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Thread: Should Ferrari save up and try to sign Hamilton?

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naeem View Post
    Those 4 years were spent over coming the often second lap advantage of the williams in a vastly inferior car. McLaren got their act together also. The current crop of drivers are in already top teams, the very best team! I don't see Alonso under-achieving whilst Felipe does so to some small extent. The problem is with the car.

    You say that one person cant make a difference, look at what Alex furguson does for Manchester United, Jose Mourinho for Porto, Chelsea, Inter Milan, what Tom Brady does for the New England Patriots, Johny Wilkinson did for Engalnd. People can carry a team or spark a change. Obviously in F1 this is vastly different however, look at what hamilton did for McLaren last year, he carried their team. Since Adrian Newey went to Jaguar then RB, that car has improved light years.
    Fair point, but it took Sir Alex Ferguson five years before he won his first trophy with Manchester United. Same for Adrian Newey at Red Bull - didn't happen overnight, did it? And it was really the massive changes in regulations last year that caught out the big teams and allowed Red Bull to pull out and create a big advantage.

    Since the departures of Byrne, Brawn, Todt, Schumacher, Ferrari are going through a restructuring period. And it will take a bit of time, but we WILL get there.

    Just think about where we were this point last season? At least now we are able to fight for the Championship, which is a decent achievement in itself as Red Bull finished last season with by far the fastest car and has just been evolving and developing on that. We on the other hand, had to completely abandon the F60 and start from scratch. So if you look at it this way, we have already made quite a lot of ground!

    As for the remaining few tenths, we will get there soon. Just have faith in the Cavallino Rampante.

    The future is RED

  2. #92
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    Should Ferrari save up and try to sign Hamilton?


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    Ferrari 16/15

    Totus Tuus

  3. #93
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    Perhaps this years car is our fault? Weird logic but but bare with me. Imagine how we would have felt if our F10 was relatively speaking pace-wise very similar to the F60. I put it to you that ferrari have gone conservative, our car isn't slippery in a straight line, handles high speed corners like the titanic and doesn't do anything particularly well apart from accelerate (basically we put all our weight over the back wheels).

    Why might this have occurred? well can you imagine how it would have went down in italy had our car bombed? essentially ferrari haven't gone radical in terms of design in order to avoid catastrophic failure which keeps Stefano and Co. away from the hangman's noose. It would have been embarrassing if we were racing Torro Roso like we were at many points last year.

  4. #94
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    ^^Ferrari tried to attempt a Brawn by chucking the development of F60.They didnt get too far ahead of the other teams and I'd say that our aero program was far less aggressive than Renault. its simple.we were behind in the development race when it mattered. We struggled in Turkey. We do not adapt to changing conditions quickly enough..but we get there strong

    Driver errors have also cost us big time, and a bit of bad luck..esp those of Fernando who was caught out in Valencia with SC car. His mistakes in China, Belgium Monaco and Silvestone have cost the team. Without these errors ,he'd be much ahead in the championship race. Massa's struggle with hard tires hasnt heled WCC chances as well..Not to mention that we still have to go to WMSC...

    Would Hamilton be really worth it??He did push a car which was struggling last year to third place(1 pt ahead of us :()He is definately doubt..I'd say give him 2 more years and he would hopefully have matured a bit more and then bring him in...

  5. #95
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    Firstly Tifoso you won't need to lose any sleep at night. There is no way that Hamilton will be driving for Ferrari in the near future. He is McLaren through and through.

    Having said that he is in my opinion not only the best driver on the grid but also by far the most exciting.

    Nevertheless Alonso is the perfect fit for Ferrari now, he just needs to sprinkle a bit more of his team building magic onto the team and then everything will be alright. Alonso is Prost reborn, (hopefully the 1990 version ) but the team has to deliver too, and I feel that has been lacking.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tifoso View Post
    Should Ferrari save up and try to sign Hamilton?


    I will continue to post this periodically. This ends your public service announcement. You will be returned to your regulary programmed thread in a moment.

    I think I should qualify my comments to better suit the thread--thanks for the reminder, Lou. Hambone's an OK choice IF there is a choice to be made, but for Ferrari to "save up" and actively pursue him: No.

  7. #97
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    Look at how he's doing, points! driving in the wet! Determinaton! Wiilingness to do a Michael [cheat] at any moment! Total end results= he's a winner !!
    Now check out Vettel, he had his team 100% behind him,just ask Webber, he's driving a rocketship!! He's known througout his country as Shumy Jr. He's Buttons buddy. . Yet how many fasns would rather him at Ferrari than Lewis? I just can't figure out why?

  8. #98
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    hmmm i never thought i would see a thread title like that ... specially in a ferrari forums... but
    NO that's really difficult to happen... and as much as Lewis might be a "great" driver.... i don't see him in Ferrari... and honestly this year it doesn't matter if you have Hamilton... Vettel or Schumacher in the car.... the result wouldn't change last year proved more than ever than is the car not the driver.... and Hamilton finishing was not 100 % Lewis merits... McLaren improved throught out the year... as most of the teams did (Raikonnen was who scored more points in the second half of the championship).... i would say if we want results.. start with the car, engineers, team .... rather than trying to waste money singing whoever might look "good" this season...

