View Full Version : Three Wishes - Valencia GP

24th June 2010, 12:22
Thought I'd start it.

1: Massa win
2: MS good race
3: light Rain midway through race

24th June 2010, 12:42
1. Ferrari win! :cflag
2. Both Ferraris on the podium
3. Our updates blow the rest away

24th June 2010, 13:10
Exactly the same three wishes as for Canada :-D

1) Ferrari 1 - 2
2) Red Bull and McLaren have at least one DNF each so Ferrari can catch up in the constructors
3) No rain

24th June 2010, 13:26
1.... Fernando win
2...... Massa 2nd
3rd ...... No points for Mclaren

24th June 2010, 13:36
hey guys i know this is the wrong place to post this but i cant seem to find where u create another thread .... i need ur help basically .....

i was just wandering if u can help me though... i work in a job where i have to fight with the bosses every gp weekend to get the sunday off ..... ive done quite wel this year so far been able to have every Sunday off for the gp .... but this weekend they are not letting me have it off.

i work in a bookmakers and to get the england/ germany match off is too much to ask lol ... but does any one know any good websites where i could follow the race? not just commentary i am hoping to have like live streaming or something? they very often put the tvs on with the gp on anyway but i am guessing with the england match been on .... i arent going stand a chance of been able see it??

If anyone can help me .... please reply .. thanks in advance :)

24th June 2010, 13:42
1. Ferrari Win & they send Pat Fry to collect constructors trophy
2. McCheaters engage themselves in RedBull type tangle
3. Ferrari leads both Championships

24th June 2010, 14:59
1. Alonso win
2. Massa - 2nd
3. McLaren at least 1 DNF - Hamster preferrably

24th June 2010, 17:42
Ferrari 1 -2
Both Maccas DNF after taking out the bulls.
Lotus score their first point.

24th June 2010, 18:03
1. Alonso leads 1-2 ferrari finish
2. Our Update blow everyone away
3. Mclaren get no points

24th June 2010, 18:12
hey guys i know this is the wrong place to post this but i cant seem to find where u create another thread .... i need ur help basically .....

i was just wandering if u can help me though... i work in a job where i have to fight with the bosses every gp weekend to get the sunday off ..... ive done quite wel this year so far been able to have every Sunday off for the gp .... but this weekend they are not letting me have it off.

i work in a bookmakers and to get the england/ germany match off is too much to ask lol ... but does any one know any good websites where i could follow the race? not just commentary i am hoping to have like live streaming or something? they very often put the tvs on with the gp on anyway but i am guessing with the england match been on .... i arent going stand a chance of been able see it??

If anyone can help me .... please reply .. thanks in advance :)

24th June 2010, 18:13
1. Alonso on pole
2. A Ferrari 1-2 finish on Sunday
3. The F10B to have a lap time advantage of at least half a second throughout the weekend over McLaren and Red Bull :-D

m schumy
24th June 2010, 18:25
1. Felipe to win:-)
2. MS on the podium ( or at least a decent race)
3. No rain :-D

24th June 2010, 18:28

(Ferrari - Fernando - Felipe)

24th June 2010, 19:11
lol. i love these wish threads.

1. Alonso win
2. Massa second.
3. Our upgrades mean we stay ahead for the rest of the season! ... lewser DNF!!

24th June 2010, 19:42
1. Massa win
2. Nando second
3. NOT a boring race!

24th June 2010, 20:51
A strange one for me

1) I get my new router (I'm gonna have problems with watching the race without it, I'll have to sit with headphones on and next to the modem :-s)
2) Ferrari 1-2
3) Schumacher on the podium (Schumacher would be a good one as it would help with the points situation for Ferrari as it would prevent the Red Bulls and the Macca's from scoring too many points :-D)

25th June 2010, 05:00
1.Ferrari on the Podium
2. Schumi too
3. McBulls to have a battle of egos and wall it - yes, all 4 cars!

25th June 2010, 05:59
I wish for the perfect F10
Forza Ferrari
Forza F10
Forza Fernando
Forza Felipe
Forza Fiorano

25th June 2010, 07:40
1. Ferrari 1-2
2. That the rumored .7 secs pace jump turns out to be true
3. No points for RB and Mclaren. Preferably 4 blown engines, 4 blow transmissions, and 4 wrecked chassisis (SP??) :twisted

25th June 2010, 07:50
1. ferrari to kick but
2. Vettel and Schumi to be behind them
3. the force indias squeaze eachother off the track and DNF (pay back for montreal Liuzzi)

25th June 2010, 19:59
1. Ferrari 1-2
2. Schumacher P3
3. Both McLaren's and Red Bulls DNF.
