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Thread: Millionaire destroys his own Lamborghini: trashed it with sledgehammers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Derbyshire England

    Millionaire destroys his own Lamborghini: trashed it with sledgehammers

    A Lamborghini owner was so incensed by the Italian supercar company that he hired a group of men, gave them each a sledgehammer and ordered them to smash up his car in public.

    The stunt equates to almost half a million pounds worth of damage. In China, a Lamborghini Gallardo reportedly costs £465,000. In the UK the same car costs around £160,000.

    The owner was embroiled in a war of words with Lamborghini after his Gallardo suffered a number of problems.

    The final straw came after the owner, a businessman from China's eastern Shandong province, reported an engine malfunction with the car. A Lamborghini dealership then collected it for repair.

    When the car returned, the engine still wasn't fixed, and the owner claimed that clumsy staff at Lamborghini's Qingdao dealership had damaged the chassis and the bodywork.

    Tired of complaining, and having written personally to Lamborghini CEO Stephan Winkelmann, the owner hired nine workers and set up a camera to film the stunt.

    As the video shows, a huge crowd gathered to see this remarkable display of millionaire vitriol, although the car holds up well to the hammer attack.

    Lamborghini has not commented on the incident.
    __ stupid ____ retarded _____


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    South Africa
    After spending so much money, one would think he deserved better service from Lamborghini and he made his point by smashing it up. This will give lambo some serious bad publicity and that is a good thing since he deserved better.

    In South Africa 98% of companies have no concern for their customers unless you owe them money of course. Only difference here is that you don't smash the product, you smash the person responsible's head.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by steelstallions View Post
    __ stupid ____
    Some people just have more dollars than sense (not misspelt!!)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Brooklyn, NY
    I could have done 10 times the damage in a fraction of the time. All those "hired men" clearly were i their 40's at the very least and not in the best shape. Good way to make a point though IMHO. You spend all that money the least they can do is service it properly. I also read somewhere that the owner tried or did contact the CEO of Lambo to no avail, and thats what led the owner to have the car destroyed in public, certainly this wont look good on Lambo's part for public relations.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Still... that was a bit too extreme, even for someone
    with money and a legitimate axe to grind!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I find that a bit funny considering (Even though Lambo is now a part of VW) Lamborghini was founded because Ferruccio Lamborghini got in a fight with Enzo over quality and service and Enzo told him to stick with tractors.... Maybe were seeing the birth of the first Chinese supercar firm?

    Although it does pain me to see any car destroyed like that...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Derbyshire England
    Quote Originally Posted by mm154 View Post
    I find that a bit funny considering (Even though Lambo is now a part of VW) Lamborghini was founded because Ferruccio Lamborghini got in a fight with Enzo over quality and service and Enzo told him to stick with tractors.... Maybe were seeing the birth of the first Chinese supercar firm?

    Although it does pain me to see any car destroyed like that...
    When you look at the Crash Tests on Chinese cars, you could destroy one just kicking it with Dock Martin boots. At first on the Lamborghini video it looked like they were using Rubber sledgehammers as it held together so well on the body work. Take a look at a crash test on what looks like a tough 4x4 Chinese car.

    Would you ever buy Chinese built cars!!!
    Last edited by steelstallions; 20th March 2011 at 10:21.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Cap D'ail
    Of course I wouldn't buy one, I've seen some Chinese model crash tests before, but you never know what people might be inspired to do if they are that frustrated... Although I do think in 20 yrs or so they might start building cars at a western standard as safety concerns and incomes rise for the general population...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I wish I was rich enough to do something that stupid.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by REDARMYSOJA View Post
    I wish I was rich enough to do something that stupid.
    I don't think it's stupid Quite the opposite actually, Nothing is more entertaining then watching some dudes smash a car like that

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I see the problem - they are using very Chinese looking sledge hammers. I use one for a living and I'm quietly confident I could have done a hell of a lot more damage with a "real" one.


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