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Thread: Madonna di Campiglio On holiday, but without switching off completely

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    Stowmarket. U.K

    Thumbs up Madonna di Campiglio On holiday, but without switching off completely


    Madonna di Campiglio, 7 August – Just like everyone else at Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro, Fernando Alonso is also on holiday as from tomorrow. Having spent Monday to Thursday at Maranello, to work alongside the team, both in preparing for the final part of the 2010 season and in defining the guidelines for the design of the 2011 car, the Spanish driver also wanted to be in Madonna di Campiglio today for the presentation of Ercole Colombo’s book on Wrooom’s twentieth anniversary.

    “It won’t be possible to switch off my mind completely over these two weeks: I will try and relax and do a bit of sport, but at least once a day, maybe just for ten minutes, I will inevitably think about the next race in Belgium,” said Fernando. “I think it will be the same for everyone and the timing of the break, does not make any difference. After a few unlucky races, which went badly for various reasons, we are now on the right road. The car is much improved and so that makes me more optimistic and has seen the whole team grow in confidence. In Spa, we will have a few more things and we hope they help us progress still more: the others will do the same, which means we will have to be better than them and quicker in terms of development work.”

    As for the situation in the Drivers’ classification, Fernando was very open: “It only took us two normal races to be fully back in contention for the title. It’s true we are still behind in the classification and it is always better to be in front, but I am convinced that in the final sprint, by which I mean the last two or three races, we will be closer to the top than we are now. The important thing is to remain calm and concentrated and to do our job well. It’s hard to say who is my strongest rival: we are all almost equal. Maybe, Hamilton, Button and myself, who have already won a title, will tackle the final rush in a calmer way, having already experienced something similar. Percentage chance? I’d say 50%, which is the normal state of affairs…”

    Fernando was asked how his relationship with Ferrari has changed over his first seven months: “It has not changed much since January. I immediately felt at ease, as if in a family. Wrooom was a great help in forging a team with my new colleagues and with my team-mate, with whom I always have a great relationship. There is an amazing atmosphere among us, one which I think is better than in any other team: I would really love to come back here next January with even more great feelings!”

    Inevitably, there was a reference to the forthcoming FIA World Council meeting, where the German Grand Prix situation will be discussed. “We have to await the decision with confidence, hoping for a positive outcome,” said Fernando. “We drivers and the engineers have the task of staying focussed on the car and on our work, trying to get the results on track.”

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    Domenicali: “The brain does not stop working on holiday”8.7.2010

    Madonna di Campiglio, 7 August – Inevitably, there had to be some talk of racing matters during the press conference for the launch of Ercole Colombo’s book on twenty years of Wrooom. As from tomorrow, the obligatory two week shutdown of work at the Gestione Sportiva begins: “We will be on holiday, but that does not mean our brains will stop working,” said Domenicali. “Maybe one can even find fresh inspiration when outside the normal working environment and I expect this time to be a fertile one for ideas, which when all is said and done, are what make the difference.”

    When it came to the polemical debate concerning events at the German Grand Prix and the following one about flexible wings, Domenicali was very clear: “I was dumbstruck to see so much hypocrisy in our world, but I don’t want to add anything else: there will just be more work to do; who knows it might be an added distraction for some. I have to say I was very pleased with the way our team reacted at a point in the season when the results were just not coming. The second half of July went very well and I hope it has given the right impetus for the final part of the season. We know there is much to do, because we still do not have the best car, but this should simply be a further incentive. We said it with Fernando a few days ago: if we manage to always be there, in the top places, then we can get satisfaction

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    Domenicali and Alonso: “Wrooom is a special event”8.7.2010

    Madonna di Campiglio, 7 August – Whether they have grown up together or have only just joined the team, for the men of Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro, “Wrooom” represents something really outstanding. For Stefano Domenicali, the event at Madonna di Campiglio is something special and he chose to reaffirm that view at the presentation of the book by Ercole Colombo. “There is so much one could say about Wrooom. For example, there is the coincidence that the first edition dates back to 1991, the year I joined Ferrari, not to mention the fact it takes place in the mountains, which are a great passion of mine,” said Domenicali. “I wish to take this opportunity to thank Maurizio Arrivabene and everyone at Philip Morris for the way they handle their role as a partner of Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro. I always ask my engineers to be creative and here we are, this event is an example of creativity in the different world of communications. In my twenty years with the Scuderia, I have never heard of a driver who is not happy to take part in Wrooom and I can understand that very well: this event is a unique opportunity to bring together our world and that of the media.”

    Fernando Alonso’s second appearance in the Dolomites lasted only a few hours and was marked by a different colour background to his visit last January. “Back then, everything was white, while today, I’m struggling to get my bearings,” said the Spanish driver. “For me this place is linked to my first ever event with the Scuderia and it was an amazing experience, unrepeatable in fact. Wrooom is the best way possible to start the season in harmony and with the right spirit. You can also see that from the photos in this book; you work, but it’s fun. I think Ercole’s book is only the first step: what about a film next as Hollywood beckons!”

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    special book for a special event8.7.2010

    Madonna di Campiglio, 7 August – Wrooom, the event which traditionally opens the racing season for Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro on the snow capped mountains of Madonna di Campiglio, this year celebrated its twentieth anniversary and, to mark the occasions, Ercole Colombo, one of Formula 1’s legendary photographers, has published a photographic book, bringing together the best photos from these past twenty years. The book, published by Giorgio Nada Editore includes 881 photos and twenty one articles written by twenty one Italian and international journalists who have taken part in the event, as well as two special contributors, namely Luca di Montezemolo and Bernie Ecclestone.

    Colombo’s book was presented to the media this morning at the Golf Hotel in Madonna di Campiglio at a press conference, which apart from the author, featured the participation of Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro Team Principal, Stefano Domenicali, Fernando Alonso, Maurizio Arrivabene, the Vice President Marlboro Global Communications and Promotions, the Head of Tourism for the Trento region, Tiziano Mellani, the Mayor of Pinzolo, William Bonomi and that of Ragoli, Matteo Leonardi.

    “The fact this event has lasted for twenty years and has been a success is due, not only to the organisers, but above all to the contribution from companies, institutions and all the people of Madonna di Campiglio, who have always shown so much enthusiasm and passion, not forgetting the place where we find ourselves now,” maintained Maurizio Arrivabene. “We are in a fantastic place and it’s not by chance that UNESCO has declared the Dolomites to be a world heritage site. It is above all, part of Italy’s heritage, even if some might people might forget that fact and speak only about the sea…”

    “Lorenzo Dellai, the President of the Province, had also wanted to be here today, but he is on a solidarity mission to Mozambique, therefore I am the messenger for his good wishes,” added Tiziano Mellarini. “I wish to thank Ercole Colombo for having the skill to show off our mountains in all their splendour. Thanks must also go to Ferrari, who along with Ducati, have helped to promote Madonna di Campiglio throughout the world, thanks to their presence here and above all, thanks to Philip Morris who came up with the idea and have always organised this event so splendidly. Furthermore, I have the pleasure to confirm that the twenty first edition of Wrooom will take place in the first half of the month of January. Finally, thank you to all the media: it is thanks to them that the message we wish to promote has reached so many people.”

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