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by brembo man View Post
    Look at how he's doing, points! driving in the wet! Determinaton! Wiilingness to do a Michael [cheat] at any moment! Total end results= he's a winner !!
    Now check out Vettel, he had his team 100% behind him,just ask Webber, he's driving a rocketship!! He's known througout his country as Shumy Jr. He's Buttons buddy. . Yet how many fasns would rather him at Ferrari than Lewis? I just can't figure out why?
    Ok so Alonso drove for the enemy but Renault in the entire history of F1 have been nothing more than a sore thumb. McLaren on the other hand have been the Sauron to our Aragorn, the Itchy to our Scratchy, the Payton Manning to our Tom Brady, The hitler to our Churchil, The Cuba to our America, The Lucifer to our Jesus, you get the point. Ferrari is all about heart and hiring someone who hurt us all so deeply in 2008 wouldn't work with the Tifosi. Again, Hamilton has no desire to ever drive for ferrari, he may want to drive a ferrari once we make ours into a rocketship but that's probably only for testing purposes.

    As for this Vettel love, I completely agree with the anti-vettel sentiment. Vettel has made as many mistakes in his three or so years as MS did in his entire 15 years. Its just plain dumb to compare the two. May as well compare David Coulthard with Jackie Stewart if Vettel/MS is comparable. Lets face it, David coulthard couldn't catch a cold.

    Anyone think its possible to have a short wheelbase ferrari? Like the McLaren of 07/08. Our efforts at long wheel base pointy at the front/bit loose at the back cars haven't really worked since MS departed.

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naeem View Post
    Ok so Alonso drove for the enemy but Renault in the entire history of F1 have been nothing more than a sore thumb. McLaren on the other hand have been the Sauron to our Aragorn, the Itchy to our Scratchy, the Payton Manning to our Tom Brady, The hitler to our Churchil, The Cuba to our America, The Lucifer to our Jesus, you get the point. Ferrari is all about heart and hiring someone who hurt us all so deeply in 2008 wouldn't work with the Tifosi. Again, Hamilton has no desire to ever drive for ferrari, he may want to drive a ferrari once we make ours into a rocketship but that's probably only for testing purposes.

    As for this Vettel love, I completely agree with the anti-vettel sentiment. Vettel has made as many mistakes in his three or so years as MS did in his entire 15 years. Its just plain dumb to compare the two. May as well compare David Coulthard with Jackie Stewart if Vettel/MS is comparable. Lets face it, David coulthard couldn't catch a cold.

    Anyone think its possible to have a short wheelbase ferrari? Like the McLaren of 07/08. Our efforts at long wheel base pointy at the front/bit loose at the back cars haven't really worked since MS departed.
    Well its not an optional to have sa short wheel base anymore....they have to accommodate the fuel tank and KERS from next year..why would we want an oversteery car...most prefer to fight understeer than have an unstable car...

    Didnt Alonso hurt the Tifosi when he beat Schumi in 2006 (Japan) ???its the same with Lewis...Tifosi hated Alonso esp when he was involved in the spy scandal...and yes..we do find Lewis cocky...

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tifoso View Post
    Should Ferrari save up and try to sign Hamilton?


    I will continue to post this periodically. This ends your public service announcement. You will be returned to your regulary programmed thread in a moment.
    Totally agree with this - Hamilton is an arrogant . No way should Ferrari consider signing him - we should be concentrating on building and continually developing THE BEST car to allow both our drivers to challenge for the title(s)...

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by killer View Post

    I think I should qualify my comments to better suit the thread--thanks for the reminder, Lou. Hambone's an OK choice IF there is a choice to be made, but for Ferrari to "save up" and actively pursue him: No.

    There ya go

    Ferrari 16/15

    Totus Tuus

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tifoso View Post
    Should Ferrari save up and try to sign Hamilton?


    I will continue to post this periodically. This ends your public service announcement. You will be returned to your regulary programmed thread in a moment.

    +1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000
    "If someone said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my second to be in Formula 1, my third to drive for Ferrari" - Gilles Villeneuve

  14. #104
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    never ever hamster to ferrari!!!!!!!!!!

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alfettafan View Post
    Totally agree with this - Hamilton is an arrogant . No way should Ferrari consider signing him - we should be concentrating on building and continually developing THE BEST car to allow both our drivers to challenge for the title(s)...

    Listen, I prefer for Alonso to win titles with Ferrari, but lets get real here, If i said to you in mid 2006 would you want Fernando Alonso to drive for Ferrari, the overwhelming answer would have been NO WAY, he was the anti ferrari back then, less than 3 years later, the tifosi have really warmed to him.

