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Thread: Piero Ferrari: "I am incredulous and bitter..."

  1. #1
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    Piero Ferrari: "I am incredulous and bitter..."

    Maranello 27 June - The Ferrari vice-president, Piero Ferrari has commented: "I am incredulous and bitter, not just for Ferrari, but for the sport as a whole, as this is not the sort of thing one expects from professionals. For a long time now, I have also followed races in championships in the United States, where the appearance of the Safety Car is a frequent occurrence, but I have never seen anything similar to what happened today at the Valencia circuit. If it raises some doubts over the actions that led to a false race, to me that would seem more than reasonable."
    Forza Ferrari

  2. #2
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    It's not often that Piero makes statements after the races - wow, Ferrari must be REALLY pee'd off! Wonder when Luca di M will give his two pennies worth.
    Forza Jules

  3. #3
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    wow, how far are they taking this, there was milliseconds in a 100mph f1 car alongside a safety car coming out alonside him with the poor visibility of a F1 car, anyone whos drives on a motorway knows how ackward such a situation is judging in a normal car let alone a F1 car.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo_spook View Post
    wow, how far are they taking this, there was milliseconds in a 100mph f1 car alongside a safety car coming out alonside him with the poor visibility of a F1 car, anyone whos drives on a motorway knows how ackward such a situation is judging in a normal car let alone a F1 car.
    I think everyone can agree the penalty did nothing and the crime went unpunished, it also sets a dangerous precedent that overtaking the SC is ok and not all that bad a thing, he should have been black flagged. He seen the SC, he should not be gambling, SC is out for a good reason.
    Forza Ferrari

  5. #5
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    Dont think that Ferrari should just let this one go. This was so obviously a farce that the FIA should be rubbed in the mud for this. A driver who breaks the rules and is then given plenty of time to get set himself up to not actully be penalized by the penalty that was handed to him. Especially one who has been warned a few times for racing incidents is just crazy. And then to justify giving 9 drivers a 5 second penalty for speeding under a SC when another driver recently was given a 25 second penaly for passing under SC is stupid.
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  6. #6
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    But you wouldn't be saying the same if it was a Ferrari? I remember reading the MS parking in Monaco and until he got penalised people where cheering and clapping in here at his cleverness.

    The penalty was given for a millisecond infraction, whether people believe it was enough or not is besides the point.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo_spook View Post
    But you wouldn't be saying the same if it was a Ferrari? I remember reading the MS parking in Monaco and until he got penalised people where cheering and clapping in here at his cleverness.

    The penalty was given for a millisecond infraction, whether people believe it was enough or not is besides the point.
    No it's not beside the point, it was not enough and it should have been punished in a way that sets a clear warning that overtaking the SC is a massive no no, since you bring up MS, how about black flag and 2 race ban for overtaking on the formation lap......Lewis seen the SC, he gambled, you should not be gambling under SC conditions, anyone with any sense can accept that.
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  8. #8
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    whats the gamble, he's along side it as it comes out and gets confused if he should brake or accelerate, hardly the worst, its not like he overtook it on the track, if he hadn't breaked, he'd have being clear.

    People moaning because their team did poorly.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo_spook View Post
    But you wouldn't be saying the same if it was a Ferrari? I remember reading the MS parking in Monaco and until he got penalised people where cheering and clapping in here at his cleverness.

    The penalty was given for a millisecond infraction, whether people believe it was enough or not is besides the point.
    Stop this nonsense. MS era is over so is cheating in Ferrari. Our team is playing by the rules for how long now? 4 years? That's why we aren't wining anything anymore. Play by the rules = get screwed. And yes I would like to see Ferrari playing dirty again, I'm tired of this play by the rules tactic which isn't bringing any good results!

  10. #10
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    So he gambled, SC is not out for a laugh and Lewis has no right to gamble with track marshalls working on track, nothing to do with our team, our team was doing just fine till the SC, Lewis had nothing to do with that.
    Forza Ferrari

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo_spook View Post
    wow, how far are they taking this, there was milliseconds in a 100mph f1 car alongside a safety car coming out alonside him with the poor visibility of a F1 car, anyone whos drives on a motorway knows how ackward such a situation is judging in a normal car let alone a F1 car.
    Well, one would expect an F1 driver to have better vision and reactions than the average motorway driver.

    But I think Piero was complaining about more than the Hamilton incident and mostly about the 9 others who should have received a stronger penalty.

    Don't play dumb with me. I'm better at it than you are.

  12. #12
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    Regarding the 5 second time penalties imposed on the 9 drivers, this is what the FIA regulations state regarding driver penalties:

    16.3 The stewards may impose any one of three penalties on any driver involved in an Incident:
    a) A drive-through penalty. The driver must enter the pit lane and re-join the race without stopping;
    b) A ten second time penalty. The driver must enter the pit lane, stop at his pit for at least ten seconds and then re-join the race.
    c) a drop of any number of grid positions at the driver's next Event.
    However, should either of the penalties under a) and b) above be imposed during the last five laps, or after the end of a race, Article 16.4b) below will not apply and 20 seconds will be added to the elapsed race time of the driver concerned in the case of a) above and 30 seconds in the case of b).
    Funnily enough, I can't seem to find any mention of a 5 second penalty anywhere?

