would be sweeter to beat him than have him on board.
    As for Vettel an unknown quantity in a mediocre car but
    He is the only one to win a race in a Toro Rosso!!!!!
    All very puzzling

    Forza Jules

  11. #11
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    Alonso already said in one interview that people gives Newey too much credit (not with this words), because the people that works with him, it's also very important, it's not only Newey.

  12. #12
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    meh, is this really for the future?

    if it was, we would find the NEW-EY

    the way i see it, there will always be someone better than you some where, and i believe, somewhere there is someone better than Newey. Ferrari just have to get him/her to maranello pronto.

    In Stefano Domenicali, we have a team boss who has proved to be a leader. - Luca diMontezemelo

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by FerrariF60 View Post
    Personally, I think Vettel shines so much due to the RB7 being a good car this year; but I bettcha my bottom dollar that in an EQUAL equipment Alonso would wipe da floor with him and totally wipe the smirk off that face he has.
    Where would he (Vettel) be in a mediocre car?? Down in the midfield; he's got no talent to extract everything outta of a dodgy car like Aloso has been all along, not just with the difficulty of Ferrari as of past couple of years, but even in the 2009 renault he was extracting everything out of it, and we all know how bad of a car that was.
    We saw this year at Silverstone, as soon as we were on equal footing with the EBD regs, Fernando and Felipe were a match for RBR. Think as you say, he looks as good as he does due to the car and their take on the EBD. Next year Vetts and RBR will be bought down a peg or 2.

  14. #14
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    the dream team is already being built! Alonso & Massa will work for me if they get a good car at the start of the season!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferrari_Fanatic View Post
    the dream team is already being built! Alonso & Massa will work for me if they get a good car at the start of the season!
    Yep, I agree with this.

    All that's lacking is a dream car

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jose Lorca View Post

    Alonso's point about Vettel can be interpreted as: "I am a better driver than Vettel. If he comes to Ferrari, I'll prove it."
    +1. and I'm the better driver in the same car.

  17. #17
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    Ferrari should always be aiming to hire the best, which is why we moved mountains to get Alonso.
    Forza Ferrari

  18. #18
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    Well the easiest way for him to build that dream team is to sign with Red Bull.... I don't think Newey will ever come to Ferrari....
    Rest in Peace Leza, you were a true warrior...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Ferrari should always be aiming to hire the best, which is why we moved mountains to get Alonso.
    i totally agree with you Greig...Alonso is MAJOR asset to Ferrari; all we need now is a winning car, even if it's not the fastest car on the grid.
    as i said before, even if Alonso's car is JUST as fast as red bull's or couple of TENTHS slower, that's ALL we need, Alonso will do the rest.

    so hopefully the F2012 will be just that, or who knows, maybe the FASTEST....
    So 2023 started off bad, but managed to claw back some lap time come end of the year. Lets hope SF24 will give us tifosi something to smile about.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferrari_Fanatic View Post
    the dream team is already being built! Alonso & Massa will work for me if they get a good car at the start of the season!

    Let's just hope Ferrari have the same thiughts.

    Forza Jules

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hornet View Post
    From what I could read, Alonso is basically just saying he don't mind if they join Ferrari.
    Exactly, that's what he said and nothing more. But as always words can be interpretated as people wish.....and in the end it sounds like Alonso said a mot more than he actually did.
    But that seems to be normal.
    Fernando gets along fine with Felipe and together they still are a good driver pair for Ferrari - never any trouble or whatever between them, just two guys concentrating on their job.
    You can run like the wind, but you'll never outrun the Prancing Horse

  22. #22
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    I read it more as,"If you're going to come to Ferrari bring your people with you so that when I beat you, there is no whining and moaning about how the car wasn't built to your style and/or the team doesn't like you."

    But thats just my take on it...

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    Well the easiest way for him to build that dream team is to sign with Red Bull.... I don't think Newey will ever come to Ferrari....
    Alonso never said his dream team consist of Newey. He's merely acknowledging Newey's talent and also states that he has no problem working with some of the most talented people out there including Newey and Vettel if Ferrari brings them over. Just like how he did mentioned in the past that he has no problem working with Lewis if Ferrari decides to bring him into the team. Doesn't mean his dream team consist of Vettel and Lewis.

  24. #24
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    We have pure bred racers, we just need the car to put them on top and I think the foundation are a lot stronger than they were last year and we should get a good car from the start in 2012 without the need of mister Newey.

    *Macca Dont have Newey and they match their pace*

    We also showed at Silverstone that aerodynamically our car was good even better than the competition, another promising view on next season.

    "I cannot judge what he did in his time at Renault and McLaren but I have worked with World Champions Schumacher, Villeneuve and Raikkonen and Fernando is the one who impresses me the most," said Gene.

  25. #25
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    Not being an expert on F1 and all its machinations, what I do understand is people and their body language!
    Any time I've seen Alonso with Massa, the two of them seem very happy and respectful of each other. You
    don't "invent" that kind of camaraderie, that kind of kinship/brotherhood. We can't know what goes on behind
    closed doors, but the eyes are the windows to the soul and both our guys seem happy, IMHO!

    p.s. As usual, the media "wins"! They take statements out of context; create an evocative headline; use
    bits and pieces to "back up" their story; and stir it all up to create a "controversy" where none exists. Why?
    To sell papers, to get clicks; let's just ignore this kind of "crapola"!

    Is it any wonder some drivers are hesitant about speaking with the media?

  26. #26
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    well one thing i know - in my dream team won't be vettel, he's too annoying
    not gonna change my profile picture

  27. #27
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    My dream team is there already just hope LDM agrees.
    As for the media we read what they say but don't need to believe it ----- just interesting to read the riff raff that they can conjure up.

    Forza Jules

  28. #28
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    We dont need Newey to beat newey(RBR). Besides, it cant be one mans doing entirely. Sure, he is guiding his team well around his design, but am pretty sure there will be a few more key personnel that are responsible for RBs success. So just getting Newey wont change anything. And we definitely dont need vettel (atm). Our team is good enough to win both titles with a competitive car.

    I am not worried about our predicament at all. This was bound to happen. After hiring Alonso, it would take a couple of years to build the team around him (much like how it was when schumi joined ferrari). And eventually it will all fall into place and we shall bore the rest of the F1 world with mind numbing domination of the sport.
    Silently, like a shadow

  29. #29
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    Newey - here's a couple of his designs people don't seem to talk too much about MP4-17 (3 wins in 2 seasons), MP4-18 (such a rubbish unreliable car it never raced) & MP4-19 (one win).

  30. #30
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    If Newey is not that good then there is no satisfaction to be had from beating him as some feel....just a whole lot of shame that since 2009 his team has been far better than us.

    Thankfully Ferrari never had such an attitude as some fans here when they hired MS, Brawn and Byrne, I guess the same fans would rather we had not signed them and just plodded around trying to beat them with Bernard and Alesi....
    Forza Ferrari


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