    Ferrari back winners, Hamilton, like him or not, is a winner, if he is still winning in a few years time and Alonso isnt, Ferrari are going to make the phonecall, and Lewis is gonna have a real good think about it, because Ferrari is the PINNACLE and he knows it.

    In an ideal world, i would rather Alonso drives lewis into an early retirement and Im telling you now, once Alonso gets on a roll, he is gonna be VERY difficult to stop, I think he has a little self doubt amoungst other things from 2007, I think once he deciseively beat Hamilton on track aka, passes him and beats him in an inferior car and then wins the race...or something like that, I think his confidence will rise ten fold. With Fernando his issues are mental, he has the ability.

  16. #106
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    I have thought about this, and my answer is


    Ferrari 16/15

    Totus Tuus

  17. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tifoso View Post
    I have thought about this, and my answer is


    Your Answer maybe no, but in a few years time, if circumstances change, Mr Di Montezemolo is going to have someone make that phonecall.

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tech_Skill View Post

    Your Answer maybe no, but in a few years time, if circumstances change, Mr Di Montezemolo is going to have someone make that phonecall.
    i'm sure by then there'll be many more young talents... no need to make that phonecall to hamilton...
    not gonna change my profile picture

  19. #109
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    I will stop watching F1 while he races for us, then.

    It would be like having DC after he tried to take Michael out at Indy.


    Ferrari 16/15

    Totus Tuus

  20. #110
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    just because he's currently doing well, doesn't mean we need to sign him....n just because alonso is facing some hick ups doesnt mean we need to offload him.......common guy..........give our two drive a couple of years, im sure our time will come.......felipe and alonso are full with arrogant material like that craneboy please i would never forgive him......n im sure they will be many new young drivers lets say in 5years time !

    stick with our current drivers please.........

  21. #111
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    Hamilton is a Mclaren boy, a RON Dennis BOY, how is he going to come to Ferrari?

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by pilotHans View Post


    Ferrari 16/15

    Totus Tuus

  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by netlord View Post
    Hamilton is a Mclaren boy, a RON Dennis BOY, how is he going to come to Ferrari?
    We've witnessed even stranger things in F1.Prost,too,looked like a McLaren guy and ended in a Ferrari.

    Anything can happen,even more if Alonso fails to deliver the goods.

  24. #114
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    What about that 11 year old prodigy from Canada? I think we should wait for someone like that before singing Hamilton.

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brakefade View Post
    What about that 11 year old prodigy from Canada? I think we should wait for someone like that before singing Hamilton.
    That's what Dennis did with Hamilton. I think he was 12.

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brakefade View Post
    What about that 11 year old prodigy from Canada? I think we should wait for someone like that before singing Hamilton.
    We also have the GP2 guy Jules Bianchi...he hasnt done very well there and ended up with an accident in Hungary....Anyone has an idea when Ferrari has hired a rookie???

  27. #117
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    My honest opinion.
    I think Hamilton could/would be good for Ferrari when he's a little older...more experienced in "life" (ie; fibbing less) and in "racing" (ie: less impetuous - i think he's getting there).
    I feel he's a better driver than 2007 for example and he is very exiting to watch.... sometimes to his credit, sometimes to ours!!
    I reckon/fear he'll win at least another 2 WDC because he just has that natural talent and feel as a driver & racer and is head & shoulders above much of the grid.
    I cannot, and will not ignore his clear natural talent & desire "just because it's Hamilton"
    In fact, my opinion is.... i can't choose between FA & LH as to who i feel is the best on the grid right now

    A great nemesis, without doubt.
    The idea of him joining Ferrari in the future does exite me, just like the idea of Alonso joining did

    Power, Passion, Heritage, Beauty, Success = Scuderia Ferrari
    Magnum, Coke, Vodka = Kimi Raikkonen

  28. #118
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    I wouldn't have Hamilton for the same reason I wouldn't put Ben Johnson into a running team or Nancy Kerrigan on a skating team.

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ant Raikkonen View Post
    My honest opinion.
    I think Hamilton could/would be good for Ferrari when he's a little older...more experienced in "life" (ie; fibbing less) and in "racing" (ie: less impetuous - i think he's getting there).
    I feel he's a better driver than 2007 for example and he is very exiting to watch.... sometimes to his credit, sometimes to ours!!
    I reckon/fear he'll win at least another 2 WDC because he just has that natural talent and feel as a driver & racer and is head & shoulders above much of the grid.
    I cannot, and will not ignore his clear natural talent & desire "just because it's Hamilton"
    In fact, my opinion is.... i can't choose between FA & LH as to who i feel is the best on the grid right now

    A great nemesis, without doubt.
    The idea of him joining Ferrari in the future does exite me, just like the idea of Alonso joining did
    A excelent profile of Lewis ! He belongs in red ! Do you realize that everything you said also applied to Michael comming up and at his best. Fibbing and impetuous definately included . The makings of a true champion !

  30. #120
    Mrs Spanky Guest
    Agreed! Hamilton booooooo! lol..


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