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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by hogo View Post
    Stop this nonsense. MS era is over so is cheating in Ferrari. Our team is playing by the rules for how long now? 4 years? That's why we aren't wining anything anymore. Play by the rules = get screwed. And yes I would like to see Ferrari playing dirty again, I'm tired of this play by the rules tactic which isn't bringing any good results!
    How ridiculous

    ...unless you missed the smilie off the end that is!
    Last edited by Tifosi; 27th June 2010 at 21:15.

    "Luna faccia schiaffo testa"

  14. #14
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    I don't think the only thing making them bitter is that Hamilton got away with his rule break, I think its the fact that the SC rules are stupid enough to allow this situation to arise. Even if Hamilton hadn't broken the rulse him and Alonso would still be 8/9, and I'm pretty sure Ferrari would still be livid, and rightly so! It was a farce from the moment the SC was deployed right into the middle of the podium battle

  15. #15
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    It's really easy to be bitter over this kind of stuff bit there's little point tbh. F1 rarely admits its mistakes so why should this be any different?

    Unfortunately for us, Lewis seems to get away with so much now that he's making Michael Shumacher look like Gary Lineker!

    It's really astounding.

    The guy has talent, luck and zero discipline. At least its good to have a real nemesis in McLaren. He may be a jammy little so and so but we can always rely on him to mess up sooner or later.

    "Luna faccia schiaffo testa"

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo_spook View Post
    whats the gamble, he's along side it as it comes out and gets confused if he should brake or accelerate, hardly the worst, its not like he overtook it on the track, if he hadn't breaked, he'd have being clear.

    People moaning because their team did poorly.
    Ok, let me spell it out for you ;

    You see that thing called SC, you push the BREAK PEDAL and you SURE AS HECK don't accelerate or try to go past it. Even Ramilton can do this. IF he gets confused, he should find a job elsewhere.

    Clear enough?
    "If someone said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my second to be in Formula 1, my third to drive for Ferrari" - Gilles Villeneuve

  17. #17
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    argg..drinking a beer and still dont feel better..this has been the week from hell for me..
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  18. #18
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    Ofcourse Hamilton knew exactly what he was doing...........Fernando was 0,2 sec. behind him and he did not have any trouble breaking on time fo the safetycar did he?
    It was a farce today and Fernando has all the right to be furious, and so has the rest of the team.

  19. #19
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    how far was vettel in front of hami compared to before the accident
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo_spook View Post
    But you wouldn't be saying the same if it was a Ferrari? I remember reading the MS parking in Monaco and until he got penalised people where cheering and clapping in here at his cleverness.

    The penalty was given for a millisecond infraction, whether people believe it was enough or not is besides the point.
    Hamilton Slowed down and then sped past the safety car!!!!!!
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by evo_spook View Post
    whats the gamble, he's along side it as it comes out and gets confused if he should brake or accelerate, hardly the worst, its not like he overtook it on the track, if he hadn't breaked, he'd have being clear.

    People moaning because their team did poorly.
    maybe if he had not slowed down Alonso would have got past as well !!!:
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by aroutis View Post
    Ok, let me spell it out for you ;

    You see that thing called SC, you push the BREAK PEDAL and you SURE AS HECK don't accelerate or try to go past it. Even Ramilton can do this. IF he gets confused, he should find a job elsewhere.

    Clear enough?

    maybe the FIA should use this in the DRIVE SAFELY campain?
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  23. #23
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    5 second penualty for speeding under safety car
    lets think what message this send's out for the Drive Safely Campain?
    men working on the motorway . hay im a good driver it is ok for me to drive at 70 and ignore the 50mph temp speed limit!!!?
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  24. #24
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    The last time Fernando didn't slow down fast enough under yellow he was sent 5 places back on the grid. And it was not even in the race. And he aborted his fast lap. But of course, this was Fernando....

  25. #25
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    i feel that F1 lost it's integrity today in Valencia. I hope that Ferrari takes this to the limit and perhaps the race will be investigated.
    can anyone tell me if , in the history of f1, a race has been scrubbed from the records?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by straycat View Post
    i feel that F1 lost it's integrity today in Valencia. I hope that Ferrari takes this to the limit and perhaps the race will be investigated.
    can anyone tell me if , in the history of f1, a race has been scrubbed from the records?
    I don't know about being scrubbed, but Brazil 2003 - the decision was changed/overturned a few days after the event.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by NJB13 View Post
    I don't know about being scrubbed, but Brazil 2003 - the decision was changed/overturned a few days after the event.
    That too involved a SC and Mclaren was penalised when the stewards wrongly classified the end of the race..

  28. #28
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    If Liewser can't see safety cars (or Aussie Police cars?) maybe he should listen to his team radio telling him (undoubtedly) that SC was deployed etc etc. Strangely in the after-race interview he "doesn't recall" the incident......
    Silverstone need to have a specially marked disabled bay for this tool.

  29. #29
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    The safety car is there to allow the track marshalls time to safely remove cars, debris and drivers. I know everyone has pushed the rules at one time or another, but just like with the pit lane games, there is no excuse for violating any of the safety rules. These drivers need to wake up and realize they are sending a message that "gaining a position is more important than a pedestrian's life".


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